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Does any one have Gibbering mouther converted?


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Re: Does any one have Gibbering mouther converted?


That's an easy one; took about 30-45 minutes to do. Only the confusion effect is a pain (because it takes a pretty high MC to achieve that kind of effect in the HERO System, plus the HERO System doesn't handle randomness well without some GM overriding).


Note, the Gibbering Mouther's "Swallow Whole" isn't a _true_ swallow whole, per the docs, so I built it as a custom 5-limb Grab using the custom maneuver rules in UMA. The "Lasting Restriction" effect basically means the -2 DCV penalty on the maneuver lasts for 1 extra phase after the maneuver is no longer in use.


The free attack Acid Spittle is built using a resetting Trigger. Each Phase it resets and is reusable against a single point target within 30 feet.


I built the quicksand power as an HitM 0 Range Entangle but susceptible to a DEX Roll at a penalty; characters that make the DEX roll are not affected by the Entangle.


I built the 6 1 point bites as 3 cross-linked Autofire x2 HKA's. Basically, make one attack roll and if the attack equals DCV 3 hits are made, if its +2 over DCV or better all 6 hit. To keep the ability useful in a HERO System context I made the attacks Penetrating, so the Gib-M can nickel and dime characters wearing armor (conceptually biting them on exposed skin areas).


I built the Blood Drinker ability as a Transfer to make it useful; technically its just a Drain per the source material. I figure if the Gib-M is going to bother to use such an ability, it might as well get some benefit out of it. I left the "what" it transfers open; if you don't want the ability to be important have it transfer to CON (to leverage the already high CON 22 and help protect vs Staggering); if you want it to be more key let it add to STUN or BODY which will prolong the fight; if you want it to be really significant split the points between PD / ED / Damage Resistance which will serve to diminish the amount of damage taken (conceptually the SFX could be a form of rapid healing).



Gibbering Mouther (hdc)



Note the optional abilities under Skills. If you add one or more Autofire Skills (usable with the characters Multi-bite) you will make the character more able to fight effectively while surrounded by multiple melee opponents, with the exception of Deadly Sprayfire which allows the Gib-M to be much more dangerous vs. a single opponent (DS basically allows Autofire attacks to stack Damage Classes). You might add none, one, some combination, or all as you like. You could also use it as a characterization for different Gib-M's -- perhaps individual Gib-M's have different ones making them all a little bit different of a challenge to face. You could carry individualization further by switching out different random charts for the Gibbering effects of different Gib-M's as well.

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Re: Does any one have Gibbering mouther converted?


there was a contest? i didnt know about it? who could post KS's conversion point first? DARN! I would have posted it first :)


Thanks anyway though. I appreciate the effort


There's always a contest when someone posts a "help me convert d20 stuff" thread. Although looks like the man himself has done a custom job for you, so that's even better.

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