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What Champions supplements should I buy?


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I've recently gotten back into Hero and role-playing in general (via email) after an absence of over a decade (yikes!). I no longer live in the States, and no Hero materials are available here (as far as I know -- I should say I REALLY DOUBT they are available here). The only book I have is 5E, and I haven't ordered anything through the mail because 1) I don't have a credit card and 2) I don't trust the postal service. I see from the discussions here that a lot of really interesting material has been published.


So, I'm going to visit my mom in the States in 6 weeks or so, and planning on blowing $100 or so on Champions materials. What what y'all recommend I should pick up for that amount of money? Thanks!

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Re: What Champions supplements should I buy?


I'm assuming you're approaching this from a GM perspective.


I think it depends largely on how much pre-generated stuff you want and how closely you want to tie your campaign to the official 5th ed Champions Universe.


Champions itself is a good book, and especially useful IMO if some of your players aren't strong on the supers genre.


The HeroDesigner program is a great time-saver.


USPD and Gadgets and Gear have lots of pre-made powers and devices that can save you time making things, or spark ideas.


A few copies of Sidekick might make your players' lives easier.


If you're tying into the CU, then Champions Universe and the villains books like CKC would be handy. If not, not necessary.

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Re: What Champions supplements should I buy?


Thanks much. Actually I am looking at it more from a character-building perspective (as I'm a player in some PBEM groups). I see people here talking about the "Speed Zone" and Martial Arts tricks and so forth and I and my lonely 5E have no idea what they are talking about. :think:

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Re: What Champions supplements should I buy?


In that case USPD / Gadgets and Gear would be up there. Any Ultimate books for the types of characters you want to build might be helpful, but I don't have those so couldn't recommend which are good/better.


Overall though I think 5E would be all you really need, the rest is gravy. If the GM thinks your character should have X ability from one of the secondary books, just ask for their help in writing it up.

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Re: What Champions supplements should I buy?


For character building, just pick up the Ultimate book that relates to your favorite type of stuff. Overall, for multiple-character use, I'd say the Ultimate Martial Artist would be a good one, even if you're not playing a total MA character, most like ot have SOME.


Gadgets and Gear is good for technology stuff, even if for just extra gadgets and the like. Has a nice wide variety of equipment.


Really, not too many supplements are much about new rules or anything like that. I think The Ultimate Skill might be good, though, but I don't own it yet either. Gotta buy some freakin' spark plug wires first.


The rest are specific to archetype or genre, and really just apply the rules already given and stat different things out for you while you giving you general ideas and thoughts on the genre/archetype as well as more specific things as well. You don't NEED any of them, they're just cool to have =)

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Re: What Champions supplements should I buy?


I agree with Supreme and Remjin above. I recently expanded my own Hero library and the books I refer to most often as both a GM and a player (aside from 5ER)are the USPD (both I and II), Gadgets and Gear, and the Ultimates books (I own Martial Artist, Brick, Metamorph, and Speedster).

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Re: What Champions supplements should I buy?


Bare minimum:

1) Champions genre book. Inspirational, interesting simply to read, and sets "standard" benchmarks for you to ignore or follow as you see fit.


2) USPD (I and II). I don't actually have (II), but (I) is full of neat ideas, and essentially gives suggestions for modelling a whole bunch of interesting characters.


3) Gadgets and Gear. Likewise, only for focus using characters.


Between them, these books should allow you to churn out literally dozens of characters. Whether they are interesting will depends on your writing skills, and your tastes.


Incidentally, once you start designing a bunch of characters that exist in the same setting, you've started designing that setting! That's how you end up on the slippery slope to GM-hood...

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