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Feats Galore


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Ok, so I have time to pile together the Feats for my campaign and I've just finished the Martial Feats. I'll post others as I make them (next in line are Subterfuge Feats).


As always I am open to adding new talents/abilities to these lists so please feel free to add them to this thread.


Stage 1: Word Doc List - Complete

Stage 2: Dragon Magazines - Complete

Stage 3: Prestige Class Books - Complete

Stage 4: Killer Shrikes Website - Complete

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Re: Feats Galore


I don't know if you have done this or not, but I highly recommend checking out all of the packages on KS's website and pilfering as much as you can.

I wanted to give each of my various cultures and races a different feel when it came to combat and his site saved me a TON of work. He has a few really kewl abilities that add that extra spice to combat. I had to make some changes to fit my conceptions, but it was minor stuff.


Look forward to seeing yours completed. The more y'all do, the less I have to.:P

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Re: Feats Galore


Would any of the creators of these "feats" be willing to allow me to post these on my website?


If so, would people mind if I posted their real name along with their content (I'm a big stickler for making sure people get proper authorship.) PM me, post here, or fill out my Submission form if you would like. :)






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Re: Feats Galore


Thus far Killer Shrike and myself are the only people I can directly name on these. The main Word Doc that I copied the bulk of them from, had been collected from a large number of resources (unfortunately I can't remember where). The rest are inspired from various D20 resources including Dragon magazine and the Player's Guide series.

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Re: Feats Galore


Ok, went through most of KS's website and got overwhelmed. :D


I also realized that most of the feats that I had listed in my Word Doc were taken from his site, which saved me a lot of work.


The Feats Prefab is uploaded and I cleaned up the HTML (in the zip folder) file to make it easier to read.



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Re: Feats Galore


Noticing some flaws in some of the abilities:



Battle Hardened: Negative Combat Skill Levels (-1 to opponent's OCV), Usable By Other (+¼), Costs END Only To Activate (+¼) (7 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (Only when being attacked by 3 or more enemies; -1), Requires A Combat Tricks Roll (-½) END: 1


This needs to be Usable as Attack. Also, as an END costing ability this is visibile by default. Also, according to Steve Power Defense blocks NSL's on a 1:1 basis which severely neuters the ability in many campaigns where PowD is allowed.






Bull Rush: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Double Knockback (+¾) (17 Active Points); Only when doing a Move Through (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) END: 2


Might want to check the rules on using STR with Advantaged Hand Attacks. As memory serves this caps out at 4d6.



Also, you seem to have missed a ton of abilities from my site. Where were you looking for the ones you found?



You might want to check all the profession and race links on this page:




and here is a shortcut to the 3e class conversions:





Ive got an item on my todo list to go thru the site and extricate all of the "exceptional abilities", or feats if you prefer, into a new document discussing such things, but havent gotten around to it. It's a large task to tackle even for me; I've written this stuff over so many years I don't recall where all of it is anymore and have to go spelunking.

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Re: Feats Galore


Noticing some flaws in some of the abilities:



Battle Hardened: Negative Combat Skill Levels (-1 to opponent's OCV), Usable By Other (+¼), Costs END Only To Activate (+¼) (7 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (Only when being attacked by 3 or more enemies; -1), Requires A Combat Tricks Roll (-½) END: 1


This needs to be Usable as Attack. Also, as an END costing ability this is visibile by default. Also, according to Steve Power Defense blocks NSL's on a 1:1 basis which severely neuters the ability in many campaigns where PowD is allowed.

Ok, I'll make the changes. Any suggestions on how to make it more "effective" in campaigns with PowD?

Bull Rush: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Double Knockback (+¾) (17 Active Points); Only when doing a Move Through (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) END: 2


Might want to check the rules on using STR with Advantaged Hand Attacks. As memory serves this caps out at 4d6.

I think I should actually modify this to a naked modifier of "Causes Knockback" on Move Through's. Does that sound better?


Also, you seem to have missed a ton of abilities from my site. Where were you looking for the ones you found?



You might want to check all the profession and race links on this page:




and here is a shortcut to the 3e class conversions:




Yeah, I was getting a bit overwhelmed as well. :D


I've got an item on my todo list to go thru the site and extricate all of the "exceptional abilities", or feats if you prefer, into a new document discussing such things, but havent gotten around to it. It's a large task to tackle even for me; I've written this stuff over so many years I don't recall where all of it is anymore and have to go spelunking.

This would save me hours of work. LOL

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Re: Feats Galore


Ok, I'll make the changes. Any suggestions on how to make it more "effective" in campaigns with PowD?

To my mind, this is an example of overcomplicating the issue.

Why not do this as modified 5 pt DCV levels as well? As it stands, it still won't work if the character is KO'd... the only difference I can see is the Negative OCV level version could work if the character is bound or otherwise incapale of using his DCV, and isn't reduced when DCV is reduced. Other than those factors, why make it negative OCV rather than added DCV?

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Re: Feats Galore


To my mind, this is an example of overcomplicating the issue.

Why not do this as modified 5 pt DCV levels as well? As it stands, it still won't work if the character is KO'd... the only difference I can see is the Negative OCV level version could work if the character is bound or otherwise incapale of using his DCV, and isn't reduced when DCV is reduced. Other than those factors, why make it negative OCV rather than added DCV?

Exactly. The NSL approach is an ability that is cool in theory but works very poorly in practice.


Change Environment to grant -OCV or -DCV is also another alternative that generally works better.

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Re: Feats Galore


I think I should actually modify this to a naked modifier of "Causes Knockback" on Move Through's. Does that sound better?

Actually you would apply the NPA to STR and then apply a Lim to the NPA "Only when Performing a Move Thru", which makes it difficult to generecize since characters have widely different STR scores.

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Re: Feats Galore


Here are a bunch of D20 SW Force feats & skills that I did up a while ago (and prefabs for NuSoardGraphite's great Lightsaber Martial Arts styles)




I don't know if you're interested, but they could probably be very easily revamped for a High Fantasy campaign.



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