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Trust me, I'm an Expert....


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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Yomi no hanna shukenjo

Born Arakawa Yumi


Yumi was a fairly normal little girl, her parents were both school teachers in Hiroshima. Things first changed for her when she discovered the power of her body, and all the things she could get people tp do in return for her "surrender"


She graduated from High school by means of blackmail and seduction, and then she started hanging out with "bad people". She became a hidden power amoung the Yakuza through a string of boyfriends, the last being Oyabun Kakashi. Stung by her betrayal he stll hunts/stalks her....for rape and murder? or for a romantic reunion? It varies day to day....


She left Kakashi due to her obsession with the Occult. Yet another avenue to power. While traveling, she encountered a sage of the golden demon temple while seducing and humiliating triad enforcers....


The rest...well, as they say, is history....

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The stats...basic MA stuff with a little mentalist thrown in...


ST 15 (30)

Dex 26

Con 25

Bod 12

Int 13

Ego 15

Pres 25

Coml 18

PD 11 (11r,17 total)

ED 11 (11r, 17 total)

Spd 6

Rec 8

End 50

Stun 33


Total cost 158

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The skills...


Jack of all trades


PS: Party hostess/Planner

PS: Dancer

PS: Singer

PS: Erotic entertainer

PS: Red Banner Ninja

KS: The Underworld/Hell

KS: Criminal world

KS: Ninja and Lin Kuei

KS: Bondage: Ropes and ligatures

KS: Occult








Lock picking

High society includes Infernal


English (2)

Chinese (2)

Perq. Membership Red Banner Mid/High 6 pts

Golden Demon Wu Shu 21 pts

(M/S,O/S,N/S,K/S, and M.Dodge)

+2 w/ wu shu

+2 DC

Usable with blades

KS: Wu Shu

KS: Martial world


Around 88 points total...

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


the powers, Yomiko is a Red banner dark chi user and Bak wu....


Dark Secrets Multi (60)

u Venom touch Drain 2D6 (ST,DX, Con,Bod) any one, Uncontrolled,Continues,Per min rec (+2) (despite the name this is a dark chi attack, Not a venom attack.)

u Onibinojutsu HKA 1D6+1 (ED) No KB, Beam (-1/2) AE: Cone,Extra area,+1 Stun mod,AP (+2)

u Nagashindo Shapeshift :Touch,Sight and sound any Humanoid,Instant,Imitate, costs to change only

(Note the serpant Ninja have exterminated all Nagashindo masters long ago, she gained this power as the gift of her pact,being a Nagshido master she is targeted for death by the Serpant clan)

u Nagashindo II SUM: Reptiles: Venomous group,friendly,x8, 125 points max (this is most often King cobras)


Dark Chi +15 St no figured 10 pts

" DR 5/5

" Lack of weakness (5)

Unnatural agility Combat luck x2


Nagashindo III LS- All Toxins 10 pts


Wuxia leaping 11" Flight Lim: "Leaping" -1/4 17 pts


Total around 135 or so...

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Dis adds


Shameful secrets 5 pts

Pact of the Bak Wu 10 pts

Overconf. (Pride)

Distinct looks: Unique perfume (note shapeshift) Pale skin, Dark Chi, Nagashindo tatoo

Unluck 3D6 Accursed (both a dark chi master And Bak Wu)


Evil life experiance 31 pts of exp


Hunted Serpant Ninja (8) (she also commands the serpant clan as a senior Red Banner Sage)

Hunted : The "Seekers" (8) each worth 20....

Hunted Oyabon Kakashi (8) 10 pts worth anyway....

Enraged : Combat (8) (11)

Enraged: Insults (8) (11) (Proud and short tempered... the perfect girl!)


Vuln Celestial/Blessed x11/2 stun and body


Total 150+31= 181+ 200 starting= 381

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


I'm working on converting Old chars to 5Er...


Expert: Private eye/Shamus 3 pts

Streetwise 2 pts

Conversation 2 pts

KS: Police proceedures or PS: Cop (now an ex-cop) 1 pt

Shadowing 2 pts

Sec systems 2 pts

Lock picking 2 pts


Total cost 14....to much bang for the buck?

If not, add in Contact: Cop buddy (11),KS: Criminal law or underground, and you're at 15 to 16 pts...

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Jake Spectre.


Jake was a big time P.I. back in the 50's. That was untill he got a job investigating Duchess Enterprises. Now he's dead, but Jakes not gonna let That stop him....


Concept: Ghost detective, Desolid affects real world, but not broken.

Pwersonallity Bogart as a ghost detective, mix in a little Mike Hammer as well...

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Wouldn't this thread fit better in one of the genre groups? I am not sure if this is a Champions' date=' Dark Champions or Martial Arts campaign.[/quote']


It's not genra specific...it was about Expert. and sort of...still is...though it's mostly about random stuff....

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The reason I've been shirking is I've been trying to find Jakes old sheet...no luck. So here is a 5ER off the top O'me head version....


Expert: PI

Streetwise 2 pts

Conversation 2

Lock picking (yeah I know I'm pushin it...) 2 pts

Security systems 2...

Shadowing 2....

KS: Criminal law 1pt

KS: Police proc (badly outdated by now...) 1...

Contact: Mylissa Blanco (spirit medium...) 1....


Boxing 14 pts

KS: Boxing 2 pts

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The Powers...


Ghostly form Desolid,REnd>0,Vari sp effect (any),Persistant

(Magic) Always on (costs 10 End to "manifest"/solidify per phase)SE:CE Haunted location effects" No controll, always (any place Jake inhabits is by definition "haunted" 50 pts

Manifestation End reserve (100) Rec 1 11 pts?


Ectoplasim mastery Multi(62) 62 pts

u Ghost touch +20 str, affects solid +2, No figured -1/2 4 pts

u Fool senses Images (the last I played the GM was cool with working while desolid...check first...) 6 pts

u Influence minds Mental illusions 10D6 REnd>1/2 (must manifest to affect non desolid target) 6 pts

u Vanish Invisability: Sight,sound, and smell REnd>0 6 pts

u Ecto-Gat RKA 2D6 AP REnd>0 No KB, Beam/Bullets 4 pts


Not alive DR 15/15 15 pts...

" LS: Non breathing,Cold,Heat,Radiation,Vacume 14 pts

" LS: No need to sleep, eat,Unaging 9 pts


Walking on air +1" running, all running usable as Flight 5 pts


Ghost sight Nightvision

Sensitive to vibrations Object reading


Aprox 212 pts

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Disadds so far....


Shamus code

Seeks redemption (Jake doesn't remember being "evil"...but he hasn't moved on either....)

DNPC Someone that need his help (see above....)(8) (they may be the cause of his adventure, but they seldom make an appearance during ..)

Enraged "Harm innocents" (11)(11)


Hunted: Demon (8) (A ghost that can shoot people..."I Want one!")

Hunted VIPER (8) (Viper beleives he is a mutant that is pretending to be a ghost...)

Vuln : Necromancy Stun, Bod, any other 15 pts (5 each)

Sucept 2D6 "Banishing rituals" (even tossing salt over your shoulder causes him pain...)

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The Scorpian Ninja are not really Ninjas they're the remnants of the Sohei destroyed by Nobunaga (at the behest of the Red Banner). They merged with some minor clans and survived to modern times.

The Red Banner does not consider them a threat to their victory, because the modern Scorpians use Sorcerous Taijutsu, not Chi mastery.

Scorpians are the ultimate "strike ninjas" many storys that speak of ninja as unstoppable killing machines are based on the exploits of scorpian Ninja.

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The stats...basic, but they can boost them with "Battle trance"


ST 20 (50)

Dex 26 (32)

Con 25

Bod 12

Int 13

Ego 11

Pres 15

Coml 14 (stunning physical specimens, and bad boy charisma...gotta hate'em!)

PD 12

ED 12

Spd 6

Rec 10

End 50

Stun 35


Total cost 145

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The skilz...a little light, strike Ninjas and all...


Expert:Infiltration 3 pts

Disguise 2

Concealment 2

Stealth 2

Climbing 2

Cramming 4 pts (study up on target)


+2 w/ All 20 pts


Acrobatics 3 pts

Breakfall 3

Lockpicking 3

Security systems 3


43 points or so...

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Sorcerous Powers!


Shinobi sorcery Multi (50)

u Sorcerous Taijutsu +4 D6 APx2,Rend>0 (8D6)

u Shadow skill HKA 11/2 D6 AP,+1 stun,REnd>1/2 (2D6)

u Unnatural stealth Invis: Sight,Sound,No fringe 5 End/Ph (this is why they learn stealth...so much energy)

u Battle Trance +30 STR,+6 Dex No figured,SE: Enraged (11) to snap out, Always effects, lose effects when snaps ot, Visable (varies, from distorted but human, to demonic apearance)

(This is their most feared and respected ability, an enhanced form inherited from the Sohei. It is also why there are so few Scorpians around...hard to escape safely when you're beserk...)( The Scorpian cannot change slots while enraged)

u Secret pathways Teleport 20" REnd>1/2

u Secret pathways II Desolid REnd>1/2 (Magic)



Venom mastery LS- All Toxins 10 pts

Shinobi Reflexes Combat luck x2 12 pts

Ninja gear Armor +6 Def OIF 12 pts

Kusari +3" Streaching REnd>0 OAF, Std lims (-11/2) 8 pts


Shinobis eyes Night vision 5 pts

Sorcerous vision Detect: Magic (sight) Sense 5 pts


Scorpians blessing: Find Weakness (12) All attacks 35 pts


Total 162

Total for character: 350

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


So who do the Red banner send when they're really peeved, and they want you to know who's after you? Tulpas. Basicly a Tulpa is a "thought made real",a basic mastering of the Mara, any monk worth his salt ought to be able to do it.....


OK, it's really hard. But Tulpa masters are amoung the elite in the Red Banner.

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Tulpas can take most any form, being a dream afterall...but most take the form of an idealized human. A tulpa should be impossable to tell from a "normal" person, but the inherant corruption of the Red Banner shows it's self in their Tulpas...they are always "unnatural".


ST 20

Dex 21

Con 25

Bod 12

Int 13

Ego 11

Pres 20

Coml 18

PD 12 (6r)

ED 12 (6r)

Spd 5

Rec 10

End 50

Stun 35


Total cost 132

Beutifull/Handsome....but Creepy....

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


Skills...this can vary wildly...but any skill a Tulpa has, must be known by it's creator...







Skill 3 pts

Skill 3 pts


Tracking 3 pts

Survival 3 pts

Climbing 3 pts

Acrobatics 3 pts

Breakfall 3 pts

Concealment 3 pts

Lockpicking 3 pts

Conversation 3 pts

Deduction 3 pts


+2 w? All 20 pts


Should be 60 pts or so....

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Re: Trust me, I'm an Expert....


The power of an idealized form made real! Muah ha ha haaa!


Damage reduction x3/4 PDr 60 pts

Damage reduction x 1/2 EDr 30 pts


Perfect form +3" running

Perfect moves +9" running :Only for half moves (-1) 9 pts


Silent as death... Invis: Sound REnd>0 15 pts


Dream-Fu +4D6 AP (8D6) 20 pts


Weird weapon HKA 1D6+1 AP (2D6) OAF (-1),No KB(-1/4),Ego def adds to PD (-1/4) (total -1 1/2) 12 pts (Can take almost any forrm, always ornate, impractacle,and scary looking) (The Tulpa can wield it perfectly)


Unnatural form DR 6/6 6 pts


Total 152


Total for Tulpa: 350 pts

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