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Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)

Captain Emu

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So, I ave been working on my own Cosmic Champions setting for a bit now. I'm still fleshing out stats but thought I might share some of the ideas I've come up with the group. Discussion and comments are surely welcome, as I am bound to have missed something. These are just design notes that I have cobbled together and brainstormed.


To begin with...


1) Guardians of Tomorrow

Self-appointed defenders of "proper" continuity, the Guardians of Tomorrow are group with a questionable morality. Though they claim to be a force for order, their skewed outlook on things often throws in the face of conventional law, justice and wisdom. The GOT are not a single-minded lot and often there are schisms within their membership over the proper application of the power to a particular task.


2) Tauron - The World Breaker

A feared and loathed menace throughout the cosmos is Tauron. Powerful in the extreme, Tauron searches the universe for worlds that he can destroy and process to build his ever-increasing war machine. Tauron's reason for this is an impending conflict with a force of annihilation that he feels personally empowered to address. Though his actions may seem callous and destructive, like many of the universe's denizens his motives are based on a personal morality that he holds above others.


3) Myraloo

A spritely creature, enigmatic in her origins, Myraloo is a sort of cosmic adventurer. Of not identifiable species and claiming no world as her origin, she is flits about the universe meddling in the affairs of others. Though of a mostly benign nature, her trusting, often naive personality sometimes leads her astray or into the hands of those with less than innocent intentions.


4) Aurora - The Chromatic Girl

Aurora is a manifestation of a cosmic phenomenon. Her powers are centered around manipulation of light in various spectrums. Aurora appears to be human even though she is not from Earth, but her visits there have been pleasant and so she has developed a certain fondness for the human species. Aurora is a consummate loner, never content to settle down for the long term for fear that her alien nature will become too apparent and distance those she likes from her.


5) The Star Stealers

A race of powerful cosmic entities, the Star Stealers are the highest class of thieves, robbing the universe not of simple possessions but entire worlds even stars. They do so using the power granted them by the Infinite Construct, an ancient machine that channels the powers of the cosmos directly into the gauntlets they wear.


6) The Mangyar

A race of life-leeching aliens that raid systems for food. The Mangyar are, individually, no very powerful, but as a race command immense amount of power. Mangyar fleets are swift, brutal and prone to scorched earth tactics.


7) The Zolar Council

The Zolar Council are a galactic authority of sorts who guarantee protection from client worlds that agree to adhere to a certain code of ethics and laws. These laws and ethics are not imposed upon these "client" worlds, but rather these worlds request the presence of the Zolar Council to help them in managing their own internal problems. The active arm of the Zolar Council are a group of super-powered beings called the Zolar Jurisdictional Authority (ZJA) and it is these beings that most under Zolar authority are most familiar with.


The ZJA's current roster includes: Varion, Xan-ma, Star Fury, Torrid, and the enigmatic Mr. O.


Have at...

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Cool stuff. :cool: After reading it I did have a few thoughts:


I would assume that the ZJA are the "good guys" of the setting, to which the PCs will likely belong? If so, who are the Zolar Council who employ them? Cosmic entities? An alliance of worlds and races? What is the source of their authority, and what's their motivation and agenda? If these issues haven't been clarified yet, I think they'll go a long way to contributing to PC background and characterization, and to potential plots.


I'm also guessing that the Guardians of Tomorrow are another group of cosmic supers who could potentially be allies or enemies of the ZJA, depending on circumstances. If so, same issues as with the Zolar Council.


What's the history of the setting? Is the galaxy mostly at peace, or in conflict? Are there major interstellar civilizations, factions, or organizations? Who are the major races (potential origins for PCs)? I would suggest that the setting needs a few federations and/or empires to broaden the range of opponents that the PC heroes may confront, preferably with super champions of their own. A major pan-galactic conspiracy wouldn't be out of place either, one with less benevolent intentions than the GoT.


What is Tauron's origin? Is he the only being of his kind or power class in the galaxy, or are their other "kindred" to him? Other cosmic entities with different agendas than Tauron would offer different types of challenges to the heroes. Appropriate archetypes include the racial experimenter, the collector, the gamesman, the passive chronicler, and the trickster (although it sounds like Myraloo may have that role covered).


I'm not quite sure as to the function you foresee for Aurora. As described she just seems to show up to hang around people she likes, but otherwise doesn't do anything. If you don't have it yet, I would suggest that Aurora should have a motivation and/or agenda behind her wanderings, which could be used as the springboard for a PC adventure.


For that matter, what is this "force of annihilation" that Tauron is preparing for? I'm guessing that you're setting things up so that the PC heroes may be forced to ally with Tauron in the future, but in the meantime, might there be lesser minions of this force that the heroes could be forced to oppose? That might help convince them that they must side with Tauron when the big bad shows up.


Going back to the history of the setting, your Star Stealers' Infinite Construct would seem to imply that there are incredibly advanced artifacts in the galaxy. That begs the question of who or what built it. Would this have been left by some ancient, now-vanished race? Are there other examples of this technology around, providing the basis for hero or villain origins, or perhaps some automated terror that might be loosed into modern space?


That's all I have for now. I hope some of it is helpful. :)

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


One thing to keep in mind, these are just brainstorming notes. Much of it is vague and undefined as I haven't established many of the corner stones. I was also waiting to get the Galactic Champions book to see how much I could use in there, thoughj I have to say I think the book falls short of what I am attempting to do setting-wise. I may work some of it in.


I would assume that the ZJA are the "good guys" of the setting, to which the PCs will likely belong? If so, who are the Zolar Council who employ them? Cosmic entities? An alliance of worlds and races? What is the source of their authority, and what's their motivation and agenda? If these issues haven't been clarified yet, I think they'll go a long way to contributing to PC background and characterization, and to potential plots.


The ZJA -could- be a place for PCs, that was the intention, but wasn't intended as the central focus of the campaign as yet. The Zolar Council is really a race of powerful aliens, not quite "entity" status.


I'm also guessing that the Guardians of Tomorrow are another group of cosmic supers who could potentially be allies or enemies of the ZJA' date=' depending on circumstances. If so, same issues as with the Zolar Council.[/quote']


The GOT are a potent group of "elder" entities that have a slightly crooked idea of right and wrong. They could definitely combat or even aid the PCs in any game, mostly because individuals have some serious independence issues. They would also equate to a serious thron in the side of any other group of protectors.


What's the history of the setting? Is the galaxy mostly at peace' date=' or in conflict? Are there major interstellar civilizations, factions, or organizations? Who are the major races (potential origins for PCs)? I would suggest that the setting needs a few federations and/or empires to broaden the range of opponents that the PC heroes may confront, preferably with super champions of their own. A major pan-galactic conspiracy wouldn't be out of place either, one with less benevolent intentions than the GoT.[/quote']


This is definitely in the works. More will take shape when I post the rest of my notes. I am imagining something that fuses elements of classic DC and Marvel universes. Warring races, mighty beings and factions with wheelings and dealings behind the scenes.


What is Tauron's origin? Is he the only being of his kind or power class in the galaxy' date=' or are their other "kindred" to him? Other cosmic entities with different agendas than Tauron would offer different types of challenges to the heroes. Appropriate archetypes include the racial experimenter, the collector, the gamesman, the passive chronicler, and the trickster (although it sounds like Myraloo may have that role covered).[/quote']


Tauron is unique. My concept for him was as the misguided, possibly last of his kind.


I'm not quite sure as to the function you foresee for Aurora. As described she just seems to show up to hang around people she likes, but otherwise doesn't do anything. If you don't have it yet, I would suggest that Aurora should have a motivation and/or agenda behind her wanderings, which could be used as the springboard for a PC adventure.


I had included her mainly as a potentially useful NPC and a possible love interest playing off of her lonerness.


For that matter' date=' what is this "force of annihilation" that Tauron is preparing for? I'm guessing that you're setting things up so that the PC heroes may be forced to ally with Tauron in the future, but in the meantime, might there be lesser minions of this force that the heroes could be forced to oppose? That might help convince them that they must side with Tauron when the big bad shows up.[/quote']


Ah the force that Tauron is expecting is the coming of the Vexx, a race of anti-life beings thought to be a long-extinct threat by most. Tauron is mainly supposed to fill a sort of "Galactus" role.


Going back to the history of the setting' date=' your Star Stealers' Infinite Construct would seem to imply that there are incredibly advanced artifacts in the galaxy. That begs the question of who or what built it. Would this have been left by some ancient, now-vanished race? Are there other examples of this technology around, providing the basis for hero or villain origins, or perhaps some automated terror that might be loosed into modern space?[/quote']


You got it.


Hope this all helps. I'll post the rest of the notes and let folks start to digest those as well.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Here are the rest of the notes. I realize it's a huge list, but figured it'd be best to get out onto the table all at once.


8) Dark Space

Dark Space is a nightmare zone, sort of a cosmic haunted house where unspeakable horrors are produced from the very fabric of space.

9) The Paragons of Orss

Millennia ago on the planet of Orss an order of valiant heroes was born out of an age of strife and feudal warfare. This order was composed of brave, selfless warriors who held themselves to a personal code of honor and an allegiance to truth and justice above any fealty to lords or nations.

These warriors called themselves the Knights of Orss, named for their home world and not any particular kingdom or lord. They were stalwart defenders of those who could not defend themselves and opposed any lord who propagated his power on the backs of the misfortunate or through despotry of any sort. Countless times they opposed the most powerful forces of their world, establishing a reputation across their globe.

When the people of Orss went to the stars, so did the Knights of Orss. By this time, the order had advanced itself with the technology of its people, equipping its members with the most cutting edge technology for whatever age they were in. As the people of Orss expanded into the cosmos, so did the influence of the order and soon they were a name throughout several systems.

It wasn’t until the most renowned of the order, an Orssian named Larn broke from the order, that they became the Paragons of Orss. Bereft at the brutal slaying of his beloved and the order’s inability to do anything to save her, he became a renegade, declaring a personal war of vendetta upon the order and all who supported it. Empowered by rage and devices stolen from several places across the cosmos, Larn became Larn the Defiler and a feared menace throughout known space. Larn the Defiler was a great blemish upon the reputation of the order; one that they dedicated themselves to eradicating.

When Larn attacked the mysterious world of Tolus with his Null Time Generator, a device with the power to render a world static in time and therefore trapped and unable to act in any way, the Toluns were unprepared and found themselves at the former Knight of Orss. In a savage battle between the order and Larn, the knights were able to destroy the Null Time Generator and foil Larn’s plans, though he himself escaped.

As a reward for their service, the Toluns bestowed upon the order the Paradigm Crystal, a powerful artifact of the distant past that focused immense cosmic forces. The order incorporated shards of the crystal into their personal armor suits making each knight a focus for the energies of the crystal giving each warrior powers that were now of cosmic magnitude.

The Toluns became the new benefactors for the order, unable to take a direct hand in any affairs due to their ancient oath of non-action - the same oath that prevented themselves from being able to defend themselves from Larn the Defiler. The order became known as the Paragons of Orss and opened their membership to any being from any species who practiced the virtues they held to.

Over the centuries, the Paragons of Orss have become known throughout the galaxy as heroes and protectors. They are recognized as authority throughout the stars, if not officially then as an impartial mediating authority. Many systems have local authorities that welcome the Paragons though there are those who are resistant to the “meddling” from such an outside source. In places where they are not welcomed, the Paragons live up to their ancient code of defense for all regardless of local law or word of lord and provide their protection anyhow.

Power Notes

The Paragons or Orss where a special suit of armor that contains a shard of the Paradigm Crystal proving power to the suit and granting its special ability of force manipulation. This force manipulation allows the wearer a number of amazing powers such as the telekinetic manipulation of objects, defensive barriers, even flight and FTL travel (used for cosmic transit only). The force manipulation powers are sometimes also used to enhance the armor’s built-in abilities.

The armor itself provides certain basic functions such as basic armor protection, life support, a set of talons which are intended for use in climbing and gripping surfaces but which are also functional as weapons.

10) Effigy

The entity known as Effigy is a strange but powerful enigma. An animate suit of Paragon Armor, Effigy is the sworn enemy of the Paragons of Orss. Having killed its owner and absorbed his life energy into itself, the flawed Paradigm Shard that powered the armor became its own sentient, self-aware being. It now travels freely among the cosmos, seeking to define itself as an individual and sparing no opportunity to profane and do battle with the Paragons.

11) Sanctuary

The ancient space station that serves as both home and benefactor to Overwatch is nearly a small moon with countless passages full of long-forgotten lore. Once home to the remnants of an entire race, the artificial planetoid now serves as a grim monument to that once great people and home to the founding team of cosmic guardians.

The base is self aware, intelligent and sentient. It is possessed of its own great power but, out of need for both companionship and the programming instilled upon it by its creators, it has gathered together a group of cosmically significant individuals to its bosom. Now it serves as a base of operations and a home for these beings as well as a director of operations for the Overwatch team.

12) Korbit

Korbit is a strange sort of alien. An observer and a curious explorer that has attached itself to Sanctuary, Korbit is a bit of an enigma. Of no known species and of questionable intelligence he seems none the less sentient albeit whole passive. Korbit never takes an active role in anything, though he is powerful and capable of great feats when it comes to ensuring his own survival. Never communicating in anything other than a marginal set of signs and signals which can only be loosely translated, he remains, ever the mystery.

13) Vexx

An ancient race of anti-life killers who were created during an ancient war by the now extinct Karzans, most of the Vexx were hunted down and destroyed but there is a cosmic legend that says that some of them escaped and have kept themselves hidden only to return again when they are forgotten.

14) Vatshu Star Empire

The Vatshu have held empire over a vast number of star systems for eons. Though ordinary life forms, themselves, the Vatshu possess a staggering arsenal of resources and technology used to hold dominion over the worlds in their space. The Vatshu usually conduct their affairs in a beneficent manner, they do maintain a huge star fleet that they are quite adept at using.

15) Kal Om – The Lord of Fate

The Lord of Fate is a singular life form in the cosmos and it is his task to look over the continuity and the flow of fate throughout the universe as we know it. Though he can be interfaced within this universe, he does not exist solely in this universe and, in fact, he exists in all times, all divergences, all lines of potentiality.

16) The Suriel

A race of majestic and powerful aliens who have elevated themselves to vast accomplishments in science, philosophy and theology, the Suriel are a benevolent force in the galaxy if not a bit arrogant. The Suriel seem to fit the description of earthly angels quite closely.

The Suriel do not have wings but do use a curious form of gravitic flight which produces luminous fans of energy from their backs which might be confused for a hallo or wings. It is known that they were traveling the galaxy long before man had reached any definable civilization, so perhaps they had some effect on early man’s perceptions of the divine, though they refuse any direct influence over humanity’s development.

17) Star Dragons

The Star Dragons are a species of space-dwelling saurians of great power and majesty. They traverse the cosmos as enigmas, ancient and powerful. Not much is known of their origins but they do seem to be tied into the welfare and well-being of the universe, often coming to the aid or the destruction of those who are in need or who pose a definite threat to the universe.

One of the most curious affectations of the Star Dragons is their seeming desire to interact with lesser species. Sometimes, a particularly curious Star Dragon will take on the form of one of these creatures and try to live a life among them. These adventuresome beasts often find roles among their adopted kind as heroes and champions but rarely, for reasons of their own, taking on leadership.

One notable Star Dragon was the hero called “Arnax” who was dealt a mortal wound during the Vexxian War. Whether or not Arnax truly perished remains to be seen as his body was never recovered. Other notable Star Dragons are Vorell, Marat, and the newest to appear, Terall.

18) The Primordeals

Long before man walked the Earth, a race of beings lived upon the planet in gilded splendor. Possessed of advanced technology as well as powerful bodies and minds, this race of super humans fled the Earth and left for the stars when it looked like the Earth would no longer be able to support them.

Though they are from Earth, the Primordeals are a very different race from humanity. Larger and well-built, they are giants compared to humans. Squarish in appearance, they seem chiseled from the stone of antiquity from which they came. They have vague facial features which seem mostly devoid of expression and large hands and feet with chunky digits.

The Primordeals now reside far away from Earth on a terraformed world called Gnosis. Here they have rebuilt their society and continued their development during the eons that passed since their departure from Earth.

Their outlook on the current human population of Earth is indifferent. Having little in common with the new top species of Earth, culturally or physically, they can only claim the vaguest of cosmically relevant bonds of heritage. As far as the Primordeals are concerned, the human race is still primitive and still unproven as a species.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Wow, a lot of traffic through this thread, but little in the way of input. In a blatent act of desperation and in the name of starting another thread of conversation, let me ask again for feedback.


I am currently looking for ways to integrate it with what is in Galactic Heros or even bits from other books. This information is not supposed to be Champions 3000, it is supposed to be circa Earth 2000+.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


All right, I'll see what more I can come up with. ;)


If you want to integrate elements from Galactic Champions into this setting, then you'll want to decide which CU races exist there. Using some of the characters will imply the presence of these races, and their history will have to be adapted in some way. Sovereign implies the Mandaarians or an analogue to them, Slug the Elder Worms, etc.


You might consider if any of the races of the CU would fit your definition of your own races. Depending on how you define the Vexx you might be able to use the Elder Worms, the Xenovores, the Nibu Gemani, or any combination of those. Similarly, the Empyreans could stand in for the Primordeals of your setting in terms of power set, requiring little more than cosmetic alteration.


The Paragons of Orss resemble both Defender 3000 and the Star*Guard, so either or both of those characters could be used as a template for them.


I would recommend "tweaked" versions of Arcane or the Examiner for such cosmic entities as Tauron or Kal Om. Another alternative would be using the character sheet for Mechanon 3000, ignoring his Disadvantages reflecting his enormous size, and making him a more human-scale entity. That would have the advantage of enormous power without the potentially game-breaking flexibility of a huge VPP.


I would suggest the possibility of Suriel or Star Dragon NPC villains, or even PC heroes in your campaign. On the NPC front, just because these races are benevolent overall doesn't mean that one of them may not have motives that PC heroes would feel the need to oppose. As for PCs, consider whether you couldn't have immature specimens of these races, without the full power of adults, who would be curious enough about the "lesser" races to want to hang around with them.


I'll try to give this more thought and come up with other suggestions. If you wish to post more background info, that might help us help you. :)

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


I may not have been clear. I had intended to work with the Champions universe as much as possible. I'm not wanting so much to fuse what is in GH with what I've created but more to find a place for my stuff along side them. The universe is a big place and as such Galaxars, Mandaarians and the other races presented in the GH book will be included.


A rivalry between the Paragons and the Star Guard might be neat. It even has precident in comics with the Dark Star/GLC rivalry.


The Primordeals can exsist easily enough. They are a single planet of isolated beings.


Some of my highers entities might easily become Galaxars - Kal Om and the Guardians of Tomorrow most notably.


The Vexx are supposed to be a long-forgotten threat. As an interesting aside, there has been some discussion about a storyline in which the last remaining elements of the Vexx end up being hidden on Earth, allowing for a nice Galactic/Earth Champions crossover.


As this is in the early developemental stages, a lot is still open and being decided, background wise.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Oh, okay, I think it's sunk in now. :doi:


In that case, I think there's potential for congruence between your Vatshu and the CU's Malvans. The Malvans once ruled a mighty empire by virtue of their staggeringly advanced technology, but by the early 21st Century had sunk into decadence. Just make them a little less decadent and moribund, so that they still have control of their empire, and I think you'll be good to go.


You can keep your Primordeals as a separate race from the Empyreans if you wish, of course, but remember that the first generation of Empyreans left the Earth in search of their creators, the Progenitors (who BTW could be the same as one of your other groups of cosmic entities). They might very well have settled on another planet of this galaxy. In fact, since there are implications that the Progenitors created other "Empyrean" races on other worlds, I once suggested that several of these races might have left on the same journey as Earth's Empyreans, met each other, and settled together on a new world - perhaps one prepared for them by the Progenitors.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Ah, think I'll do away with the Primordeals then. I must have missed the Empyreans having come from Earth. Pity, I like then ame Primordeals. Perhaps the Vatshu are a fragment of the once great Malvan empire. Of course, I'm sure the creators of the Champions Universe would agree that there is room for more than one great star empire.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Considering that there's more than half a dozen interstellar empires in the galaxy during any Hero Universe era yet described, I think that's a safe bet. ;)


In fact, from its description in Champions Universe, at the beginning of the 21st Century the huge former domain of the Malvans appears to be pretty much wide-open territory. That region will eventually be divided among other expanding civilizations such as the Ackalians, but in the present day there's more than enough room for a sizeable remnant of the old empire to be preserved by the Vatshu, which would have disappeared by the time these other peoples began to expand.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


I was thinking that something like the ZJA would be a welcome site in the remnants of the Malvan Empire as well as some of the other unincorporated systems.


As for the Vatshu, I had considered them being another large empire in their own rite - a bit of my own blatent addition to the collection of aliens. I'm sorry, but the various races, as described in GH just seem to fall short of your usual comoc book alien empire. They all seem much too, well, real.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


As for the Vatshu' date=' I had considered them being another large empire in their own rite - a bit of my own blatent addition to the collection of aliens. I'm sorry, but the various races, as described in GH just seem to fall short of your usual comic book alien empire. They all seem much too, well, real.[/quote']


I and others share your reaction. There's something of a lack of the comicbook standard superhuman aliens in the Champions Universe, other than psionic types such as the Mandaarians and the Varanyi, and the shapeshifting Roinesh of the C3000 era. Probably because Steve Long wanted them to be usable for more "realistic" sci-fi campaigns. Maybe the reason the Vatshu have kept control of a portion of the old Malvan empire is because they themselves possess superhuman powers.


Now if you really want superhuman aliens in the CU, I suggest you check out Digital Hero #35. Michael "Susano" Surbrook contributed an article on the Nekhojin, a race patterned after the Saiyajin from Dragonball Z, which integrates them into the CU timeline. If you're familiar with the DBZ manga/anime series, you have some idea of how tough these guys can be.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


I have been finding DH very useful. So far I've found useful tidbits in the issues that cover the Star*Guard. What you say about the Vatshu is true and in a discussion with a co-worker today I got to thinking about the nature of how comics universes are created.


In most cases there is some pre-planning done, but a lot of it built with a sort of retro-active relevance. Example, the Shi-ar and the Brood are relatively new to the Marvel universe, but galactically important, even though other races such as the Kree, Skrulls, Eternals, etc had been created much earlier (at least as far as I recall).


Using this model, it is possible for me to the create the Vatshu as an empire unto themselves, plugging them in along side the rest of the races. Now, any sort of retroactive continuity has to take into account certain definites, such as the fact that the Malvans once controlled much of the galaxy. But how much is much?


You had asked about more background. Would you like me to start posting specific characters, etc?

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Ah' date=' think I'll do away with the Primordeals then. I must have missed the Empyreans having come from Earth. Pity, I like then ame Primordeals. Perhaps the Vatshu are a fragment of the once great Malvan empire. Of course, I'm sure the creators of the Champions Universe would agree that there is room for more than one great star empire.[/quote']

You need not "do away" with the Primordeals. They could easily exist congruently to or before/after the Empyreans. I like the concept and physical descriptions. Too much so to have them merely tossed aside.

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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


I have been finding DH very useful. So far I've found useful tidbits in the issues that cover the Star*Guard. What you say about the Vatshu is true and in a discussion with a co-worker today I got to thinking about the nature of how comics universes are created.


In most cases there is some pre-planning done, but a lot of it built with a sort of retro-active relevance. Example, the Shi-ar and the Brood are relatively new to the Marvel universe, but galactically important, even though other races such as the Kree, Skrulls, Eternals, etc had been created much earlier (at least as far as I recall).


Using this model, it is possible for me to the create the Vatshu as an empire unto themselves, plugging them in along side the rest of the races. Now, any sort of retroactive continuity has to take into account certain definites, such as the fact that the Malvans once controlled much of the galaxy. But how much is much?


You had asked about more background. Would you like me to start posting specific characters, etc?


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Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


You need not "do away" with the Primordeals. They could easily exist congruently to or before/after the Empyreans. I like the concept and physical descriptions. Too much so to have them merely tossed aside.


One thought was to keep the Primordeals as a possible natural evolution on Earth that may have at one time been in conflict with the Empyreans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)




So, here is the first installment. This is not a character, but rather a Prefab for building Paragons of Orss. It may seem powerful, but when you consider the chaps wielding it will be 750 point characters or more, not so much. So, have a look at the link below and tell me what you think.



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  • 5 months later...

Re: Homebrew Cosmic Setting (bit longish)


Hello all,


For those interested, I am going to begin doing some new work for this project. I'd appreciate any input and criticism you can throw my way (keep it civil :)). I'll be having some art to post with the stats as well.


It's not going to be a very frequent posting, but it will be active as I can make it with everything else going on in my life.





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