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Terran Empire Vaccinations


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On page 127 of the Terran Empire, it discusses the Everyman Power of future vaccinations, built as a Life Support for 1 point.


Characters who don't have this roll 1d6 every time they go somewhere new, and on a 1 they get some crazy disease that drops their STR, CON and DEX (or some other three stats, IDHMBIFOM) by 1/2d6 for the duration of their stay.


Personally, I don't know if that seems fair. Would you as GMs allow a character to take a Disad "No Future Vaccinations as Child: 1 in 6 chance of 1/2d6 drop in Physical Stats", Frequently, Slightly?


Seems worth more than a point to me, but I thought I'd throw that out there.

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Re: Terran Empire Vaccinations


I dunno. For something a little less Space Operaish, I would run with the whole random disease thing. For Terran Empire though. That's almost like High Fantasy in Space. Some specific genetic plague or bio weapon might give you a disease, but not stepping off your ship into a new space station. That's just me.


Of course, if you run it, the Vaccination/Physical Limitation thing is entirely appropriate.

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Re: Terran Empire Vaccinations


Are there vaccines that only work when received as a child? I would expect that someone who didn't get them as a child, but is now up to date, would be as immune as anyone else.


Now, if they're currently not up to date (medical procedures are more advanced, but not medical insurance), then I'd let them take that type of limitation.

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Re: Terran Empire Vaccinations


Yeah, I don't know why one wouldn't take it. I hadn't really thought that far ahead, roleplaying-wise. (I can count the number of times I've sold back Everyman Skills/Powers on one hand, and I'm holding a Mocha Frappucino and a banana.) I was more thinking point cost, min-max type stuff. One point for a Limitation seemed... light. Because if I build a Limitation "Suffers Crippling Disease Every Monday," that would certainly be more than one point.


I'm sure I'm being a little nit-picky. Forgive me.

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Re: Terran Empire Vaccinations


I would expect that at least some anti-disease treatments, particularly viral diseases, would involve nano-technology, which could be purchase and might even involve subscriptions.


Just an alternative way of dealing with it - a lifestyle cost.


And the disadvantage would depend on the setting or location - the sterile super-city, not much of a risk, the grungy frontier, moreso.



For a quick-n-clean approach you might just leave the issue of disease unaddressed. Sometimes Less Is More.


Obviously the grittier the campaign, the more extra factors you'd introduce.

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