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Weird Question About unluck


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Re: Weird Question About unluck


Here's the thing, according to the way I've always thought Unluck operated ...


Unluck kicks in when things are going well and it's not really because of the actions of the PCs. If they're having a good fight because they're being smart and fighting well, then no Unluck. If they're winning while fighting sloppily and just getting good die rolls and good damage, then yes.


Once the unluck starts kicking in, things stop going well at all, which means you don't roll it, so that cumulative really doesn't seem to matter all that much.


Besides, putting Advantages or Limitations on Disadvantages just strikes me as really weird. :)

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Re: Weird Question About unluck


If we assumed "cumulative" means that each additional phase Unluck applies, we add 1d6 to the number of dice rolled, I might consider it. However, that means he could build up to 6d6 or more over the course of a single combat.


If, after playtesting, it seemed not disadvantageous enough, maybe change it to reset to 1d6 only after the end of the whole adventure, adding 1d6 each time you feel the need to roll his Unluck.

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Re: Weird Question About unluck


Personally I'd disallow it as, to me, it's what happens when the combat stops that raises the problems. Does the unluck instantly disappear somehow? This would happen with the usual 1 to 3d6 effect. But this is a whole order of magnitude greater.


The hero, having (say) been battered into unconciousness by the falling tail plane of a passing aircraft (bad luck for him - and what about the pilot/passengers?) is left when the bad guy scampers away. But the unluck has been affecting objects, time lines and random events all around the hero for severl combat phases. So much energy doesn't just stop. Things have been affected, changed in a way to make things bad and getting worse for the hero, and the effect won't stop for some time. The train which lost control is still out of control, that airplane is set to crash and who knows what else.


That amount of unluck is a sort of "Final destination" malevolence with intent to cripple, main or kill. And where does it stop? The unluck bursts his secret ID which causes his being fired (another increase in unluck) which causes him to be attacked by every baddy in the state, which (another increase) which brings them from teh continent etc, etc.


There's no way to stop the snowball until he dies.

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Re: Weird Question About unluck


Or you could make others have a bad day...


Have a bad day: Negative Skill Levels (-5 with Any Skill), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2), LOS (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (225 Active Points); Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -3/4), Incantations ("I hope you have a really bad day"; -1/4)



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Re: Weird Question About unluck


Or you could make others have a bad day...


Have a bad day: Negative Skill Levels (-5 with Any Skill), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2), LOS (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (225 Active Points); Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -3/4), Incantations ("I hope you have a really bad day"; -1/4)




Then they sing a sad song just to turn it around. They had a bad d*gets shot in face*

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