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Power Build "Bamf"


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Was watching X2 the other day, and was thinking about modeling the chain Bamf that Nightcrawler did in the Oval Office. I was thinking either:



"Bamf 1" xd6 H+H attack, 0 End +1/2, trigger "Dive for Cover" +1/4, resets automatically +1/2.




"Bamf 2" xd6 EB, any area +1, Selective target +1/4, linked to Teleport.



I'm think Bamf 1 gets the feel of all those Secret Service guys swinging and missing. Bamf 2 could also work, 1/2 move to where he would "end up" and then blast "backwards" along the path he would have taken.


I'm sure I'm missing something though.

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Re: Power Build "Bamf"


I'd model Bamf1 as DCV skill levels, maybe with a power skill roll, certainly costing Endurance.


I'd model Bamf2 as a naked advantage, AOE selective, on STR (or whatever appropriate power), linked to teleport and requiring a full move. But, if you want to wind up where you started from, your Bamf2 works just as well.

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Re: Power Build "Bamf"


I've built Nightcrawler's display of fighting in the White House as a pair of Powers, plus Martial Arts.


The first is simply CSLs for +DCV Cost END. I usually call it "Combat Teleport" or something similar, which simulates the character's ability to automatically or instinctively teleport wholly or partially during combat to avoid being hit, while still allowing him to attack and counterattack normally. I usually limit this to +3 to +4 DCV, but at least once I went to +6.


The second is an all out defense: Desolidification (affected by AoE/Explosion attacks). This is a completely defensive action which allows him to avoid all attacks aimed at him.


Against normals or typical agents, this is usually more than enough for any character to walk all over them.

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Re: Power Build "Bamf"




If you make Bamf2 as an AoE STR requiring a full move, then the STR can't be used to do anything, since a full move consumes your entire phase. Of do I have that wrong?


Dust Raven:


I've thought of using DCV levels, but then he'd stay in the same place.


As far as the Desolid not against AoE's, I'll have to think about. I'm more inclined to high DCV (however obtained) + Dive for Cover vrs. AoE's.


But thank you both for the response!



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Re: Power Build "Bamf"




If you make Bamf2 as an AoE STR requiring a full move, then the STR can't be used to do anything, since a full move consumes your entire phase. Of do I have that wrong?


It's a variation on a trick in The Ultimate Brick, and I don't have it with me - I could be getting it wrong...

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Re: Power Build "Bamf"


Dust Raven:


I've thought of using DCV levels, but then he'd stay in the same place.


More accurately, he'd stay in the same hex. There's a LOT of room to move in a single hex. Also, this still allows for half moves so he can bamf around all he wants while attacking. I've used this type of build on a character in a campaign I ran for a few years and it worked brilliantly. The character wasn't a Nightcrawler clone of course, but this aspect of her powers always reminded me of that opening scene in X2.

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Re: Power Build "Bamf"


A thought, to cvover a sort of reflex attack and teleport to safety:


Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

40 points, 0 END




Teleportation 2", Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +3/4) (10 Active Points)


10 points, 0 END


So, for 50 points, when Nightcrawler is attacked in HtH he counterattacks and teleports a short way to safety. There are plenty of other limitations I can think of to make this cheaper, and if you also link the TP then you can stick the whole thing in a single slot in a teleport EC. Obviously this provides no defence at all.


For Bamf 2, I think that the AoE attack linked to TP works well. For sfx see the film :)

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