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"Internet/Matrix" Personas


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So I've been thinking about the prospects for a Cyberpunk Hero game.


The Cyberhero section in Hero 5R suggests using Extradimensional Movement to represent a hacker entering the Matrix. I think this is spot on.

Then they go on to say that his 'programs' should be abilities with various Matrix-only drawbacks.


I'd like to go at it another route and have the Matrix Persona be a Multiform (possibly Linked to Extradimensional Movement). I like this as a starting point, but there's a few wrinkles.


I want the Hacker/Matrix characters to have the exact same Mental stats and skills. I'm thinking a -0 Limitation for Multiform to represent that. Should it be worth more (like -1/4?)


I think this will work pretty good for the primary Hacker characters, but I want anyone in the game to be able to pick up a computer and have an online Persona, but maybe not as good of one.


I was thinking of giving everyone a "Baseline Internet Persona" as an Everyman sort of thing. But the stats (mental-wise) are going to vary from person to person, and this is going to be worth much more than the typical Everyman package. Do you think the Hacker characters deserve a cost break of somekind?


This is still in the formative stages. I've never run a HERO game before, so thanks for your advice!

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


So I've been thinking about the prospects for a Cyberpunk Hero game.


The Cyberhero section in Hero 5R suggests using Extradimensional Movement to represent a hacker entering the Matrix. I think this is spot on.

Then they go on to say that his 'programs' should be abilities with various Matrix-only drawbacks.


I'd like to go at it another route and have the Matrix Persona be a Multiform (possibly Linked to Extradimensional Movement). I like this as a starting point, but there's a few wrinkles.


I want the Hacker/Matrix characters to have the exact same Mental stats and skills. I'm thinking a -0 Limitation for Multiform to represent that. Should it be worth more (like -1/4?)


I think this will work pretty good for the primary Hacker characters, but I want anyone in the game to be able to pick up a computer and have an online Persona, but maybe not as good of one.


I was thinking of giving everyone a "Baseline Internet Persona" as an Everyman sort of thing. But the stats (mental-wise) are going to vary from person to person, and this is going to be worth much more than the typical Everyman package. Do you think the Hacker characters deserve a cost break of somekind?


This is still in the formative stages. I've never run a HERO game before, so thanks for your advice!

I wouldn't use Multiform, too many weird questions arise and the build gets a bit weird.


What I would do is build all the Matrix Powers a PC has with the Limitation - Only Inside The Matrix (-1/4); a version of OIHID.


Now you don't have to worry about whose got what, the EDM to jack into the Matrix is an independant Focus built into the world (it's a piece of equipment). the Jack itself should be a 1-2pt Perk on the Character (Matrix Jack).


Anyone who can get the Perk and has the Character Points can buy Matrix Powers now.


this allows for more linear development, IMO, and better control on your part as the GM without having to mess with Multiform (which I don't think is a good fit here).

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


Why not keep it as simple as possible and have everyone have two characters, a flesh and blood character and a matrix character. Since the two will never meet in combat, why bother with complicated builds?

This is assuming you are running a complete Matrix homage. If you're going more classic cyberpunk where the Net is a tangential par tof the story, then the above ideas work well.


Keith "Keepin' it simple" Curtis

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


I've always wanted to play they guy who won't jack in, not for anything, and still does everyone online with monitor, keyboard, and mouse (or other pointing device).


Or the guy who can see what's going on in the code so well that he hacks the actual code in real time, and doesn't bother using the sensory shortcuts of the cyberworld/matrix/whatever.

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


After looking over the rules a little bit more I agree about Multiform- Duplication would be better than Multiform. (A la Astral Projection.)


What I'm going for is more Cyberpunk than Matrix- so I would prefer a method of having different Personas for different characters.

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


Im actually working on this very subject right now (after a brief hiatus) for my MetaCyber setting






However, here is a snip from an old post I made on these boards some time ago that might be helpful in the meantime:



Theres a few ways to do this.


One way is to treat it as a type of EDM or Desoldi with Leaves Body Behind, but I dont care for that method so Ill selfishly skip describing it.


Another way is as a simple Computer Programming and/or Systems Operation and/or other skill roll (often contested by an opposing program, like "Intrusion Countermeasure" software), or a series of such skill rolls. This is the most realistic, but the most dry way to do this.


Another way is with a special use of either Multiform or Duplication bought via a Focus (Cyberdeck or computer ususally), with the campaign rule that the Multiform or Duplicate only exists in the "Net" or "Matrix" or whatever you call it, and treat the "Net" as a normal environment. This can be fun, but typically only if everyont in the PC group can participate. Multiform is good for this in 5e bcs a persons Net-self could be grossly more powerful than their real physical person in the cruel "real world". Otherworld or The Matrix styles Nets could be done like this.


My prefered way to do it however is via Mental Powers only usable via the Net (-1 or more at the GM's option), also usually bought via a computer focus of some sort, or handled via a Data Link and a Restrainable by severing Data Link Lim. The advantage to this method is that the Net is purely in the mind, and Mental Powers (or BOECV Powers) are already able to simulate that without additional rules. Interactive programs are just built as AI's, and a hacker uses Mind Control (perhaps with a Computer Programming RSR) to force the AIs to use their programmatic routines at the hackers direction. For the Black Ice effect of brain frying hackers, just use a BOECV KA or a BOECV Drain vs INT (MD applies), depending on whether you prefer the dead or vegetative variety of burned out hacker. For trace programs use Mind Scan, for Data Scans use Telepathy, for Trojan mode use Invis vs Mental, for Interrupt use EGO Attack, etc etc et


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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


That's a really cool way of doing it. Each of the Servers would have to be incredibly detailed though.


However, I think the Duplication method is more cinematic and likely to please genre fans.


I was thinking of the quandary of Computer Programs: On the one hand, I want them to cost CPs. On the other hand, it's a heroic level game- there's no ingame reason why one couldn't just buy a computer program.


So the hacking programs are a variable power pool, with the limitation Only Programs Stored. The character can make a Computer Programming (with Invention complimentary) over a long period of time, or spend in game resources to learn new program options.

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


Made good progress on the NET via Mental Powers today. Depending on how much of my time my wife monopolizes tomorrow I might have something up by tomorrow night.....

Wives like to do that I've noticed.. must be a Side Effect on Marriage.


Looking forward to seeing more on the MetaCyber stuff. :thumbup:

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


I don't have the cyberpunk rules, so take this with a grain of salt.


Assume that a cyber hacking in a virtual world requires XDM: Cyberworld, OAF Cyber-deck.


Now, let anyone use it all all. But the better you are at hacking, programming, etc., the better your avatar is.


The reason I bring this up is that playing Shadowrun, both the Matrix and the Astral Plane can be really boring for players who don't participate. It's just a meta-game issue, but I think one that pops up all the time. It's an issue for players.


Now, back to the "anyone can use a cyber-deck" discussion: The end result I think would be smothing like the Metaverse in Snow Crash. Anyone could join in and check it out (I think, IIRC). But only those very skilled were the elite.


This I think solves the issue of having all players participate in the Matrix, they just do so as a "normal" if they have no skills.



P. S. Oh and if this is a derail, sorry. This thread wasn't moving quickly though, and I thought it might interest others posting here.

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Re: "Internet/Matrix" Personas


Different methods have a different feel. Worth trying out a few. I think Killer Shrikes use of mental powers is innovative.


The way I have done it in the few cyberpunk games I've run is EDM to get in then your avatar is based on your hacking skill x 10. Hacking is everyman so everyone gets an 80 point avatar, but if you have Hacking skill, 20 INT and +4 hacking skill levels your skill roll is 17- so you have a 170 point avatar.


When you go into the net without a pre-prepared avatar it is a standard one (you can pick one of 4 basic 80 point variants: if you don't have a pre-prepared avatar you get one of the 80 pointers) BUT you can programme your avatar to change the powers, although this takes time, so you usually do not do it on the fly.


Basically it is a ultiform without buying the multiform. The advantage of doing it this way is that the net does not require new or different rules, just new and different descriptions, so it is easy for players to relate to.

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