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UPDATE: Sixth Season Finale summary, continued


The Return of Istvatha V'han

Okay, after the Defenders have Dr. D on the ropes, a bunch of alarms go off in his base and his monitors switch to a large fleet in orbit around Earth.

"You Fools! Thanks to your interference i'm too late to save the planet!" Destroyer says to us. Then Cromwell, Director of PRIMUS, contacts us and says a shuttle from the fleet is headed right for Paragon City. Destroyer demands to go with us, because we are going to need his help dealing with this threat. A threat he is still pretty vague about. We all find the nearest Defenders teleport tube (we have them all over the place) and teleport back to our base, The Citadel, in Paragon City.

We eventually meet the shuttle, with Cromwell and a group of PrIMUS agents, just as the a ramp descends. Several royal guard looking people descend and take up posistion on either side of the ramp. Then a woman descends the ramp and we immediatly reconize her as Nebula, a women we encountered in an earlier season who was hunting Herculan. Since we sided with Herculan against her she didn't hold us in the highest regard. She claimed that we had broken the "Treaty of Witchita", whatever that menat. She glowers at us and demands we all kneel before Istvatha V'han, Empress of a Billion Dimensions! And then another woman descends the ramp. Of course we didn't kneel and neither did Dr. Destroyer who quickly tells us not to trust her. V'han looks around and says "were is Sentinal? i wish to speak to him." Of course Sentinal was nowhere around since he disapeared with the White Event back in 1985 along with the entire city of Wichita! Paragon City of course was built on its place. Dr. Destroyer tells us that V'han is the one who caused the White Event, which she denies. She says she was prepared to bring the Earth under her rule, for our own protection of course, until Sentinal convinced her we could rule ourselves. As a test she gave Sentinal an artifact to keep safe. when she returned in twenty-five years and he had protected the artifact and returned it to her, she would deem the Earth was able to rule itself. She has shown up early because Nebula had informed her that Sentinal was no longer here and the new "Champions" had no knowledge of the artifact.

Dr. Destroyer then says that V'han betrayed Sentinal because as soon as she left the White Event immediatly occured. When we pressed him on how he knew he admits that he was there. Since Sentinal had been leading all the heroes against most of the villians in Withita when The White Event occured, and they all disappeared along with Wichita, we asked Dr. D how he survived. He wouldn't answer of course. V'han then said we had 24 hours to bring her the artifact and showed us a hologram of a long staff. we reconized the top half as Isis' Sceptor that Apocalypse was trying to get his hands on. TB actually had it tucked away because he had been studying it. We deduced that the other half of the staff must be with Sentinal and the only place he could be was the Pit.

When Witchita disappeared all that was left in its place was a mysterouis pit. Over the years, many people had tried to explore the pit but they never returned. That had to be were Sentinal ended up. And we just happened to have some one on the team that first made his appearence by crawling out of the Pit.




Next: The Defenders go to Hell!

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UPDATE: Season 6 Finale Summary, cont..


The Defenders go to Hell


After meeting with V'han, we head back to the Citadel to prepare to go into the Pit. Though Dr. D is technically in custody, you really couldn't tell, he states that he will keep an eye on the traitorous witch. He tells us that is not a request (at this time the GM hadn't let us know how badly we had beaten him. We still thought he was a threat).

"Well, try not to start any intergalactic incidents, or take over the world while we're gone would ya." Fantastic-Man tells him. "I'd rather be here to punch you in the face again for that."

Anyway back at the Citadel, TB reveals that he had the Issis Sceptor (the top half of the staff) on him the whole time, digitized, hiding in his costume. Other Heroes start to show up at the Citidel including the Atom Family. Nighthawk takes the oldest sister, Tess Atom off to have a private conversation with her. He then reveals to her that he is Jack Kirby (who Tess had been dating off and on). He tells her that there is a good chance that the Defender's might not return, so as a back up plan for just such an event, he had his lawyers, months ago, draw up papers that would make sure she would be in control of his company and that she should help direct his vast fortune to needy charities. She is overcome with emotion, but agrees. Meanwhile, Rampant Lion has taking his public relations agent, Alicia Bellows aside as well. He had already reveled his identity to her recently in the season, but now he confesses his love to her and promises that he will fight his way back from the Abyss to be back in her arms. RL was always an optimist.

Meanwhile, Fantastic-Man questions Warforge on what to expect in the Pit. Warforge can tell us very little other then that it was a plane of hell whose edges he skirted following his path. (Warforge journeyed through several realms as he traveled from his father Hephasteus' forge to Paragon City).

Soon we all gathered and prepared to leave. Before we left, Tess' young sister Vicky came up to TB. With tears in her eyes, She wished him good luck and then gave him a passionate kiss. TB stood stunned for a minute as Vicky ran off. Fantastic-Man put his hand on TB's shoulder and said, quitely:

"Come on kid. We got a job to do."


Soon the Defender's were gathered on the edge of the Pit. We are suprised when Cromwell shows up, dressed for battle.

"I'm Going with you," He says. " No objections!"

He then slides a round into the chamber of his desert eagle. Rampant Lion notices the word "Joanne" written on the side of the gun but says nothing.

"Fair enough," comments Fantastic-Man. "Okay, Defenders! Let's roll! Warforge lead the way."

The Defenders slowly start to descend into the Pit. It's slow going and treacherous. But Warforge knows the proper path and soon we find ourselves in a bleak, barren, rocky land. The sky has a reddish, almost bloody tint. The ground is a combination of red and black rock. Off in the far distance we see a tall mountainess crag reaching into the sky. The top of th crag was covered in an inky blackness.

"Yep. Just the way i remember it. Bleak and forboding." Warforge quips.


To be continued...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, I just seen the last two posts, and I haven't been on the Hero boards much lately.

Well we finished up 7th season back in the fall and decided we needed a little break so Templar started a D&D 4th edition game that we have been playing. I'm thinking of running a Deadlands Reloaded mini-campaign after that. The setting will be a good fit for our group, I think.

But when we get that done it will be back to Champions. But, alas, we will probably move on from the current Defenders, for awhile anyway. To tell the truth, I was kind of losing my mojo for running it at the end. Don't know if I was beginning to get burned out on supers or what but my creative enthusiasm began to wane. Plus some players have played the same character, off and on, for 10 years or more. a change was probably in order. Not to say that we won't go back to those characters at some point, but seven seasons is a good run. I'm going to start up a Galactic Champions game set in the Defender's Universe in the year 2525. Got some cool ideas for legacies from both heroes and villains, so we are all looking forward to it.

But I'll see if I can get the jist down of how sixth finished up, and hit all the major highlights of 7th season here in a bit.

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