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need NPCs


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Re: need NPCs


Young Boy

This is someone's young kid, he's full of energy (8 REC) and works at one of the trading posts doing things like sweeping, fixing things, and running errands for the owner.


Old Shopkeep

He looks like he's almost ready to retire, but still manages to open the trading post every day. He's got bad eyesight, but remarkable hearing. Has an uncanny knack for knowing if you're a straight-shooter or a con-man. His prices start out fairly high, but will cut you a good deal if you can haggle or be very persausive.

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Re: need NPCs


Town Guardsman


A generally honest guy who's trying to make a wage & follow orders to the best of his ability. Noted for usually being on the wrong side of a conflict, he can put up a decent fight (+2 overall CSLs) but that's on the scale of "him vs. the average joe." His main goal is enforce the law and get home to his family.




You can't have a town without Inn Keepers, and this one is pretty run of the mill. Running the medieval equivalent of a Hooters, he has a couple of above-average but still affordable signature dishes, if he likes you he'll serve you the stuff that isn't watered down, and his wenches are busty and frolicky, but they also pocket as much coin as they can.


Busty Wench


She would likely trade in her tray and apron for a good man who would take on her child as his own; like most common folk, she's just doing what she needs to in order to get by. Don't confuse the Busty Wench with the Street Walker; she isn't that kind of girl. Sure, she's easy for the right guy, but she doesn't roll men for coin.

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Re: need NPCs


Strange Guy

They say he's gifted. Most of the time they mean that he's slightly off his rocker. However, on a good day, he can manage to take care of himself and will do almost anything honest for a halfway decent price. On a bad day, he suffers from a form of mania and/or mild delusions (nothing too serious, but annoying to those around him). He knows there's something wrong with him, but that doesn't help him all that much.


Still, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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Re: need NPCs


It's not as easy in a Champions game, but for other genres I always keep a fistful of generics around.


I would have a generic human, generic guard, generic wizard, generic ogre, etc. It's fairly easy to dust these guys off and give them ad hoc skills as necessary.


Their names and backgrounds are usually spur of the moment or as required.


It's saved me quite a bit of time over the years.

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Re: need NPCs


Young apprentice:


A young boy/girl maybe tenish in age, with big eyes, and loads

of freckles, and extremely interested in anything and everything

that is going on, except for their intended task is. You got it

a kid being a kid, but not quite doing their chore as directed.

They might have a bundle of wrapped packages, or a purse of

coins to buy this or that from a list, or to deliver a note to a

specific person and/or place. I would make the NPC fun loving

and very good natured, and not very worldly.

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