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I'm getting back in


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Hey all- Well, it's been a long road for me but I am finally getting back in to Champions on the 5th edition side...kind of a long story.


I have been a Champs fan in all its modes since about 1985 when I bought a 3rd edition box set from a comic shop. I fell in love with the game and have played it through all of its versions, basically the same campaign. I had some shifts in my life personally and ended up not playing for a while. I got back to playing my venerable 3rd edition books because I liked the feel over 5th. My 5th books were nice resources but I was firmly in 3rd's mindset. That was good for a while.


I started to look over my 5th books again that I had and really liked what it could do. I felt like starting 5th up again might be cool...


A flood in my new apartment took care of that...my closet which stores my books was near my bathroom which had a pipe burst in the wall. All my 5th ed books were ruined beyond all recognition (my copy of 5th stood up OK but was pretty unreadable). My 3rd edition HERO collection stayed intact because it was by my nightstand.


A year later and I am back in, I have 5th and Chamoions on its way to me. I reviewed several books up through DEMON so I know what to look for there. What else does everyone recommend? It'll be a slow rebuild (I have a 5 month old little boy now) but hopefully 1 book at a time I can replace what I lost and build up new books.


Great to be back!!!!

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Re: I'm getting back in


Welcome back! :)


As to what to get? Whatever appeals to you. ;)


As an FYI, Steve recently announced that 6th ed is on its way about mid-2009. Something to keep in mind when ordering. Might want to check out the 2008 & 2009 release theads under Company Questions for more info on what is/is not planning on getting new versions in the near future. Then check out the Hero Games Product line area - not only does it have official blurbs/summaries it also has reviews of various products by board members. Could help you decide.


A couple possibilities: Villainy Amok, Gadgets and Gear.


Also in the store keep an eye out for bundles and for damaged copies at reduced prices. I've gotten several 'damaged' books from HERO in the past and couldn't really tell the difference between one and a typical copy that's been on a game store shelf.

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