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Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Another example of real world stuff that only sounds like a comic book would be the case of the 100-pound housewife who was able to lift a 2,000 pound car to free her trapped son (and I do have the attribution and full particulars, I just can't find the book at the moment). Technically, she rolled the car, rather than lifting it, but it's still an incredible feat. Similar feats of strength, endurance and courge, equally astonishing, can be found with some research.


Howard Hill, the man who did the actual shooting for Errol Flynn in Robin Hood, once killed a tiger shark at a distance of fifty feet with a single arrow - fired while he was underwater. He may have been the greatest archer ever (but he never split an English arrow nock to tip - the arrow in the film was a bamboo "stunt double" :)).


The Guiness book isn't a bad place to start.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


There was a case of a skydiver that fell 1000s of feet when their parachute failed but not only survived but walked away.


There was also Vesna Vulovi?, a flight attendent who fell 30,000 feet in the tail of an airplane and lived.



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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Don't forget the lost city of Petra. Or on a different note, the log cabins of the redwood forests: There are several houses made from fallen sequoias. So? What's so unusual about that? The houses in question are built *inside the fallen trees.* The trees were left where they fell and cabins carved into them.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Chemical release from a concealed lab? Mutant power gone awry?


On February 19, 1994, Gloria Ramirez was admitted to the Riverside

General Hospital in California, complaining of nausea and respiratory

problems. A nurse in the emergency room, attempting to take a blood

sample, noted an ammonia smell and later collapsed. Dr. Julie

Gorchynski also took very ill. Others present reported less severe

symptoms. After Ramirez died, her remains were kept sealed in an

airtight steel container. Two autopsies were inconclusive. But Dr.

Gorchynski remains an invalid. The authorities eventually explained

away the mystery as being stress-induced mass hysteria, which did not

explain the knee and lung symptoms suffered by Dr. Gorchynski. The

Ramirez family decried the mass hysteria explanation as a coverup. The

case remains the most highly publicized mystery of 1994.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Mating Monsters?


Ed Bousfield, a biologist at the Royal B.C. Museum, reported that two

pilots in a Cessna float plane may have disturbed a pair of sea

monsters engaged in an intimate act. The two creatures, which had the

traditional loops, had probably come into Saanich Inlet to breed. When

the plane landed on the water they swam off at speeds up to 65 km./hr.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Mating Monsters?


Ed Bousfield, a biologist at the Royal B.C. Museum, reported that two

pilots in a Cessna float plane may have disturbed a pair of sea

monsters engaged in an intimate act. The two creatures, which had the

traditional loops, had probably come into Saanich Inlet to breed. When

the plane landed on the water they swam off at speeds up to 65 km./hr.


Where did you get this from?

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Mating Monsters?


Ed Bousfield, a biologist at the Royal B.C. Museum, reported that two

pilots in a Cessna float plane may have disturbed a pair of sea

monsters engaged in an intimate act. The two creatures, which had the

traditional loops, had probably come into Saanich Inlet to breed. When

the plane landed on the water they swam off at speeds up to 65 km./hr.

Damn Voyeurs ! No wonder sea monsters have such a bad rep.I'd be cross too if someone disturbed me in that position ! These humans have NO tact.
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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Damn Voyeurs ! No wonder sea monsters have such a bad rep.I'd be cross too if someone disturbed me in that position ! These humans have NO tact.


Very OT, but I've read an account in a Loren Coleman book [bigfoot: the story of apes in America -- that should be the title, anyway] of someone who watched a Bigfoot have sex with one of their cows. :nonp::angst: Just why they didn't try and take some pictures when Bigfoot was, ahem, occupied is anyone's guess.


Even Coleman had a hard time swallowing that story.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Very OT' date=' but I've read an account in a Loren Coleman book [bigfoot: the story of apes in America -- that should be the title, anyway'] of someone who watched a Bigfoot have sex with one of their cows. :nonp::angst:


"And that bigfoot looked just like Cousin Earl. Smelled like him, too."

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Nine tons according to what I read. It can be pulled off but it takes a very precise knowledge of the physics involved. Anyway you slice the man was very intelligent and industrious as all get out.


The CC is in south Florida, and was built in the 20's, 30's, and 40's. In those circumstances, I think one of the most remarkable things is how Mr. Leedskalnin was able to acquire a half-a-dozen to a few dozen wooden poles of such length, thickness, and strength. Such poles must have been imported from a goodly distance, and cost quite a lot. That is, the few that he could have found would have been expensive.


Don't forget, those poles would have had to be replaced quite frequently. Impressive bit of logistics, particularly back in the 20's, and again in the WW2 years.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


The CC is in south Florida, and was built in the 20's, 30's, and 40's. In those circumstances, I think one of the most remarkable things is how Mr. Leedskalnin was able to acquire a half-a-dozen to a few dozen wooden poles of such length, thickness, and strength. Such poles must have been imported from a goodly distance, and cost quite a lot. That is, the few that he could have found would have been expensive.


Don't forget, those poles would have had to be replaced quite frequently. Impressive bit of logistics, particularly back in the 20's, and again in the WW2 years.


Yeah, just an impressive feat all the around with no supernatural overtones needed.

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