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Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


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Re: Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


Below I've listed a suggestion for a team name, and also names for your heroes. I hope this gives you some good ideas.


Team Name: Northern Lights


1) Polaris

2) Aurora

3) Grizzly

4) Midnight Sun

5) Northwind

6) The Form (not canadian, but a cool stretcher name)

7) Iceblock



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Re: Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


Still not dullcoated, but I made ya'll wait long enough.


First up, Arrow moving so fast that she's blurry! (Yeah...it's not my lousy camera skills or anything...promise...)




And the finished team:




But wait...what's this? Why, it looks like a prototype, one of a kind, V/TOL Mach 3 ex-recon plane that seems to be the ubiquitous transport for super teams!




Yes, I'm building them a team plane. :D

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Re: Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


I can wait quite patiently for rep. Heck, one of you might bump me over 200 *hint, hint* ;)


I really want to thank everyone who chimed in on this thread, it was a huge help! I'm really proud of Canadian Shield, and honestly, all of you should be proud as well. Thanks for helping me make a distinctly Canadian team, with a very Canadian identity, without a single Captain Canuck in the house! :thumbup:


I guess I have to make character sheets for them at some point now....


Unless ya'll want to help me with that too? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


proditor, I've been thinking that your excellent work deserved a few more comments:


I was impressed by how you worked the colors and geometric shapes from the Newfoundland flag onto Rebound's costume. And making Hellfighter's fiery "hair" the same color as the stylized grass/grain on the blue field from Alberta's flag was very clever. :thumbup:


Was it intentional that Kodiak as a black man with dreadlocks resembles a character from the TV series Andromeda, Tyr Anasazi of the Kodiak "pride?" ;)


I also wanted to bring up that a Canadian national superteam would doubtless make an effort to reflect the country's ethnic and cultural diversity, so you might keep that in mind when writing up the characters' backgrounds. Obviously Kodiak is black, and from her photo Rebound looks vaguely Oriental, intentionally or not. Ideally there ought to be an aboriginal representative on the team, and probably someone from East India or the Middle East, as these are probably the other most common visible minorities. In today's Canada you can find nearly any ethnicity in almost every region of the country, although some are more common in certain areas than others; so this needn't be a major factor for any character, unless you want to make it more important.

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Re: Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


proditor, I've been thinking that your excellent work deserved a few more comments:


I was impressed by how you worked the colors and geometric shapes from the Newfoundland flag onto Rebound's costume. And making Hellfighter's fiery "hair" the same color as the stylized grass/grain on the blue field from Alberta's flag was very clever. :thumbup:


Was it intentional that Kodiak as a black man with dreadlocks resembles a character from the TV series Andromeda, Tyr Anasazi of the Kodiak "pride?" ;)


I also wanted to bring up that a Canadian national superteam would doubtless make an effort to reflect the country's ethnic and cultural diversity, so you might keep that in mind when writing up the characters' backgrounds. Obviously Kodiak is black, and from her photo Rebound looks vaguely Oriental, intentionally or not. Ideally there ought to be an aboriginal representative on the team, and probably someone from East India or the Middle East, as these are probably the other most common visible minorities. In today's Canada you can find nearly any ethnicity in almost every region of the country, although some are more common in certain areas than others; so this needn't be a major factor for any character, unless you want to make it more important.


Shucks LL, you have me blushing. :o


As a side note, Kodiak; still a girl. ;)


I know the pose makes it hard to see, but there are some definite indications of either: gender, or a clothing habit of dubious superheroic merit.


I'm admittedly being lazy on the write-ups, mostly because I'm trying to finish up some guys for a Heroclix contest that's this weekend. Plus, I owe Dave an article or...erm...three, so I feel guilty when I start stating these guys up and let the "work" sit there untended. I do promise to take a whack at them soon though, I intend to feature them in my upcoming Champions games. :D

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Help Requested: Name my Canadian team and it's members


So far they have been the pre-game trivia question. I'll explain that a bit. I wanted to power up my PC's to at least JLA light level fairly quickly, but for some reason I couldn't just bring myself to double their XP rewards. SO I initiated the trivia challenge. 2 Comics and 2 Champions questions each session. Answer questions, get bonus XP.


Since Canadian Shield is in my official modified CU history hand out, they were part of the "O Canada" trivia challenge along with Alpha Flight. ;)


I started their sheets, but never finished them as I got wrapped up in the game, and well, started dating one of the players. :o

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