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How to: model 'quicksilver'


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Remember the short lived, but very cool, Sci-fi series Invisible Man?


Our IM (Invisible Man) had a 'gland' inplanted into his brain that generated 'quicksilver' that, when used, excreted a substance that bent light around him at a quantum level.(from memory)


However, this is my question, our IM could excrete the quicksilver onto objects, thus making that object invisible.


In one episode I recall he used it on a door to a room that held his partner and a boobytrapped bomb. neatly avoided because when the door became invisible he (and anyone else) could see after the door became transparent.


How do I model that?


Do I have all objects have a transparency value and this be a transform where

X is Objects Transparency and Y is Object transparency to Zero.


Is that Cosmetic or Minor. Seems very useful so Minor?

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Re: How to: model 'quicksilver'


All sorts of ways.


Clairsentience to model security cameras has the ability of multiple people to look at a single monitor for free as part of the SFX. You could do this as N-Ray Vision, Gestures (paint object to be looked through with Quicksilver), Extra Time (Full Phase), Visible, with the Visibility in this case being the object turning transparent. Anyone could then look through either way for free (a drawback as much as an advantage). The object becomes opaque again at the end of the scene, or you can make him keep gesturing throughout (he keeps applying more quicksilver).


Or, use the Transform, healed back by evaporation of the Quicksilver or cleaning the surface.


Invisibility UAA is obvious; you'll need to check the rules for using it on an inanimate object.

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Re: How to: model 'quicksilver'


Invisibility UAA is obvious; you'll need to check the rules for using it on an inanimate object.


This is how I did it when I wront up IM back in 4th edition. In 5th Edition, I'd write the character up with No Fringe Invisibility, plus a Naked Advantage of UAA for Invisibility.


As I recall, he also had the ability to see anything made invisible by quicksilver; so two invisible guys could see each other (or one could see the other if he just covered his eyes). He could also see other weird effects, such as ghosts. In 4th edition, I had the Invisibility written up as still visible to UV Perception (and decided that some ghosts were also visible in UV), and gave that sense to IM. It's easy enough to say as a -0 Lim it was still visible to Quicksilver Vision, and depending on how useful such a sense would be, charge either 0 or 5 points for the sense (or just say you get it free with quicksilver SFX Invisibility, similar to how you get Mental Awareness for free with Mental Powers).

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Re: How to: model 'quicksilver'


This is how I did it when I wront up IM back in 4th edition. In 5th Edition, I'd write the character up with No Fringe Invisibility, plus a Naked Advantage of UAA for Invisibility.


As I recall, he also had the ability to see anything made invisible by quicksilver; so two invisible guys could see each other (or one could see the other if he just covered his eyes). He could also see other weird effects, such as ghosts. In 4th edition, I had the Invisibility written up as still visible to UV Perception (and decided that some ghosts were also visible in UV), and gave that sense to IM. It's easy enough to say as a -0 Lim it was still visible to Quicksilver Vision, and depending on how useful such a sense would be, charge either 0 or 5 points for the sense (or just say you get it free with quicksilver SFX Invisibility, similar to how you get Mental Awareness for free with Mental Powers).


Personal Immunity.


Quicksilver madness - that would be a difficult one to represent. As I recall, he needed an injection (which he was slowly becoming immune to) otherwise he blew the lid on his id. He basically started having no impulse control... and cosidering as the character started with very little impulse control to begin with....

Also, the madness would occur whether or not he used his abilities, but much faster when he started to use them.


I'd want to define the side effect as some sort of hideous aglomination of Dependance and Psyhcological Limitation. Then have the side effect bump up the time on it.


My other idea was a sort of END Reserve that was recharged by the drug, but when it dropped to 0, he went bonkers. The problem with this one, is that he could still use the power (and without limit) once he had gone bonkers.

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Re: How to: model 'quicksilver'


My other idea was a sort of END Reserve that was recharged by the drug, but when it dropped to 0, he went bonkers. The problem with this one, is that he could still use the power (and without limit) once he had gone bonkers.


This idea was proposed either here or rec.games.frp.super-heroes when the show was originally on the air.

I recall that the solution was END Reserve, REC when injected with the drug and Accidental Change triggered by the Reserve hitting 0. The "alternate self" had all of the hero's Powers at 0 END and a mess of Psychological Limitations to balance the points.

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