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How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?

Doc Samson

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The special effect is that the character can cause time to rewind a few seconds (1 phase) to change the outcome of a single action or event. Everyone present is aware that the power was used, they see a "ripple" as time rewinds.


We tried writing this up using one of the Luck variants but that just stopped the action from working (or not based on the role), it didn't allow the character with the power to change what he did. We thought of using an Extra-Dimensional Movement to Time Travel back in time 1 Phase, but then the character would be there twice (I think, this one hurt my head).


[edit] We are currently considering (despite the caveat) allowing the 1 turn time travel option in 5ER, and just ignoring that the character would already be there. How would you guys write this power up?


There was a similar concept used in the movie Galaxy quest where they had a device that could rewind time 13 seconds (The Omega-13)

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


I prefer area effect transmute to EDM simply because if you use EDM you'll just leave behind a universe from which you vanished never to be seen again.


Yah...EDM does have the problem that you have to go to a universe where all the other characters exist. A power like this kind of requires everyone to be on the same page (not to mention some limitations to prevent it from being used repteadly in the same event).

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


This is a third-party item for a previous edition, but it might provide a starting point. Or a guide for Limitations, etc.


From Champions Plus, by Steven Maurer.

Dragon Magazine #100. August 1985.


Temporal Fugue

30 for base (11 or less) / + 1 for 10


Temporal Fugue is also known as “replay.” It allows a character to replay immediate past events and take a different action, now that the character knows exactly what will happen. To use Temporal Fugue, the character must roll the ability, minus the number of 1/2-phase actions he wishes to reverse. If successful, the replay starts at that point, with all rolls and actions staying the same until the character interferes with the past. You can only replay an event once.

Example: In a battle, Orakle sees an agent leveling a blaster at her. Since he is just a normal agent, she decides to depend upon him missing — but the agent shoots and hits. Before damage is rolled, Orakle uses her Temporal Fugue power to undo his 1/2-phase attack. She rolls a (12 - 1 = ) 11; her attempt succeeds. When the agent levels his gun at her, she dives for cover. Play resumes at this point. The agent, seeing that Orakle has just jumped behind some boxes, lobs a grenade at her. Orakle, having already undone the attack once, cannot use her Temporal Fugue again.

Referees may choose to extend 1/2-phase actions to include non-combat or simultaneous moves. Thus, an ambush might be considered a single action for purposes of Temporal Fugue: the same goes for running down a blocked corridor. Though it is a power, Temporal Fugue has all the limitations of a skill: It cannot have power advantages or limitations, and it can’t normally be placed in a power modifier. Only Temporal Fugue levels add to the Temporal Fugue roll. It is a no-phase action and it costs END.

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


+6 Overall Levels, 1 Charge Per Day, Visible, SFX: The Do Over


From an SFX Point of view, the character "knows" what will happen, and activates his levels to achieve a different end. Everyone else in the area knows what would have hapenned had he not used his Do Over thanks to the Visible limitation.


To make the power even more effective, link it to Precognitive Clairsentience, One Phase Only (-1), Visible (-1/4), 1 Charge per day.


Now the character knows what actually will happen, as does everyone in the area, though only the character is free to change his actions. If everyone were free to change their coming actions, that would be a -1 Side Effect.


If you really want to allow full do overs without the character needing to declare his intent before the turn happens, replace the Precog and Levels with: Danger Sense 15-, Discriminatory, Visible, Does Not Actually Warn of Danger, But Instead Allows Do Overs (-0), One Retroactive Charge Per Day (-1).


Any time the character declares that he wants to do a Do Over, roll the 15-. If it succeeds, anounce to everyone that the last phase was just Do Over Man's Danger Sense, and allow Do Over Man to change his action.


The once per day in the above is to keep him from doing this again and again all through the adventure.

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


What's funny is that I just did a search and discovered that this is the third time this question has been asked and I've posted that article exerpt in response.

I guess someone's using the power for real.


OddHat: Your solution would seem to be the way to go. Nearly all of the Precognition Powers in USPD 1 & 2 use Skill Levels of various types to represent the advantage a character has from knowing what's about to happen. Whether it's precognition or rewinding time wouldn't really make a difference.

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


I prefer area effect transmute to EDM simply because if you use EDM you'll just leave behind a universe from which you vanished never to be seen again.


Yah...EDM does have the problem that you have to go to a universe where all the other characters exist. A power like this kind of requires everyone to be on the same page (not to mention some limitations to prevent it from being used repteadly in the same event).


No it doesn't.


EDM: Time Travel has no such issue. That's the purpose of it. Unless you're using some Time Travel house rule.


We have the power in our game, finally relegating it to "Dire Need Story Use Only" because it is massively, incredibly and undeniably unbalancing.

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


No it doesn't.


EDM: Time Travel has no such issue. That's the purpose of it. Unless you're using some Time Travel house rule.


We have the power in our game, finally relegating it to "Dire Need Story Use Only" because it is massively, incredibly and undeniably unbalancing.




That said, the vastly unbalancing potential of the Time Travel option is why I prefer to use other powers to model something like the Do Over Effect. It's a lot like the Speed Zone; EDM is a simple, direct way to model something that can completely unbalance anything other than a single player campaign.


Better to use a load of levels, some Danger Sense, and SFX. The character still appears to do the same thing from an in-setting POV, but the cost is closer to the actual utility, and it's easier to handle.

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Re: How would you write up this power, "The Do-Over"?


Except for there being two of you.


That depends enitrely on how you handle time travel. But you're still in the same Dimension as when you started.


In our game the power is a group effect (8 people in the immediate area) travel completely backwards with knowledge of the upcoming minutes; everyone else has no idea because for them those minutes haven't occured yet.

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