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The Summoned Menace

Tungsten Shephard

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I was working on an idea for a character. This concept calls for the ability to summon forth spirits or ectoplasm mental phantasms from the nightmares recesses of the mind. I was going to treat the phantoms as “ghost turrets”. Basically they can’t move but they can attack at range independent of the summoner. These creatures (Automations) would have various attack abilities or defensive abilities according to the needs of the summoner. There will be a different “spirit” summoned to do various tasks. I want these creatures to be easily destroyed so there is no DEF, only BODY for stay power.



Here is an example:


Mental Aspect of Pain


Val Char Cost

0 STR -10

20 DEX 30

0 CON -20

75 BODY 130

4 INT -6

0 EGO 0

20 PRE 10 (scary looking)

0 COM -5


0 PD 0

0 ED 0

4 SPD 10

0 REC 0

0 END 0


0" RUN -12

0" SWIM -2

0" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 125


Cost Power

60 Automaton (Takes No STUN)

15 Does Not Bleed

27 Desolidification, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Only To Protect Against Physical Attacks [Limited Type Of Attack] (-1), Always On (-1/2), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2)

:NOTE still affected by silver.

47 Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Affects Physical World (+2) (105 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -3/4), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4), Beam (-1/4)

Powers Cost: 149


Cost Skill

26 +13 with killing attack

Skills Cost: 26


Total Character Cost: 300


Pts. Disadvantage

25 Distinctive Features: Incorporeal Ghost Creature (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

25 Physical Limitation: No Physical Body (All the Time, Fully Impairing)

10 Vulnerability: Silver Weapons (Common)

30 Susceptibility: Existing 3d6 damage per Turn (Very Common)

25 Psychological Limitation: Must protect its creator (Very Common, Total)

35 Dependence: its creators presence Takes 3d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain, 1 Turn)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 150



This creature will/ should die when not in the presence of its creator because the creature is an aspect of its creators mind. Plus I want duration of sorts but limited to the health of the creature and not the casters whims. The idea came from playing Guild Wars, there is a class called a Ritualist that makes these things.


What are other peoples takes on the use of Summoning and Champions Genre? What weakness do you see in using this approach to using summoned creatures in your campaign?


Usually the games I run are not dark but for this chapter, this week might get there. Also what is your impression of the creation itself?




One last note: Since this is a summoned Automation and NPC plot device I have no problems in allowing more than one sold back characteristic. Please don't criticize that aspect of the creature. I appreciate any other feedback. :)

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Re: The Summoned Menace


I like the use of BOD as durration, it's clever. Seems like taking 1d instead of 3 and having only 25 BOD might be a little more reasonable, though, 20 pts less in disads, 100 less in BOD. 25 BOD still stands up to two typical super-powered attacks - not counting the attacks that fail because they're physical - which is plenty for a summoned critter, especially if you can summon more than one. The 20 OCV might face a campaign cap or RoX issue. I'd think an Ego Attack would be a decent alternative for an attack not typically dodged - and pain hurts but doesn't necisarily kill.

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Re: The Summoned Menace


Yes I'm working on the primary summoner character now. After the summoned creatures are done, there will be 9 varied spirits that will do 9 different things. All of them will have the basic structure of this creature. I'll consider lowering the self inflicted damage however I'm having difficulty coming up with another disadvantage to keep the cost of the creature at 150.


Any ideas?


OH the reason I avoided EGO attacks is because I want to keep it EGO free as an automation.

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Re: The Summoned Menace


Rather than a gross attack bonus, maybe make the RKA a one-hex area; then the only way to get away from it is Dive For Cover. Plus, the DCV of a hex is always 3 IIRC.


Limit the RKA to Only Affects Targets which Suffer STUN - otherwise, this thing can be blasting holes in walls, which might not fit with an "Aspect of Pain."


For a disad, you might use a Vulnerable to Dispel/Suppress effects. Or even to magical powers in general, depending on how many points you need.



...by the way, interesting idea to use the GW Ritualist stuff. Some of those spirits are really annoying - I may have to use this idea myself!

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Re: The Summoned Menace


I'm biased against Summon, purely because its an extra character to track in a game. One or two is no problem, but if a someone is popping these things off constantly...ug


If the character is supposed to summon lots of these things, try Continuous powers with Physical Investment on an attack power. Much simpler.

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Re: The Summoned Menace


From the other posters, more familiar with the source than I am, it sounds like this construct does what you intend it to do.

I do have a quibble over one of the Limitations you took:


47 Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Affects Physical World (+2) (105 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -3/4), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4), Beam (-1/4)


As I read it, this creature is only capable of one attack, which is the attack that you are describing here.

It has no other attack power to combine it with, so how is not being able to use it as part of a Multiple-Power Attack limiting?


I realize that this probably just slipped through the cracks during the re-design process, but I always try to be careful with that kind of stuff as a GM.


We are the ones who set the tone for what is "clever" and what is "munchkinism", in our campaigns, so I try to hold myself to some pretty strict standards.

Not that I have any problem spending as many points as I feel are necessary to make what I want to make.

I just feel better about doing it that way (spending more points) than skating on the edge of what I would let a player get away with.


Again, I am sure it is just an oversight, but since you asked for input . . .





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Re: The Summoned Menace


For me it depends on the player, and the character concept. In this concept the character will have 9 separate purchased 150 point "Spirits" to throw away with the limitation "cannot be used with multiple power attacks". So this character can summon one at a time each phase with no duplicate creatures. Since these creatures can't move there will be less maintenance.


Rather than a gross attack bonus, maybe make the RKA a one-hex area; then the only way to get away from it is Dive For Cover. Plus, the DCV of a hex is always 3 IIRC.


I thought about that however I wanted this creature to actually hit it's target with deadly accuracy.


Limit the RKA to Only Affects Targets which Suffer STUN - otherwise, this thing can be blasting holes in walls, which might not fit with an "Aspect of Pain."


I'll do that it's a great suggestion. :thumbup:

Also you helped define an unforeseen flaw in the design. I don't want these creatures blowing up or through walls, but I do want them affecting things like robots.





Oh and I'll make the adjustment on the attack power limitation on the creature, your right it's just one attack, good catch.

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