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Mecha as a Multiform?


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I had an idea for y'all, and I wanted to run it by you.


I'm thinking about a mecha for a gadgeteer character; I think the best way to do it would be to purchase it as a Multiform. He can't use most of his other powers while in the Mecha - for all intents and purposes he's the same guy in a different body.


I'm having trouble figuring out how to work the limitations.


For example, I want Fuel Dependent (and that, I can figure out) but here's what I'd also like...


I'd like to represent that the Mecha can only be changed in a lab - that this isn't the Hulk and can be changed anywhere - that there are certain conditions that have to be made. "Only in a Lab" works, but that's only a limitation for a VPP.


I'd also like to represent that the mecha is not an instant change - that the person has to climb in and out (which is a full turn.)


Any ideas?

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Re: Mecha as a Multiform?


Personaly, and this might be a terminology thing, but I think of Mecha as a vehicle (Opposed to power armor which is more personal sized)


Okay, as a multiform, only change in appropriate location -1/2(Realise that if you climb out on main street you will need to go to main street to get back in, if you need to find it in the book it would be covered under the catch all "Limited Power"), Extra time to activate 1 turn (No book on hand, but -1/2 IIRC)


Fuel dependent is a Phys Lim Disad (Infrequent, Greatly)


Like I said, as a vehicle makes more sense to me

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Re: Mecha as a Multiform?


Personaly, and this might be a terminology thing, but I think of Mecha as a vehicle (Opposed to power armor which is more personal sized)


Okay, as a multiform, only change in appropriate location -1/2(Realise that if you climb out on main street you will need to go to main street to get back in, if you need to find it in the book it would be covered under the catch all "Limited Power"), Extra time to activate 1 turn (No book on hand, but -1/2 IIRC)


Fuel dependent is a Phys Lim Disad (Infrequent, Greatly)


Like I said, as a vehicle makes more sense to me


I'm smacking myself in the head; if I had known about the Vehicle perk, I'd have used that.

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Re: Mecha as a Multiform?


I've done mecha and powered armor as Multiform rather than a Vehicle for some characters. It is sometimes a more appropriate option than with the Vehicle Perk, especially if the mecha is something that is not possible to take away once your in it. I've usually done it by writing up the Multiform with Extra Time (representing the time to climb in and power up) and Focus (bulky).

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Re: Mecha as a Multiform?


That this thing can only be changed at a lab...? Well, either you are going to have to build it in some way that its powers can be changed, like giving it a Multipower or a VPP, or you are going to have to have the GM's permission to change it with the proper application of Skills (like Mechanics and such). If you do the former the Frameworks themselves can be Limited as to when they can change in the standard way. If you do the latter I would assume you'd need a lab to make the changes anyway (though the GM might allow you to get away with minor stuff outside a lab so long as you have the proper tools), so it's not worth any kind of Limitation or Disadvantage.

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Re: Mecha as a Multiform?


'Figured I'd do the run down on the usual methods of Mecha construction.


1) Multiform: Benefits: You can change around characteristics to suit your needs. Drop and add skills, disadvantages, and the like.

You don't lose powers when taking damage (unless you also take foci on those powers).


Drawbacks: You take a percentage of damage after you change back into normal form (or get out of the mecha). It's also not possible for others to pilot the mecha (barring GM bending the rules).


Considerations: How realistic is it that you gain or lose skills and psy lims? What happens to the mecha when you are out of it? Can it be destroyed?


2) OIHID: Benefits: Hop in the suit and you gain the powers and characteristics of the suit. You still have all your limitations though (which can be more reasonable... but if say you are physically disabled, you would get a lesser value on the lim as you are only disabled when out of the mech).


Drawbacks: All as multiform.


Considerations: Much the same as multiform. Namely, what happens to the suit when you are out of it?


3) OIF: Benefits: Pretty much the same as OIHID.


Drawbacks: Well, you really know what happens to your suit when you are out of it. Namely, it's equipment. It can be stolen, broken, or destroyed. OTOH: you can define whether it is possible for others to pilot the suit or not.

The other main consideration is that when you take Body, your suit starts to fall apart; starting with the most expensive powers (usually).


Considerations: Sometimes having your suit fall to pieces can be a good thing. But also consider that you are getting both the whammy of taking body and that of losing powers. Still, this is the most recommended route for battlesuits.


4) Bought as Vehicle: Benefits: You don't take Body or Stun from attacks. Lemme stress that again; You don't take Body or Stun from attacks. (Unless you use optional rules for collisions...) Can be cheaper in some instances... but there are very good reasons for that...


Drawbacks: 'Those of the focus in spades. Vehicles fall apart quickly under damage. This can be very bad (and dramatic). Also, unless you build some sort of booster you are going to be limited to the pilots Dex and Spd. It's possible to build this as part of your character (Dex/Spd: When piloting vehicle only) but keep in mind you are going to be paying for the attribute twice; as the vehicle and as the character.

Something else to think about; vehicles don't heal. They will need to be repaired.


Considerations: Unless you have a good reason for them not to, vehicles can be piloted by others. (Installing a security system is a good idea...) Repairing your vehicle offers as many headaches as roleplaying ops.


Additional notes:It's certainly possible to take focus (any variety and including bulky) but keep in mind the rules regarding foci. 1) they can be damaged and destroyed... or if not there will probably be a quest in the future to drop them in a volcano or something. 2) they can be stolen or taken away. Just something to keep in mind.

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