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[Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship

L. Marcus

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[b][u]EUSN Le Havre Class Escort/Battle Starship[/u][/b]


Val	Char	Cost	Notes

15	Size	75	32" x 16"; -15 KB; -10 DCV
85	STR	0	Lift 3.2 kton; 17d6 HTH [0]
18	DEX	24	OCV: 6/DCV:6
30	BODY	5
20	DEF	54
3	SPD	2	Phases: 4,8,12

		Total Characteristics Cost: 160

Movement:	Flight: 60"/60,000"; 12"/768,000"
	FTL Travel: 2 LY/day


Abilities And Equipment

Cost	Power [END/Charges]

Power Systems

20	Fusion Power Plant: END Reserve (50 END, 50 REC); 55 APts; OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-1/4) [0]

8	Auxiliary Power Bank: END Reserve (20 END/20 REC); 22 APts; OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-1/4), 1 Fuel Charge (1 week, fuel easy to obtain; -0) [1 fc]

Propulsion Systems

94	Fusion Boosters: Flight 60", x 1,000 NCM; 165 APts; 1 Fuel Charge (1,000 phases [66,7 minutes], easy to obtain; -0), Limited Maneuverability (-1/4), Side Effect (RKA 6d6 in a 36" Line directly behind engines, always occurs, minimal risk; -1/4), Visible (-1/4) [1 fc]

42	Gravitic Warp: Multipower, 104-point reserve, all OIF Immobile (-1 1/2)

4u	1) Standard Flight: Flight 12", x 64,000 NCM; 104 APts; OIF Immobile (-1 1/2) [10]

1u	2) Warp Flight: FTL Travel 2 LY/day; 29 APts; OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Costs END (-1/2), Costs Extra END (x 4; -1 1/2), Not Within Inner System (-1) [12]

-12	Spaceflight Only: Running -6"

-2	Spaceflight Only: Swimming -2"

Tactical Systems

99	Spinal UV Laser: RKA 7d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Increased Range (x 15,625, or 36,914 km; +1 1/2), 125 Charges (+3/4); 394 APts; OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 degrees forward; -1/2), Extra Time (Extra Segment; -1/2), Range Reduced By Atmosphere (-1/4) [125 c]

177	Turreted Gatling UV Laser: Multipower, 150-pint reserve, all 1,000 Charges (+1), Increased Range (x 3,125; +1 1/4), OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Arc Of Fire (180 degrees; -1/4), Range Reduced By Atmosphere (-1/4)

5u	1) Offensive Mode: RKA 5d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2); 150 APts; OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Arc Of Fire (180 degrees; -1/4), Range Reduced By Atmosphere (-1/4) [1,000]

1u	2) Defensive Mode: Missile Deflection (all physical projectiles), Range (+1); 30 APts; OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Arc Of Fire (180 degrees; -1/4), Range Reduced By Atmosphere (-1/4), Reqires 5 Charges Per Use (-1/2) [1,000]

10	Turreted Gatling UV Lasers: Three more Turreted Gatling UV Lasers (total of four, one each on right and left sides, top, bottom)

18	Ablative Armor: Armor (6 PD/30 ED); 54 APts; Ablative (can only be restored at a base or by a supply ship; -1), OIF Bulky (-1)

60	Superconducting Hull: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 

56	Stealth Coating: Change Environment 16" radius, -6 to to Sight Group and Radar PER Rolls, Persistent (+1/2), Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Inherent (+1/2); 125 APts; Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2)

Operation Systems

30	Hardened Sensors: Radio Group Flash Defense (15 points); 15 APts and Sight Group Flash Defence (15 points); 15 APts

8	Hardened Sensors: Power Defense (15 points); 15 APts; Only Vs. Electronic Jamming (-1)

7	Comm Suit: HRRP (Radio Group), Concealed (-6 to PER Rolls); 18 APts; OIF Bulky (-1), Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2)

12	Long-Range Comm Suite: MegaScale (10 million km per APt, can scale down to 10 km per APt; +2) for HRRP; 36 APts; OIF Bulky (-1), Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2), Lightspeed Delay (-1/2)

3	Secure Laser Comm: Mind Link, any willing target; 15 APts; OIF Bulky (-1), Only With Other Vehicles Who Have The Same Mind Link (-1), Affected As Radio, Sight And Hearing Groups, Not Mental Group (-1/2), Must Maintain LOS (-1/2), Lightspeed Delay (-1/2)

53	Near-Visible EMR Sensor Suite: Normal Sight, IR Perception, UV Perception, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 degrees) and Telescopic +41 for Sight Group; 106 APts; OIF Bulky (-1)

28	Radar Suite: Radar (Radio Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 degrees), Concealed (-4 to PER Rolls), and Telescopic +47; 71 APts; OIF Bulky (-1), Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2)

Personnel Systems

8	Sealed Hull: Life Support (Safe In Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat)

3	Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Diminished Eating [doesn't have to eat]); 13 APts; OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Costs END (-1/2), Increased END Cost (x 3; -1) [3]

13	Backup Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Diminished Eating [doesn't have to eat]); 13 APts; 1 Fuel Charge (1 month [1,200 man-days], easy to obtain; -0)


18	Medical Facilities: Paramedics 14- and SS: Medicine 14-

41	Repair Shop: Mechanics 14-, Electronics 14- and Weaposmith (Firearms, Gauss Guns, Laser Weapons) 14-

Total Abilities And Equipment Cost: 805

Total Vehicle Cost: 965

Value	Disadvantage

25	DF: Powerful military starship (nc, extreme reaction [fear])

10	PhysLim: Cannot enter atmosphere (inf, greatly)

Total Disadvantage Points: 35

Total Cost: 930/5 = 186


Cost	Additional Vehicles

20	Escape Pod

20	15 more Escape Pods


Tactical Computer

Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes

13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV: 6/DCV:6
3	SPD	2		Phases: 4, 8, 12

			Total Characteristic Cost: 29

Cost	Skill

48	Targeting: +24 with Turreted Gatling UV Laser

60	Targeting: +40 with Turreted Gatling UV Laser vs. Range

1	Targeting: WF: Turreted Gatling UV Laser

5	Target Evaluation: KS: Known Enemies And Threats 14-

Cost	Programs

1	Locate Target

1	Analyze Target

1	Attack Target

Total Abilities Cost: 117

Total Computer Cost: 146

Value	Disadvantage

0	None

Total Disadvantage Points: 0

Total Computer Cost: 29

10	Three more Tactical Computers


Main Computer

Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes

23	INT	13	14-	PER Roll 14-
18	DEX	24	12-	OCV: 6/DCV: 6
3	SPD	2		Phases: 4, 8, 12

			Total Characteristic Cost: 39

Cost	Skill

3	Tactics 14-

3	Cryptography 14-

3	Electronics 14-

10	AK: Human Space 21-

9	KS: Known Military Technology 20-

3	Mechanics 14-

2	Navigation (Space) 14-

6	Systems Operation (Communications, Environmental, Medical, Radar, Near-Visible EM Sensors) 14-

1	TF: Military Spacecraft

1	WF: Vehicle Weapons

48	Targeting: +24 OCV with Spinal UV Laser

60	Targeting: +40 with Spinal UV Laser vs. Range

Cost	Programs

1	Attack Target

1	Diagnose Vehicle Malfunction/Damage

1	Engage In Evasive Maneuvers

1	Locate Target

1	Monitor Sensor Systems, Report Anomalies

1	Monitor Vehicle Systems, Report Anomalies

1	Obtain Latest Tactical Data Via Comm Systems

1	Open/Lock Accessways

1	Operate Sensors To Scan For Designated Phenomena/Object

1	Pilot Vehicle From Location A To Location B

1	Scan And Enter Data

1	Schedule Vehicle Events/Use Of Vehicle's Resources

1	Search Reference Material For Information On A Topic

1	Send Emergency Call If Designated Personnel Incapacitated/Killed

1	Send Emergency Call If Specified Protocols Are Not Met

Cost	Talents

3	Clock: Absolute Time Sense

5	Memory: Eidetic Memory

3	Calculator: Lightning Calculator

3	Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep

8	Scanner: Speed Reading (x 1,000)

Total Abilities Cost: 186

Total Computer Cost: 225

Value	Disadvantage

0	None

Total Disadvantage Points: 0

Total Cost: 209/5 = 45

Total Overall Cost: 310

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


Well, this week's project is done, but probably not all done - I've got a nagging feeling that I've forgotten something . . .


Anywho, the ship above is the European Union's Space Navy's backbone: A ship designed for escort and limited patrol duties. Iit's meant to take out armored and armed ships of its own size and smaller, and to provide fire support for larger ships. It is armed with a spinal UV laser with a range of over one tenth of a lightsecond, and has four turreted Gatling UV lasers that work as secondary armament and as anti-missile defense. Both armaments are computer operated.


The sensor suit consists of both radar/active millimeter and Near-Visible sensors that span the UV-visible-IF spectrum.


The crew complement is forty: One Commander, one Second, two pilots, two weapons officers, ten gunners, two sensors officers, two sensors operators, two comm operators, one ship's doctor, one medical assistant, one engineering officer and fifteen engineers.

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


interesting design, seems a little small for a heavy ship, but thats IMHO,


I am not on my home computer for a week or two, due to a fried motherboard so I write this from a library pc.


Comments and questions:

1. if the superconducting defense is a coating wouldnt it make sense for it to be ablative?


2. the damage seems a little light for a spinal weapon at least in comparison to the secondary batteries


3. are the ships equipped with any drones or decoys or missiles?


I will post more on this when I get my own computer back and running

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


interesting design' date=' seems a little small for a heavy ship, but thats IMHO.[/quote']

To each his own, huh? :) And the ship would be the equivalent of a destroyer, as far as I understand the term - it has the task to protect larger ships. The Le Havre is about 100 meters long by 25 meters wide, and is the only ship of it's size to carry a spinal mount. It's a bit of an experiment. Larger ships, true battleships and assault carriers, are up to 250 meters long.

I am not on my home computer for a week or two, due to a fried motherboard so I write this from a library pc.


Comments and questions:

1. if the superconducting defense is a coating wouldnt it make sense for it to be ablative?

. . . I ripped that one outta Star Hero, so I didn't give it much thought . . . :o


"Coating" is probably not the best word for it. It is a characteristic of the hull itself, so it's not ablative. Cheaper ships might go for this, though, like Chinese ships and Indian and Indonesian designs . . .

2. the damage seems a little light for a spinal weapon at least in comparison to the secondary batteries

I aimed the Active Points for the ballpark below of the main armaments of the Iowa-class battleships outta the Vehicle Sourcebook. The big battleships would carry something like a RKA 10d6, AP. Maybe with Autofire, but I haven't decided yet.

3. are the ships equipped with any drones or decoys or missiles?

I'm thinking about drones . . . The bigger ships will carry them, definitely. Built as bona fide vehicles, too, instead of Clairvoyance.


Edit: Missiles are on the way out. Laser cannons is where it's at! I'm planning to write up a missile-armed ship, representing somewhat obsolete tech.

I will post more on this when I get my own computer back and running

Any comments are welcome! As I said, the design is not final and is subject to change. :)

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship



I'm thinking about drones . . . The bigger ships will carry them, definitely. Built as bona fide vehicles, too, instead of Clairvoyance.


Edit: Missiles are on the way out. Laser cannons is where it's at! I'm planning to write up a missile-armed ship, representing somewhat obsolete tech.


Any comments are welcome! As I said, the design is not final and is subject to change. :)

With the combonation of available fusion technology (reference the drives), ablative high protective value anti-energy armor (the ablative armor), superconducting hull construction for heat dispersal (the Dam Red), Stealth (the C.E.) and good computers, I can't see how missiles could POSSIBLY be obsolete.


Perhaps high end milspec ones are prohibitivly expensive, especially in civilian defence applications, but I'd think millitary vessels would still carry something on the order of torpedos/cruise missiles.



Besides which... you need something for the missile deflection point defence systems to work against, dontch'a?

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


With the combonation of available fusion technology (reference the drives)' date=' ablative high protective value anti-energy armor (the ablative armor), superconducting hull construction for heat dispersal (the Dam Red), Stealth (the C.E.) and good computers, I can't see how missiles could POSSIBLY be obsolete. [/quote']

In space? No, not yet, but on the way out.


Assume that a missile has Size 0 and no stealth. This means that the Sight sensors of the Le Havre needs a PER Roll of 18- at a range of 16,000,000"! Add the same stealth capability as the ship, and the Le Havre will automatically detect the missile at "just" 2,000,000". And this is without maneuvering; if the missile is maneuvering with a fusion rocket, it will be detected far, far earlier, at least ten times the distance (missiles won't be equipped with gravity warp: The devices are hideously expensive and has to be installed in a vehicle of at least Size 10).


And let's say that the missile itself was launched from a ship at maximum gravitic warp speed, and then just coasted to the target. Then it would be moving at 768,000"/phase, so from the time of positive detection to impact there would be at least three phases - and probably more.


Now consider the CISW system. If the missile is built as a vehicle, the offensive mode is used. This has a range of (150 APts x 5 x 3,125 =) 2,343,750", so two or three - possibly four - turrets has three of the attacking ship's phases (or whatever, depending on the builds involved) to shoot the missile down.


. . . Gee, that was kinda long-winded, wasn't it? And I do realize that I haven't considered nukes in combat . . . But I don't think they would be used; the kinetic impact of the ship-launched missile above would be more than enough to knock any ship outta the skies! :D

Perhaps high end milspec ones are prohibitivly expensive, especially in civilian defence applications, but I'd think millitary vessels would still carry something on the order of torpedos/cruise missiles.

Civilian missile defenses would be built with regular lasers, i. e. without AP. And anyway, the Le Havre is state-of-the art; smaller powers - and pirates! What would Sci Fi be without pirates?! - could definitely go the missile route.

Besides which... you need something for the missile deflection point defence systems to work against, dontch'a?

Pirates again . . . :D


Please tell me if the above stuff is readable or not . . . :o

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


what kind of warheads are the missiles packing, kinetic energy, hiigh explosive, shaped charge AP? contact nukes, or detonation lasers?


detonation laser warheads are a personal favorite of mine

and wont get you in near as much trouble for being caught with as old fashioned contact nukes


for civilian use your probably going to see KE and HE and maybe AP, I think


does the ship have any other defensive systems?

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


what kind of warheads are the missiles packing, kinetic energy, hiigh explosive, shaped charge AP? contact nukes, or detonation lasers?


detonation laser warheads are a personal favorite of mine

and wont get you in near as much trouble for being caught with as old fashioned contact nukes

Oooo, yes, nyukular lasers . . . ! I'd forgotten about those! And yet those were so important in 2300 AD combat . . .


Do you know of any write-ups?


Aside from perhaps nuklear X-ray lasers, I see that most missiles would just use their kinetic energy to do damage. I mean, just a Move By at 60,000" would yield an HA of 12,000d6 -- not counting the half STR damage. :eek:


Regular planetside missiles would of course be a different story.

for civilian use your probably going to see KE and HE and maybe AP, I think


does the ship have any other defensive systems?

No, not that I can think of . . . Suggestions?

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


In space? No, not yet, but on the way out.


Assume that a missile has Size 0 and no stealth. This means that the Sight sensors of the Le Havre needs a PER Roll of 18- at a range of 16,000,000"! Add the same stealth capability as the ship, and the Le Havre will automatically detect the missile at "just" 2,000,000". And this is without maneuvering; if the missile is maneuvering with a fusion rocket, it will be detected far, far earlier, at least ten times the distance (missiles won't be equipped with gravity warp: The devices are hideously expensive and has to be installed in a vehicle of at least Size 10).


And let's say that the missile itself was launched from a ship at maximum gravitic warp speed, and then just coasted to the target. Then it would be moving at 768,000"/phase, so from the time of positive detection to impact there would be at least three phases - and probably more.


Now consider the CISW system. If the missile is built as a vehicle, the offensive mode is used. This has a range of (150 APts x 5 x 3,125 =) 2,343,750", so two or three - possibly four - turrets has three of the attacking ship's phases (or whatever, depending on the builds involved) to shoot the missile down.


. . . Gee, that was kinda long-winded, wasn't it? And I do realize that I haven't considered nukes in combat . . . But I don't think they would be used; the kinetic impact of the ship-launched missile above would be more than enough to knock any ship outta the skies! :D


Civilian missile defenses would be built with regular lasers, i. e. without AP. And anyway, the Le Havre is state-of-the art; smaller powers - and pirates! What would Sci Fi be without pirates?! - could definitely go the missile route.


Pirates again . . . :D


Please tell me if the above stuff is readable or not . . . :o


Am I missing some PER skill levels in the write up somewhere?

As I read it, the sensors have boku telescopic bonuses right now, but I don't see any actual PER bonuses, which would drop the default PER roll to that of the computer (which looks like 14-) or the Sensor tech, whichever is better, minus any stealth mods... which would seem to imply that a cloaked low albedo vessel or missile flying ballistically could get pretty close with a good chance of escaping detection. Once it engages any sort of drive, the gig is up, of course... I expect in any semi realistic space combat that missiles would remain viable, but the tatics would change radically. The fact is that even targeting LS weapons like lasers at long distances is very touchy in any sort of hard or semi-hard setting. Missiles will ebb and flow with changes in ECM, Stealth, drive and computer tech. I expect that most would have high yeild explosive proximity warheads, fission or fusion tech nukes, mostly, to allow them the ability to inflict damage from a distance i9nstead of requiring a surface detonation. Although SOMEONE would be trying to develop a KE penetrator missile that'd be able to slip past sensors and point defences... this here cutting edge Destroyer is QUITE vunerable to KE attacks (all the major defences are against energy atacks) that slip past the PD Sytems.


I'm guessing some kind of drone MIRV, Launched at speed, that plots a basic target course, boosts then goes ballistic. Getting close enough to actually be a threat, it'd "launch" its payload of independent warheads, each with a single fast burn motor, most of which are decoys but a few of which contain active payloads. Single shot laser missiles are one option. Variations on some of our current/theoretical anti-sat KE weapons using a nuke as the propellant for a direct fire KE penetrator could be nasty... a solid projectile capable of surviving a contact nuclear explosion (thus being launched rather than vaporized) shoud be able to skim through laser point defences like they aren't there...


Basically, in any sort of Hard Sci-fi combat, I expect Missiles will never go away, but will wax and wane in effectiveness based on latest innovations. The simple fact that they MIGHT be able to get into combat maneuvering range safely is a huge boon with the distances and speeds involved... actually tracking something at those speeds and ranges on different vectors, then predicting and leading the targets will be rough.

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


Oooo, yes, nyukular lasers . . . ! I'd forgotten about those! And yet those were so important in 2300 AD combat . . .


Do you know of any write-ups?


Aside from perhaps nuklear X-ray lasers, I see that most missiles would just use their kinetic energy to do damage. I mean, just a Move By at 60,000" would yield an HA of 12,000d6 -- not counting the half STR damage. :eek:


Regular planetside missiles would of course be a different story.


No, not that I can think of . . . Suggestions?


I'm leary of the game applicability of the supposed massive damage of KE missiles just from velocity... It seems hideously unrealistic

Are you using the optional velocity damge rules for those numbers?

And I would certainly cap the damge at DEF+(Bodyx2) DC's for any kind of ramming attack.


Other than increasing the actual defense of the hull, some kind of last ditch reactive armor might be in order... the idea that the total main defence against physical projectiles is an active use of the gatling batteries leaves the ship VERY vunerable to suprises, and strips it of its main point defences any time it goes on full offence. Right now If I were a pirate engaging one (or a group) of these ships, I'd lob in a metric buttload of the best command intiated stealth missiles into the general flightpath, then follow up with a second wave of much more detectable missiles, probably from fighters/gunboats. once the point defence guns get good and cooking against the obvious volley, the second wave fires up and *Boom*.

This kind of tatic would almost certainly be considered by the designers, and I'd think that there would be a defence in place.


Incidentally, while its a bit odd, legality wise, back in the day I gave most of my ships a pretty hideous normal PD boost as a power to represent the general structural elements needed in an actual spacecraft... At high sppeds, it won't be able to dodge debris like micrometorites, so having a big boost in Normal defence helps it shrug off Normal damage Movethroughs while still vunerable to actual anti-ship weapons.

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


Am I missing some PER skill levels in the write up somewhere?

As I read it, the sensors have boku telescopic bonuses right now, but I don't see any actual PER bonuses, which would drop the default PER roll to that of the computer (which looks like 14-) or the Sensor tech, whichever is better, minus any stealth mods... which would seem to imply that a cloaked low albedo vessel or missile flying ballistically could get pretty close with a good chance of escaping detection. Once it engages any sort of drive, the gig is up, of course...

Let's see, I'll just find my notes . . .


Ah, here: Size: +0; Extremely High Contrast (illuminated object/hot object in space): +5; Moving: +1: Looking (someone, character or computer, constantly scanning the scopes): +1. Range (16,000,000"): -44; Telescopic: +41. Total PER Roll Mod: +4. Base PER Roll: 14-. Total PER Roll: 18-.


So, at a range of 128,000,000" the ship has a fifty/fifty chance of detecting an incoming, man-sized, un-stealthed, coasting missile. That's almost a lightsecond.

I expect in any semi realistic space combat that missiles would remain viable, but the tatics would change radically. The fact is that even targeting LS weapons like lasers at long distances is very touchy in any sort of hard or semi-hard setting. Missiles will ebb and flow with changes in ECM, Stealth, drive and computer tech. I expect that most would have high yeild explosive proximity warheads, fission or fusion tech nukes, mostly, to allow them the ability to inflict damage from a distance i9nstead of requiring a surface detonation. Although SOMEONE would be trying to develop a KE penetrator missile that'd be able to slip past sensors and point defences... this here cutting edge Destroyer is QUITE vunerable to KE attacks (all the major defences are against energy atacks) that slip past the PD Sytems.

. . . The missile would have to be crazy maneuverable . . . Hmmm . . . A DEX30, SPD 6 fusion boosted, kinetic-kill missile . . . Launched in salvos . . .


Eeeevil . . . :eg:


OK, that could be the American way! The Euros goes for beams, the 'Merkins for missiles! :D


Edit: Or maybe just ship-killing ships use them, like torpedo boats, and the big ships go for the beams. Shrug.

I'm guessing some kind of drone MIRV, Launched at speed, that plots a basic target course, boosts then goes ballistic. Getting close enough to actually be a threat, it'd "launch" its payload of independent warheads, each with a single fast burn motor, most of which are decoys but a few of which contain active payloads. Single shot laser missiles are one option. Variations on some of our current/theoretical anti-sat KE weapons using a nuke as the propellant for a direct fire KE penetrator could be nasty... a solid projectile capable of surviving a contact nuclear explosion (thus being launched rather than vaporized) shoud be able to skim through laser point defences like they aren't there...

That last one . . . Any ideas of composition of such a penetrator? But anyway, it will have to have some kind of guidance, and that will be vulnerable to laser fire. I'm planning to use something similar as a space-to-planet bombarder, though.


And as I said before, nuclear X-ray lasers are an option.

Basically, in any sort of Hard Sci-fi combat, I expect Missiles will never go away, but will wax and wane in effectiveness based on latest innovations. The simple fact that they MIGHT be able to get into combat maneuvering range safely is a huge boon with the distances and speeds involved... actually tracking something at those speeds and ranges on different vectors, then predicting and leading the targets will be rough.

True, true . . .

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


Let's see, I'll just find my notes . . .


Ah, here: Size: +0; Extremely High Contrast (illuminated object/hot object in space): +5; Moving: +1: Looking (someone, character or computer, constantly scanning the scopes): +1. Range (16,000,000"): -44; Telescopic: +41. Total PER Roll Mod: +4. Base PER Roll: 14-. Total PER Roll: 18-.


So, at a range of 128,000,000" the ship has a fifty/fifty chance of detecting an incoming, man-sized, un-stealthed, coasting missile. That's almost a lightsecond.

Right-o. I figured any effective millitary grade missiles would be low albedo/sheilded stealth weapons, so drop the +5 high contrast bonus and add a CE minus and you have missile that can potentially sneak in much closer. Your basic affordable unsheilded missile would be meat for your point defences tho, rightly enough. Such weapons won't get you anywhere in this kind of tech setting.


. . . The missile would have to be crazy maneuverable . . . Hmmm . . . A DEX30, SPD 6 fusion boosted, kinetic-kill missile . . . Launched in salvos . . .


Eeeevil . . . :eg:

Against effective active defence point defence systems, salvo fire and dummy targets are de rigeur, if you actually expect to hit anything


OK, that could be the American way! The Euros goes for beams, the 'Merkins for missiles! :D


Edit: Or maybe just ship-killing ships use them, like torpedo boats, and the big ships go for the beams. Shrug.

I like the "'Merkins use missiles" idea... fits with our current mindset, anyway ;)

I expect that there would be a class of stealth gunboats with torpedo capacity... filling the same role as the WW2 PT boats. As effective missile systems could take up a lot of room , I'd expect most capital ships would carry some missile batteries, but probably would only use them in certain engagement circumstances.


That last one . . . Any ideas of composition of such a penetrator? But anyway, it will have to have some kind of guidance, and that will be vulnerable to laser fire. I'm planning to use something similar as a space-to-planet bombarder, though.


And as I said before, nuclear X-ray lasers are an option.

AFAIK, the nuke fired anti sat weapons used solid carbon as either the whole projectile, or as a thick outer shell, as carbon can resist both the primary heat and shock from a nuke blast, and theres no apprciable friction to deal with in space. Another variation on the same theme I remeber reading about was essentially a nuclear "shotgun" firing carbon spheres at a good % of lightspeed. You also have massive heat dispersal tech in existance, with the "superconducting coating"... is this tech restricted to larger ships?


All the guidance would be in the "mother" missile... once the penetrator head goes off, the projectile would be ballistic and direct fire(if targeting computers can target lasers at near light velocities on different vectors, including course changes, then comparative shortrange targeting should fit into a missiles "brain")... subject to some deflection, but if it can resist laserfire, then it could do some serious damage. Most deflection attempts would be better off before the warhead deploys.


Nuclear Xray lasers ARE certainly an option, but with the massive protection your ship seems to carry vs. energy weapons, I'd think weapon designers would be looking to find the best "big stick" to throw at their foes... when one type of defence becomes too effective against the primary weaponry, the natural responce is to look at exploiting weaknesses.

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


I cant get to my files currently, I would suggest checking the archives for a large file I posted of all kinds of fun ideas for new equipment


right off the bat for defensive gear

1. ECM or jamming gear

2. chaff/flares/decoys

3. blip enhancers

4. screens or something akin to traveller sandcasters

5. countermissile launchers

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


I would call the x-ray laser nuke a 12D6 AP weapon, if you go for the Traveller one shot weapon, if you want something akin to the Honor Harrington version, I'd go AF5 or an AE


the really nice thing about detonation laser nukes is that the tech isnt as out there as a lot of things, you have a nuke warhead surrounded by a bundle of lasing rods and a proximity fuse


Traveller used a 150KT warhead

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


Hear ye, hear ye!


The write-up has been revised, dealing with the fusion boosters (reducing the value of the Side Effect Lim) and the Targeting Skills of the Computers (boosting the CSLs and PSLs so they can do what I said they should do).


Other considerations: I've thought about Kinetic Kill missiles, and I think I'll start to use the Velocity Factors when determining their damage (thanks for pointing those out, Amadan!) So, a missile moving at 2,300,000"/Turn should do something like STR + 35d6 when doing a Move Through. Those missiles won't have fusion boosters (I decided that those can only fit in a Vehicle of Size 5 or more), but will mostly use solid fuel rocket boosters - they'll only be used to maneuver and won't contribute much to the velocity of the missile. I may boost the PD part of the Ablative Armor to counter missiles, but I think that would slow the vehicle down . . . I haven't decided.


Regarding nuclear X-ray lasers, it seems as it'll be a RKA 20d6 MegaScaled Explosion and a RKA 12d6, AP, Penetrating, AF, Increased Range, both Linked to each other some way.


Regarding Electronic Warfare: Since most ships will mainly depend on Near-Visible sensors, the countermeasures will mostly be passive, like the Stealthed Hull. I see no realistic way to start projecting decoys and spoofing in visible wavelengths.


Regarding counter-missiles: I think that task is covered adequately by the point-defense laser system. But sandcasters? Hmmm . . . Missile Deflection, Only vs. Energy Weapons, Charges . . . That would indeed fit! Thanks to shadowcat!

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


if you go with Traveller style sandcasters, I'd actually use an ablative damage reduction instead, as the screen takes hits it degrades, and they are expendable ammo


Sandcaster Launcher: (Total: 74 Active Cost, 14 Real Cost) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%, 12 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OIF Immobile Fragile (-1 3/4), Ablative BODY or STUN (-1), Custom Modifier (only stops laser, plasma, or fusion fire; -1), Real Armor (-1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 7) plus Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%, 12 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OIF Immobile Fragile (-1 3/4), Ablative BODY or STUN (-1), Custom Modifier (only stops laser, plasma, or fusion fire; -1), Real Armor (-1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 7)


thats the version we used in Traveller Hero, Traveller Tech Level-8 and figures a high guard rating of 4-6, for a 1-3 use 25% and for 7-9 use 75%


as far as decoys I might just go chaff and flare pods


Light Turreted Missile, again borrowed from Traveller Hero

Light Missile Rack: RKA 6 1/2d6, Explosion (+1/4), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (275 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), 6 Charges (-3/4), Custom Modifier (must have a viable target lock to fire; -1/2), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)


this is a 6G missile with a 150mm warhead

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


Regarding nuclear X-ray lasers, it seems as it'll be a RKA 20d6 MegaScaled Explosion and a RKA 12d6, AP, Penetrating, AF, Increased Range, both Linked to each other some way.


I am going to have disagree with this one


detonation lasers arent going to have the explosion effects, when the warhead explodes it vaporizes the lasing rods bundle producing a one shot x-ray laser beam, theres no collateral damage etc... thats the big reason they are space combat legal whereas standard nukes are not. Traveller makes it a single shot, if you go with Honor Harrington universe nukes, I'd call it an area affect autofire, or just autofire. in the Honorverse there are no explosion effects, just the laser shots.


but however you want to run it, its your game


I can post what relevant information I have from Fire Fusion and Steel with has an explanation of this

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


I think it was in WikiPedia that I found the research that I based my design on. As far as I can tell, the design is just an average nuke, with one or more lasing rods (the number of rods equals the number of AF shots) at one end. The nuke goes off as usual, but a fraction (i seem to remember a figure of one percent) of the energy is converted by the rods into a laser beam. There was an experiment testing this design, and it had some success, but since the apparatus was destoyed in the blast, it couldn't be confirmed as a bona fide success or as instrumental failure. Go figure. :)


And Sandcasters as DR? That's something that I'll have to gives ome thought.

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Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


I got Fire Fusion and Steel back out, and took a look at the rules for Det Laser nukes


The warhead when fired can hit up to 6 times, has a max standoff range of 30,000 KM, and the warhead yield doesnt get an explosive effect, just the X-ray laser damage

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  • 3 years later...

Re: [Vehicle] EUSN Le Havre-Class Escort/Battle Starship


If you want to show that missiles are becoming less important (i.e. point defence is winning the race against smart missiles) but still have the American equivalent differ significantly, have them use rail and coilgun tech primarily. Good ol' fashioned slugthrowers!

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