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Everything posted by tgrandjean

  1. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters *cough* Double (at least!) the cost of the X-potion....
  2. Re: Giant Robot RPG (carry over post to SH from DC)
  3. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters Hmm... For the Marlboro I'd probably add +1-2" Stretching, 1-2" Knockback resistance (for the large size). For Bad-Breath I'd also add ~2d6 NND (No need to breath) KA with the delayed effect limitation (to simulate poison).
  4. Re: I am a comic book dinosaur. I'll toss in another vote for JLU. As far as DVDs though I'll toss in a few more. Marvels Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers II are pretty good. (To be honest, the Ultimates line of comics are actually pretty good most notably Ultimate Spiderman... except for Ultimate X-Men which is pretty ick...) Also, the Iron Man DVD is decent and I'm looking forward to Dr. Strange. The Hellboy: Animated series movies are also worthwhile. As far as comics, the ones listed previously are excellent. For a few more suggestion I found quite a lot of DC's Vertigo lines to be excellent along with much of Dark Horse's lines- Hellboy in particular, but Ghost as well as Concrete were also fun reads. To be honest, there is quite a lot of good stuff out there. Quite a lot of crap too, but that's what you'ld expect and why you browse first.
  5. Re: Fogilioverse HERO Heh. Judging from the current panel I'd say Agatha makes damn good coffee...
  6. Re: Fogilioverse HERO Anyone else waiting for Agatha to break out in "Javajavajavajava...."?
  7. Re: What If? Empire Wins Yup. It's why he killed off Fett as he did in Jedi, killed off Darth Maul in the 1rst movie, gave Darth Tryannus such a minor role (be evil, gloat, two fight scenes), and killed off Grievious with of all things- a blaster. Meanwhile, Jar-Jar lives though all three prequels. But, I've got to admit that he tells a good story- poorly. Nothing a better script/dialog writer couldn't have fixed... but Lucas wanted total control so this is what he got- wooden writing and bloated SFX.
  8. Re: Things That Make You Go "Hmmmm...." On average 35 pts. Doing a little quick math in my head (and sans book) 10d6 Suppress AOE: radius (+1) 100pts (Suppress at 5pt per 1d6 iirc), No range (-1/2) 67 real 10 END So... it would loose ~3d6 each time it was used?
  9. Re: What If? Empire Wins Actually, I kinda remember during an interview at one point during the making of the prequels that Lucas was pretty much distressed over the popularity of Vadar, Fett, etc. He felt as villains they should be reviled and hated, not thought of as 'cool' and so sought to have their deaths be as ignomanious as possible. Anyway, one possibility that I like is 1) the force field generator on Endor isn't destroyed 2) Vader kills the Emperor etc. as usual 3) But the Death Star is still intact, the rebel Fleet is still entrapped and destroyed. Given this case, the Admirals divide up the galaxy but cannot muster the resources for large scale constructions (such as the SSDs and Deathstar) and a new group of rebels form fighting a fractured Empire. On the one hand, it's an Empire without guidance from the darkside of the Force. On the other, no insane leadership. If Luke survives (unlikely as that is) he's left with a shattered alliance fighting a hydra.
  10. Re: Something That Makes You Go 'Hmmm...' Once. (It Drains itself below point value with 1rst application unless you're allowing 1/2d and 1 pip levels.)
  11. Re: Things That Make You Go "Hmmmm...." It Suppresses the Suppression power in a 10 hex radius... Including itself. Hope they have some power defense. 'Love to hear the SFX behind it though.
  12. Re: Should I keep going with this article? Duh! Continue! Please! Really aside from ego massaging, it's always interesting to hear the thought process behind design choices. And as always, you are one of the pre-eminent Herophiles out there. So get cracking!
  13. Re: Random Question IIRC: Genocide is Champs U's anti-mutant organization.
  14. Re: What have I missed? Hmmmm...... Well, without narrowing it down to genre I'd go with: Hero System 5th, Dark Champions, The Ultimate Martial Artist, The Ultimate Vehicle, and Star Hero. That would cover pretty much every Tech/Action/Sci-Fi movie angle. If you were thinking Fantasy, I'd drop Dark Champions, The Ultimate Vehicle, and Star Hero and replace with Fantasy Hero, Hero System Beastiary, and Fantasy Hero Grimore. Hmmm.... I might also recommend The Ultimate Skill and The Combat Handbook.
  15. Re: Sonic Character Build help needed I'd go with the quick and easy Side effect: EB or RKA w/ + possible linked sonic SFX Flash if the focus is removed. They wouldn't get the disad bonus from Focus unless they lose the Multipower if the foci is removed; it is certainly an option though if the character can access her side effects (without control) without the device. Just watch that they aren't getting an actual benefit from what is supposed to be a disadvantage. As for fun stuff, try asking the player what their attack sounds like. Is it a scream, or is it the voice of MOM? Let them come up with clever quips to yell.
  16. Re: What would your inner geek pick? All I ask for is Stretching and No need to breathe....
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I thought it only stood if you didn't wash it?
  18. Re: Mecha in Star Hero Seriously though, a range from 4d6+1 to 11d6 RKAs with the median being ~6d6 RKA for a GM's beam gun or ~8.5d6 for the 'Dom's panzerfaust to be addequate. Armor averaging ~18-20 DEF hardened with Gundams going up from there.
  19. Re: Enginneered Geisha Personally, I'd drop the Mental Defence and just assign them Machine Class of mind. 'Course that does leave them open to hacking... See GitS:2.... I might also leave off the longtivity... planned obsoletence...
  20. Re: Mecha in Star Hero Heh. Anyone mention mecha? Just as a quick rule (liberally borrowed from Fuzion *ignoring the wails of horror*) I have found the conversion for Kills to Body (13+ Kills) to be largely workable as well as DC= Kills damage+ 13 and SP+ 13= DEF. It does break down at the x10 and x100 scale point though. I'm still trying to find a decent solution for that. Anyway, I generally stat things up in Mekton Z then Hero-ize it. In any case, once you've statted up a few examples it's easy enough to handwave variations and models. Maybe this version has a few more points of DEF or Body but sacrifices Dex. Or whatever. Make your builds, give 'em a combat test, and assign them to your players. Yada yada...
  21. Re: Would You Assassinate the King? Actually with all the forces arrayed, you forgot a critical element. You need the plucky comic relief. Oh... And a dwarven fighter (or the equilivant) so that they can die and pass on some words of wisdom to the prince. You might consider picking up a tavern wench, a lousy pickpocket, or a bard. Also consider the wonders a small dog or a pig could do for your party. You will probably need to locate the 'Shiney Sword' tm to pass onto the Prince. I'd suggest looking around for forbidding forests, active volcanoes, or ancient shrines. In any case, the king will have to die at some point. Narrative history demands it. The only question is whether you will try and fail and be forgotten or whether you will succeed. (pun intended )
  22. Re: Gundam Seed Hero Actually if you did run a game, you might require that the players buy Combat Luck (usable by others: in this case the mobile suit) or use a varient of Luck (apply points as penalties to opponents rolls; when you are out of luck you are out of luck.....). I'd probably use Mekton myself.
  23. Re: Final Fantasy HERO Yup. Steal the classes from FF3, 5, Tactics, and Tactics:Advance. Augment with Dress Spheres (for job abilities; drop costume change) from FFX2. Shake and bake with the various races from the whole series. And work up some of the iconic arms and armor, and spells and monsters. I don't think you'll find many looking to keep the Draw system, the sphere system, the 'gain skills via equipment' system, or the new licencing system from XII. And as this is Hero, the classes will likely be better to simply present options. Many (take Red XIII or Vincent for example) will opt to go it alone.
  24. Re: [Just a thought] Star Fox HERO Heh. Well, I'll just give the usual type advise for an anime-ish style game. (Honestly, what do you expect? It's a furry war damnit!) Action. Lots of action. Don't let things bog down. Keep things moving at a fast of a clip as you can manage. Try to work in at least 3 fights a game; at least one of those should be mecha based (mecha here meaning starfighters, 'kay?). Drama. Everything has a personal stake here. Either you save the world or your girlfriend. You just don't fight the bad guys, you have a personal stake in destroying them. Friendships are deep and lasting... at least until betrayed. Tech. It's all about the toys. Trot out at least one new starfighter, bad ass personal weapon, or world destroying battleplatform once a session. Try to invest it with all the cool you can possibly muster. Plots. Keep them short and sweet. If the players can't figure it out in a few minutes, it's too complicated. Reduce it to it's components and then add in the subplots. Keep it short and sweet. Remember, it's all about the action!
  25. Re: Final Fantasy HERO Re Enemy Skills/Blue Magic: The quick and dirty method is simply a VPP with the limitation: Can only use powers observed/struck by. That's probably worth at least -1 3/4.
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