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Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


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In my campaign, the heroes need to solve a problem that was created at a higher tech level. It is at tech level 14 and the Terran Empire is at tech level 10 at the time. How can the heroes save the empire against this higher tech level?


In this one specific case, they need to develop tech level 14 nanotechnology to solve the problem. Currently they are at a -12 to -20 on any role to solve the problem.


I am using a rule that by developing the Knowledge Skill for the appropriate Science Skill, a character can work in theorical science. The Knowledge Skill instantly takes one tech level off the modifier. They are now on a -9 to -15. Now research labs and time can be used to counter the technology.


This solution will solve one problem and not raise the tech level of the civilization. Your heroes must do a lecture series and present their information to the scientific world to even have a chance of changing the tech level. This would only change the tech level for the specific Science Skill if you desire so. Remember that change takes time and that the heroes can't change an entire civilization.


In my campaign, a high technology research lab is provided to the party via help from a high tech race. They arranged for the equipment and it will take years to reverse engineer it. The equipment is specific to the problem and therefore will be of little help to anything else or raising the tech level.


Hope this will help.

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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


Another thing to keep in mind is that technology develops at different rates in different areas, and for different civilizations. I would vary the TL for any particular planet or region of space by 1 point in either direction, depending on circumstances. Scientists researching the higher technology of bioengineering aliens will have a better shot on a planet that's devoted to bioengineering research, for instance.

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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


Al already said what I was going to say - raising the TL of an entire society takes decades, or more. You can create a new technology and market it (steam engines, the internet, ipods) but the tech has to be either extgremely consumer friendly or a business must-have. nanotechg is already plenty dangerous - the best plot line won't be to whom to sell it, it'll be stopping all the people you don't want to have it.

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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


Another thing to keep in mind is that a great many inventions by there mere existence are often enough to cause others to be able to rediscover the principles behind it.


Sort of like, once you know that it can be done, you can usually work forwards and backwards on the problem and meet it in the middle and solve it that way. Instead of having to work all the way from beginning to end since you don't even know what your working on is even possible.


So, I wouldn't necessarily be as hard as you are being on the rolls for discovering these things (though, a 4 tech level difference is a pretty big cognitive gap to leap in a short amount of time.)



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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


Also how is your world scaled? I have the books but I don't know what a Tech 10 is. Is that Aliens? Starship Troopers? Star Wars? Star Trek? Help me out here.


For example, in HALO they use standard chemical powered firearms, but have Jump-capable ships with massive fusion drives. So it's a few steps up from Aliens (because we're using Jump, not generation craft) and a signficiant number of steps down from Star Trek. Ships have Defelector Shields and rail weapons, but again, humans don't produce energy weapons.


Which means they stole a whole chunk from the Covenant to make MJOLNIR.

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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


Another thing to keep in mind is that a great many inventions by there mere existence are often enough to cause others to be able to rediscover the principles behind it.


Sort of like, once you know that it can be done, you can usually work forwards and backwards on the problem and meet it in the middle and solve it that way. Instead of having to work all the way from beginning to end since you don't even know what your working on is even possible.


Unless like IRL there are some technologies that certain political/governing factions don't want reproduced, and so they actively work to limit/discourage other from developing it. Nuclear power comes to mind....The US and United Nations are very active and concerned with allowing certain 3rd world countries to develop the technology. And the US also provides severe penalties for transporting/selling certain computer technology and software outside the it's borders by private citizens without prior approval.


This could be a good source of adventure. As your heroes struggle to develop the technologies...even with the help of thier higher tech friends, there may be other high tech agents that are actively trying to prevent them from doing so....


Or perhaps there is a super-galactic federation that views this a violation of thier "prime directive" because they received aid from an outside higher tech civilization... and have thus been contaminated....

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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


My guess is that -20 is a good difficulty number to start with for the whole project. If the characters have specialized knowledge and access to high quality equipment, and start out focusing on the simplest possible breakthrough, then maybe that starting point is only a, say , -8 after all is said and done, with an attempt made every week or month. Once that breakthrough is made, then the -20 goes down to a -12 to -15. By a series of progressive breakthroughs, the characters might be able to develop such tech within several months to several years' time.

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Re: Dealing With Different Tech Levels of Star Hero


One thing to bear in mind is that it requires infinitely less sophistication to figure out how to break advanced technology than it does to duplicate it. You need not understand how the grey goo devouring your world works to figure out that it can't reproduce when cut off from sunlight and dies if you hit it with a dose of X-Rays. You can even develop primitive countermeasures for advanced threats you don't really understand. For example you need not comprehend how a tank engine works to figure out how to dig a tank trap or even that it's going to be a lot less effective in vertical terrain.

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