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Telepathy build question


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Question. Im building a character with telepathy as his/it's (im thinking alien origin) only mode of communication. How do i build it so that anyone in an area can hear what he/it says but he cant read thoughts not intended for him. Well he can but that will be built as a separate power. Obviously AOE and communication only are called for. I guess the real confusion comes from the fact that the rules never really say if the targets get a breakout role to not hear anything. Im thinking the power will mimic speech in all ways (except perhaps degradation over distance) including the fact that if someone is standing next to you and you speak they cant help but hear what you say unless they are taking active measures to drown you out.

I dont need to hear that is up the the GM either as i am making the character for pure enjoyment (i.e. i cant find a hero group in the area :()


And finally thanks for the responses im sure they will be insightful and enlightening (as they generally are here).

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Re: Telepathy build question


That is probably your best bet.


Your other solution is to dump a buttload of points into Telepathy, because even though you are only asking someone to pass the toast, you still have to make your effect roll (> EGO).


If you did want to go that route:


Telepathy 7d6 (standard effect: 21 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (11" Radius; +1) (140 Active Points); Only to Communicate, Limited to > EGO Effect (-1), Broadcast Only (-1/2), No Range (-1/2); 47 Real Points


And for your 47 points (140 Active), you would be able to communicate with any regular human (normal humans are limited to 20 EGO). I think 11" is about normal for a speaking conversation range.

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Re: Telepathy build question


I think two seperate powers.

To read minds is obviously straight Telepathy.


[edited out my nonsense build]


I did some research and found what I think may be a solution. Pg. 352 5ER lists "Voice" as a 20 pt. power that would be categorized as an Unusual Sense. I think saying it's a "telepathic voice" is just a SFX.

Further I would take Adder, Effected as Another Sense (Mental) (+0) from 5ER pg. 126.


So here is my suggestions:

"Telepathic Voice" Voice (pg. 352), Effected as a Mental Sense (pg. 126) (+0), Cost = 20 pts.

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Re: Telepathy build question


If it will work exactly like speech, it's basically speech. The character is not mute, and he pays no points for this unusual SFX of speech. He broadcasts his thoughts as desired and he picks up the thoughts others translate into speech. SFX for speech.


However, if you want it to provide for speech that doesn't degrade over distance, and that can't be overheard by parties you don't want overhearing it, it's not speech any more. It has advantages. Now the character should be mute. The Mental Speech could be purchased as Mind Link (ie he can only communicate with a willing target) limited as apppropriate (eg. must be in LOS). A telepathy power would also work, but will be a more compelx build. To link in a half dozen people will be expensive either way, but the ability to effectively communicate in combat with no risk of being overheard is a pretty significant ability.

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Re: Telepathy build question


Here's a few examples of the various ways this could be built:


36 Mind Link , Alien and Additional Class of Minds classes of minds, Any Willing Target, Number of Minds (x16) (45 Active Points); Subject To Range Modifier (-1/4) - END=0


5 Transmit with Mental Group - END=0


52 Telepathy 7d6 (standard effect: 21 points) (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Area Of Effect Nonselective (11" Radius; +3/4), Continuous (+1) (131 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2), Communication Only (-1/4), Sense Affected As Another Sense (Hearing; -1/4) - END=0

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Re: Telepathy build question


Well, since this is Hero System there are many ways to build telepathic communication that works exactly like a normal voice. Here's mine:


Character Disadvantage:

Distinctive Feature - Voice only heard telepathically, all the time, major reaction

- This only covers him speaking TO others.


To cover him hearing only surface thoughts directed at him I'd buy it as:


Detect [Directed Surface Thoughts], Sense, 360 degrees

- This covers him hearing others' thoughts with the same range as normal hearing.

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Re: Telepathy build question


If it will work exactly like speech' date=' it's basically speech. [/quote']


There is one potential advantage to this over normal speech - her is essentially speaking in tongues as mental communication would not necessarily be language based.


Again, if this was not a desired advantage over normal speech then everyone else is probably overthinking (why isn't Sean Waters here?! :) ) or over-buying the ability.




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