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A friend and I are trying to create a duo, whether they are twins, lovers, brother sister etc.. we have not decided yet, we will be part of a larger team, but we wanted to have our powers to work fine when seperate but better when toegther.


I know there is the team work skill .


But i was wondering if you had any advice , hints / tips on good ways to alter powers so that they worked well together, whether a shared pool of energy we can both or one of us draw on, or ways of merging powers toegther etc..


maybe one manipulates gas the other fire, to make large explosions? (though not very heroic that one probably)

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Re: Duo


There is a bit in UMA on page 119 about using the Aid power in an Array. Seems like exactly what you're looking for.


Basically it's Aid bought with restrictions based on the proximity of the partner/group. The example they use is increasing Dex Only For Increasing OCV and DCV (-1/4) but with the same principle you could apply it to any power, even make it apply to a Multipower that they both take, to represent the powers they have that work best when together.


Hope that helps.

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Re: Duo


I'd personally recommend avoid buffing anything that deals with DC's, CV, PE/ED, DEX, STR, or other common problem areas. The reason for this is that most games are set up so that it's relatively easy to cap your core competency: having a max STR or maxed DEX isn't really that hard, and having a sub-optimal STR or DEX that only increases in a certian circumstance really isn't that very efficient. (yeah, I know - it's not all about min-maxing. Still...)


Thus, instead of going "deep" (ie, improving your core competency), I'd recommend going "wide" - having a variety of minor powers that don't infringe on someone else's schtick, but represent things that you wouldn't normally purchase, but now can get at a reduced cost. Some examples:


  • "Back To Back" - Combat Maneuvers I-IV, Only when within 1 hex of my ally (-1)
  • "Right behind you, chum!" Teleportation 1", Single floating location [my ally] (3 active points), must move through intervening space (-1/2), only to cover maximum NCM distance in 1 phase (-1)
  • "Expert Coorination" (+5 Teamwork, only with specific ally -1)
  • "Nice shot, old Bean!" (+5 Single Ranged Attack, PSL Only -1/2, only on a teamwork roll -1)
  • "You're the best partner EVAR!" Luck 3d6, Only to Assist Ally (-1)
  • "I know you better than I know myself" (Telepathy, suface thoughts only, only to predict what target is likely to do)

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Re: Duo


Nice suggestions thanks , I think we will have a mental link of sorts, i was thinking one character would be blind , but viewed the world through the others eyes.

I like northstar, hes rather cool :)

I think i will use some of those suggestions Kevin, i like thel ook of them especially the back to back one.


I think we may both purchase a blast power that we can only use when we join hands or something , we can roll teamwork and go on same phase and both shoot these 2 blasts, that we can not use unless physically linked. so sort of the ritual idea.


The aid thing sounds good , but i don't have UMA


Im now trying to work on a flying carpet for her :)

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