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[CHaracter] Shaper


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Re: [CHaracter] Shaper


Right, first what is this character for? NPC, PC, champs, cosmic champs, mega high powered dark champs?


Second, the background and personality are too sketchy. I'd be curious to know how it is that an elderly MIT professor has anything to do with improvised prison knives.


Third, I'd NEVER allow this abomination in any game I'd run as a GM. Mostly because you're just DARING me to use entangles and gimp your character for half or more of all fights. If this is a PC, it almost seems like you're playing chicken, discounting a bunch of powers and adding a limit that say. "Yeah, you can gimp him with Entangles, but I'll whine something fierce if you make a habit of it!"


As to the other powers/stats:


I never allow people to use ranged martial arts or even weapon element martial arts unless the character is concepted top to bottom and side to side as a martial artist.


When a person piles TEN combat levels onto a character that's DEX:13 and SPD:5 I tell that person to stop mucking about and drop the martial arts and at least the +3 DCV and add that to DEX.

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Re: [CHaracter] Shaper


PC, meant for a Galactic/Cosmic type campaign.

He's got nothing to do with actual improvised prison knives, hehe... he just makes little blades and throws them. I just named them "shivs" for lack of a better word.


Yeah, the vuln. to entangles is potentially crippling, but he'll be part of a team (who can help him get out of the entangle), and I'll be playing two characters, so having one disabled won't be so bad for me as a player. There's little chance of the GM "making a habit" out of it, since it's probably going to be a 1-shot campaign.


The combat levels are mostly due to CV inflation... my gaming group tends towards absurdly high CVs. I don't like it, but I DO have to deal with it. The basic idea, though, was sorta Yoda-ish (in Episode, um... 2? where Yoda fights with Dooku) in that he'll be a slow old man until he starts fighting, where he displays unexpected skill.


The ranged martial arts were mostly for flavor... I'd have no problems removing them (or trading them for CSLs, not that I need more, I think).


The sketchy and lacking background story/personality are also due to the 1-shot nature of the campaign... I'm sort of hesistant to invest overly in a character that probably won't see more than 3-4 gaming sessions. :(

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