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Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


So it seems that cybernetics are more or less covered. Unless there's anything else someone would like to hit on.


Magic...so here we're looking at probably:


A) Gestures & Incantation limitations are staples of magic use, but not always nessesary.

B) VPP is the chosen power structure for spell casters, but is not nessesary. Multipower can be used for combative abilities. Elemental Control for movement & defensive aspects like flight & force fields.

C) Increases in END cost and time taken to activate also work well for spells.

D) Disadvantages relating to magic are not needed but can imply where one gains their powers from (IE. demonic/divine sources), or that one constantly radiates a mystic power.


Thats about all I got for magic...anyother suggestions?

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I also did some other tinkering with the whole modular thing. I liked the idea of variable combat modes that the cyborg could switch between.


So...I think that this might be covered by a multipower......but I'm probably wrong.


But the basic idea is this:


[57] Variable Combat Modes: Multipower) 115pts Fixed Slots; Limited (Cyber Combat Modes, cannot mix powers from one mode with that of another, all powers change at the same time, -1/2); Visible (-1/4); Full Phase Action only to switch between modes (-1/4)---AP 115


Essentially the cyborg is fitted with variable technology that allows its body to adapt on the fly. It uses a type of digital/molecular control technology that allows data on weapons/equipment to be used to molecularly reconstruct parts like weapons and things for the body out of the molecules around the cyborg. The process generates alot of light, and parts and spaces shift and move on the cyborg.


I doubted that this would work as a multiform as only certain aspects of the cyborg change.


It would have a base "Default" set up and then 2 additional combat modes, Flight & Assault modes.


I really can't think of a better way other than multiform to do something like this...but can't justify the need to use multiform.


Basicly what I wrote up is this:


[30] Armor Plating (Armor): 10 PDr / 10 EDr; Hardened (+1/4); Visible (-1/4)---AP 37

[11] Damage Resistance: 12 PDr / 10EDr---AP 11

[11] Sensor Suite: +2 PER rolls w/all senses; Infrared---AP 11

[11] Flash Defense: +10 Def---AP 10

[10] KB Resistance: -5”---AP 10

[10] Life Support 1: Self Contained Breathing; Fuel Charges (1 charge = 2hrs, +1/4)---AP 10

[6] Life Support 2: Safe Environment) Intense Heat & Cold, & Radiation---AP 6

[6] Psi-Protection (Mental Defense): 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[10] Improved Reaction Time: +1 Speed---AP 10

TOTAL = 105


[57] Variable Combat Modes: Multipower) 115pts Fixed Slots; Limited (Cyber Combat Modes, cannot mix powers from one mode with that of another, all powers change at the same time, -1/2); Visible (-1/4); Full Phase Action only to switch between modes (-1/4)---AP 115


* = Powers are always active, Powers with out can be switched with others in same Cyber Combat Mode group.

NOTE: Combat Shield & Kinetic Rifle are out, he can only attack with the shield or rifle. The shield is large enough that it is considered a full shield, and when used defensively keeps him from bringing his rifle to bear or make an attack with the shield.



--Default Mode--

[2u] Arm E. Blasters (Energy Blast): 8d6; Half END (+1/4); No Bounce (-1/4); Beam (-1/4); Common Limitations (-1)---AP 50

[2u] Arm E. Blades (Energy Blast): 6d6; Zero END (+1/2); No Range (-1/2); Common Limitations (-1)---AP 45

[1u] Jump Jets (Flight):* 6”; Position Shift; Common Limitation (-1)---AP 17

[1u] Computer Interface (Mind Link)*: Link with any computer; One computer at a time; +3 to all appropriate skill rolls relating from this; Common Limitations (-1); Flashed as Data, not Mental Group (-1/2)---AP 25

[1u] Power Recovery*: +11 END Recovery Common Limitations (-1)---AP 22


--Striker Mode (Flight mode)--

[1u] Venire Thrusters (Flight)* 14”; NCM x4; Position Shift; Common Limitations (-1)---AP 38

[1u] Combat Shield 1 (HA) +6d6; Zero END (+1/2); Hand to Hand only (-1/2); Common Limitations (-1); OIF (-1/2); STR Min 16- (-3/4)---AP 45

[1u] Combat Shield 2 +3 DCV; Common Limitation (-1); STR Min 16- (-3/4); OIF (-1/2)---AP 15

[1u] Kinetic Rifle (Energy Blast) 7d6 Kinetic; Armor Piercing (+1/2); Half END (+1/4); Common Limitations (-1); OIF (-1/2); Beam (-1/4); STR Min 16- (-3/4)---AP 61

[1u] Hawk Eye Targeting System* +2 OCV; +2 PSL vs. Range; Common Limitations (-1); Delayed Phase (-1/4)---AP 20


--Assault Mode--

[1u] Density Increase*: +20 STR, -4 KB, +4 PD & ED; Zero END (+1/2); -1 Speed; Common Limitations (-1)---AP 15

[1u] Increased PD & ED*: +8 PD / +4 ED; Common Limitations (-1)---AP10

[1u] Damage Resistance*: 12 PDr / 8 EDr; Hardened (+1/4); Common Limitations (-1)---AP 10

[2u] Laser Vulcan Cannon (Energy Blast): 8d6; AOE (2”/10 AP, Any, Line/Cone only, +1); One & half handed (-1/4); No Range (-1/2); STR Min 20- (-1); OIF (-1/2); Common Limitations (-1), No Bounce (-1/4)---AP 80

[2u] Micro Missile Launchers (Energy Blast): 5d6; Explosive Radius (-5 AP/1”, +1/2); Autofire (5 shots, +1/2); Recoverable Charges (32 Missiles, regains 2 missiles every hour, +3/4); No Bounce (-1/4); Full Phase Action (-1/2); Common Limitations (-1)---AP 69

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Hmm... Magic stuff. I'm actually working on a mage NPC at the moment, so I've been thinking about this sort of thing.


I) Power Frameworks:


Variable Power Pool is probably your best bet for a 'spell-caster' type, especially if you want to be a Dr. Strange-style 'Master of the Mystic Arts'. I can easily see using a Multipower for an apprentice or dabbler concept. Elemental Control would make sense for a strongly-themed mystic character, especially one who was less focused on 'spellcasting' and more on 'being magical', like a demigod, vampire, werewolf or something.


The big issue with VPPs is, as several people have pointed out, that GMs are understandably wary of them. They present enormous potential for abuse in the hands of an experienced player, and equally enormous potential for game-delaying confusion in the hands of a novice. In a lot of ways, the real issue with VPPs isn't all the cheeseball-munchkin tricks you can pull with them, it's the way that you can completely derail your GM's plot by saying, "Oh, I'll just whip up a 75-point Door-Unlocking-Spell!" or something along those lines.


I find that the best way to allay your GM's fears is to limit the VPP conceptually, as well as mechanically. What I mean by this is that you should have a very clear idea of what your character can do with his VPP, how he does it and, most importantly, what he can't do with it. This doesn't necessarily have to be anything really restrictive, just give some thought to how he goes about manifesting new powers, how often he does it, and how much advance warning you're going to be giving your GM when he starts doing stuff he's never done before. Something as simple as, "Well, he probably has to make a skill roll the first time he tries out a new spell," probably isn't worth a Limitation, but will go a long way towards making your GM more comfortable with your VPP.


Another thing that some GMs like to see in a VPP character is pre-written spells. Not only does it round out your character's concept and give your GM something to plan around, but it reassures him that you won't be constantly pulling out your book and writing up a new effect while the rest of the party sits around drumming their fingers on the table. I've played with some GMs who won't allow a VPP-user in their group without a pre-written list. In a lot of ways, that's not much different from an MP, but it's a lot easier to dream up new spells between sessions if you don't have to pay experience points for them.


The other big difference between VPPs and MPs is the Active Cost/Real Cost dichotomy. If you're willing to accept a few Limitations on your powers, you can easily run two or three Powers through your VPP at once. Even in a Multipower with flexible slots, you often find yourself limited to one power at a time, just because you want to use your attacks at full power, or whatever.


Remember to buy the -1/4 'Magic Only' Limitation on your VPP's control cost. I forgot once, and I was really tempted to see how my GM would react if I pulled out a plasma rifle and said, 'Oh, it's part of my Sorcery Pool!' :sneaky:


Take a look at the other possibilities for limiting your VPP, too. I had a pretty cool character once who had an 'Illusion Magic Only' VPP.


II) Disadvantages:


I often write up super-mages with either a Distinctive Feature: Magical Aura (Concealable with effort, Always Noticed/Major Reaction, Requires Unusual Senses), or a Reputation limited to a small group (other magical types). One of the tropes of magic is that it's a pretty small club, and people tend to know and/or recognize one another.


Secret Identity might be appropriate for a character who has a life outside of magic, but if you're pretty much all-wizard, all the time, maybe not. However, unless magic is commonly-accepted and unremarkable in your particular universe, you might be able to justify a lesser Social Limitation, to represent the fact that you simply don't advertise what you do with your life. "Oh, sorry, I'd love to go to Cancun for Spring Break, but I've got a... thing... that I've got to do that week."


Consider taking a Psychological or Physical limitation to represent a geas. Curses are popular, too, I often model them with Unluck, Vulnerabilities and Susceptiblities. The character I was talking about above is rife with the things (other wizards are sooo unreasonable about people who borrow their books).


III) Skills:


Obviously, Power Skill: Magic of some sort is a must. I recommend you jazz it up a little, though. Why have a Magic Skill when you can know Dread Thaumaturgy? Much more impressive.


Knowledge Skills are handy, too. KS: Dread Thaumaturgy, AK: The Astral Plane, KS: Supernatural Beings, KS: Schools of Magic, that sort of thing. This is where it starts being really handy to discuss cosmology with your GM.


One skill people often forget is Analyze Magic. Very handy for identifying magical signatures, deducing the purpose of a ritual, copying other peoples' spells, identifying mystic vulnerabilities, and so on.


IV) Perks:


You can model your character's mentor as a Contact, of course. Apprentices, if any, are Followers. So are familiars. If your character has formal training, he may have Access to the mystic library at his alma mater. A positive Reputation might be good for characters who have passed certain tests of mastery, or studied under a prestigious master, or are the subject of prophecies.


V) Characteristics:


Most mages have high INT and/or EGO. Mystic Masters might have very high PRE, as well. Physical stats are generally nothing to write home about, but might be boosted by spells or magic items.


VI) Powers:


Well, you can justify almost any power with the special effect 'Magic', so I'll look at ways of modeling the effects, instead.


I'm fond of using Variable Limitations, rather than slapping a ton of Incantations, Gestures, Concentration and so forth on every spell (I think I nicked that idea from Ultimate Super-Mage). Very handy for representing those 'Masters of the Art' who don't really need all the finger-wiggling and hocus pocus, but still do it as an aid to concentration.


END Reserves are also good. I like to stick 'em into a Focus, like a wand or ring or something. Limiting the REC on an END Reserve is a good way to represent a wizard who has to do something to accumulate his power, like meditate, or pray, or do favors for various supernatural entities.


The advice we gave you about cyborgs applies to wizards, as well, btw. It's very tempting to buy a big honking VPP, some decent stats and a few skills and call it good. It's well worth having a few powers outside of the VPP, or which don't draw on your END Reserve, or don't require your main Focus. You know, just in case. Even Dr. Strange has a mean right hook, for instance.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I also did some other tinkering with the whole modular thing. I liked the idea of variable combat modes that the cyborg could switch between.


So...I think that this might be covered by a multipower......but I'm probably wrong.



That's one way to do it. There was a character in a 4th edition book who was built that way (Avatar from Enemies for Hire, IIRC). Another possibility is Multiform. I think you'll find most people prefer the Multiform option if you're just going to have 2 alternate forms that you can't mix 'n' match, but the Multipower plan potentially allows greater flexibility and definitely requires fewer character sheets... :cool:

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


So its safe to assume that one could more or less build psionics in the same way one can mages?


And from another thread I picked through, For a power armor type character, Multiform with OIF is a good bet, where the character is built off of a large number of points, save for some set aside for the Multiform which represents having one or more super powered suits of armor.


I suppose other ways would be like building a cyborg...only everything that is apart of the armor would gain an OIF.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


So its safe to assume that one could more or less build psionics in the same way one can mages?


Pretty much. With a psionic, you're more likely to use x2 END and Concentration than Gestures and Incantations, but the basic structure of the character doesn't have to change much.


Still, there are differences. Psionic characters are much less likely to rely on energy from external sources, so an END Reserve might make less sense. Even if you did use one, the limitations would probably be different. I have trouble envisioning a psionic who relied on energy from a Focus, for instance. Though I suppose you could have a 'psi crystal' or 'neuro-helmet', or something, and buy your powers so that they could draw from either your personal END or the END Reserve.


Still, I'd be more inclined to model an object that made it easier to use your psi powers as a naked 1/2 END Advantage bought through a Focus. Possibly with some skill levels built in, too.


Also, depending on how broadly your conception of 'psi powers' extends, a Multipower might do you just as much good. A pure telepath, for instance, would probably just buy a Multipower of the appropriate size with 5 or six slots for Telepathy, Mind Control, Ego Attack, Mental Illusions and maybe Mind Scan, plus a 'trick' or two, such as a BoECV Ego Drain or Suppress Mental Powers. Someone who had a broader selection of powers that just happened to be 'psionic' instead of 'magic' or 'high tech', or a truly exceptional pure mentalist like Prof. X, might be built with a VPP.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I figured I'd post my one complete & ready characte for my upcoming game here.


I can't see any real ways to improve on him...aside from getting xp. The GM has no problem with him as he is a revamp of a previous character, but different points of view on what I can do now or later witht he character are appreciated.



Name: Torrent

Real Name: Jason Greyholme

Base Pts: 250

Disadvantages: 100

Total Pts: 350


STR: 20---10pts

DEX: 20---30pts

CON: 25---30pts

BOD: 16---12pts

INT: 14---4pts

EGO: 10---__pts

PRE: 14---4pts

COM: 14---2pts


PD: 10---6pts

ED: 10---5pts

SPD: 5---20pts----Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

REC: 12---6pts

STUN: 40---1pt

END: 50---__pts

(TOTAL = 130)


Noncombat Skills (Total = 30)

Uses "Modern" everyman skill list. Has pts in the following skills.

[3] Deduction 12-

[2] Paramedics 11-

[3] Persuasion 12-

[3] Streetwise 12-

[3] PS: Detective 12-

[3] Criminology 12-

[3] Forensic Medicine 12-

[3] Interrogation (not torture) 12-

[3] KS: Super-Criminals 12-

[2] Criminal Law 11-

[2] FBI Procedures 11-


Combat Skills (Total = 20)

[3] Stealth 13-

[3] Acrobatics 13-

[2] WF: Small Arms

[4] PSL: Range w/Powers +2

[2] CSL: Force Blast +1 OCV


Talents/Perks (Total = 7)

[3] Federal/National Police Powers

[3] Lightning Reflexes

[1] Security Celarance (FORCE)


Powers (Total = 171)

[10] Increased Molecular Density (Damage Resistance): 10 PDr / 10 EDr---AP 10

[5] UV Vision---AP 5

[2] Safe Environment: High Radiation---AP 2


[60] Energy Manipulation (Multipower): 75pt; Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)---AP 75

---[6u] Force Blast (Energy Blast): 12d6; Half END Cost (+1/4); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)---AP 75

---[6u] Vari-Blast (Energy Blast): 8d6; Variable Special Effect (+1/2); Half END Cost (+1/4); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)---AP 70

---[3u] Charged Punch (H-to-H): +8d6 (12d6 w/STR); Zero END (+1/2); Only in Hand to hand (-1/2); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)---AP 60

---[3u] Energy TK (TK): 40 STR; Affects Whole Object (-1/4); Gestures (-1/4); Visible (-1/4); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)---AP 60

---[4u] Hyper Charge (Aid): 7d6 to END (42 max); Self Only (-1/2); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)---AP 70

---[1u] Minor Mater Control (Transform, Cosmetic): 3d6; Improved Results (Anything, +1); Zero End (+1/2); Non Living/inorganic objects only (-1/2); Full Phase Action (-1/2)---AP 37


[19] Energy Control (Elemental Control): 37pts

---[18] Flight: 15”; Half END Cost (+1/4)---AP 37

---[18] Force Field: 15 PDr / 15 EDr; Hardened (+1/4)---AP 37

---[14] Absorption (Energy): 6d6 to END & END Rec. (36 max); Variable Effect (50/50, END pool & END Recovery, +1/4); Reduced Fade (5/min +1/4); END to Activate only (-1/4)---AP 37


Disadvantages (Total = 100)

[10] Distinctive Feature: Constantly emits low grade energy emissions when not actively using his powers, when using his powers the grade jumps to high levels. Not Concealable [15]; Can cause a reaction [+5]; Detectable only with specialized equipment or senses [-10]

[10] Distinctive Feature: Silver shoulder length hair, Glowing blue eyes. Concealable [10], Cause a reaction [0], Detectable with normal senses

[15] Psychological Limitation: Honorable; Common [10], Strong [+5]

[15] Psychological Limitation: Hunts Drug Dealers. Very Common [15]; Moderate [0]

[15] Psychological Limitation: Over Confident; Very Common [15], Moderate [0]

[10] Hunted: Graff) Graff is a powerful super villain and Torrent’s nemesis. Torrent is the only one whom Graff fears and the two have clashed several times, each time with Torrent being the victor. Graff seems to have a weakness toward Torrent’s powers…even if it is minor, but still very effective. Graff calls himself the plotter of destinies and claims to be behind some people coming into power or gaining powers. Hunter is as powerful than PC [10]; Occasional Appearance 8- [0]; Wants the PC dead [0]

[15] Hunted: GenCo Research) A multi national corporation. Torrent initially gained his powers through a fight in one of their buildings when chasing after a suspect. The company wants Torrent for medical experimentation to see how it was possible that he acquired his powers from those chemicals when no others did. Does work for the US government and has gotten in trouble with the law on a couple of occasions. More Powerful [15]; Extensive NCI [5]; Occasional 8- [0]; Capture & Test[-5]

[10] Social Limitation: Subject to orders) Occasional 8- [5]; Major [5]

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Your Tic Toc character concept with the dispel dex, for some reason doesn't sound right. Maybe it should be Drain Dex? But you may just want to pick up the Ultimate Speedster and go into Hyper Speed Mode - which I think is an Dimensional Shift where everyone around you is moving slower.


Now I am not keen on your Variable Modes, it almost feels like you are trying to push hard for more lims to give you more points.


Now one of the Lims you may want to look into is: Only in Heroic Identity. This is the best lim for characters who have Power Armor, but might be useable for a cyborg whose equipment is not always available - but it does replace a Foci as a limitation.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Your Tic Toc character concept with the dispel dex, for some reason doesn't sound right. Maybe it should be Drain Dex? But you may just want to pick up the Ultimate Speedster and go into Hyper Speed Mode - which I think is an Dimensional Shift where everyone around you is moving slower.


Now I am not keen on your Variable Modes, it almost feels like you are trying to push hard for more lims to give you more points.


Now one of the Lims you may want to look into is: Only in Heroic Identity. This is the best lim for characters who have Power Armor, but might be useable for a cyborg whose equipment is not always available - but it does replace a Foci as a limitation.


I used dispel because it seemed to fit with how the ability should work. Its continous and its effects on a person would go away as soon as the effect ends. It lasts until the PC runs out of END essentially, which they would go through rather fast. Dimensional Shift I don't think works for freezing time. I kind of looked at the effect as sort of an "anti-magic" zone effect. But that's the general idea. The dimensional shift is a travel power, so I can't see it being used proactively on the world around you to slow everyone down. Now if I could do a Change Environment effect that attacks people's DEX scores I'd be all for that...but I don't think that's how the power works.


And I got only the 5th edition. I can't buy new books...I don't have the money, and I'm saving for a wedding. I will however willingly accept free books or even PDF's. :D


The variable combat modes isn't my attempt to push for more lims...although when your restricted to 350pts, there's only so much you can work with. But the idea is that each combat mode offers its own unique capabilities. Sort of like being a shape shifter...minus multiform which I would not be able to justify for this. So there are 3 battle forms, each unique. One is a general purpose form, the other is high movmement with enhanced ranged abilities, and the other is a heavy artilery type. I suppose, now that I'm thinking about it, that a VPP might be appropreate as well for this.


I really don't like the idea of Only In Heroic Identity for power armor. It just doesn't sit right with me. Donald Blake turning into Thor would be this...but I really cann't see this as appropreate for a powered armor user. I'm more fond of the OIF because it can be taken away/destroyed and need to be repaired/replaced which makes it an item. (Or even ripped apart in the middle of battle.)

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


But along the lines of the multiform/Armor Library thing, I'm thinking that something like this may work:


[44] Power Armor Library: Multiform: 500pts, 4 Forms; OIF (-1/2); Real Equipment (-1/4); 1 Turn to Change between Armors (-1/4); Can only change armors at Base of Operations (-1/4)---AP 100

NOTE: The Points for multiform include that of the character out side of his armor. Points spent on the base character, must also be reflected in Mutliform, thus when the player spends XP they must spend XP in Multiform to reflect increases in the base form’s stats.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I really don't like the idea of Only In Heroic Identity for power armor. It just doesn't sit right with me. Donald Blake turning into Thor would be this...but I really cann't see this as appropreate for a powered armor user. I'm more fond of the OIF because it can be taken away/destroyed and need to be repaired/replaced which makes it an item. (Or even ripped apart in the middle of battle.)


Actually what you point out is the real reason why people use OIHID - as it shows that the person has multiple suits of Power Armor. it is less of a disadvantage than an OIF, which generally speaking is only 1 suit - unless you pay 5 character points for a second identical suit. Then it takes time to replace (depending on GM fiat)


Now you may also want to go with a Vehicle for a Power Armor, but I highly restrict that as an idea, as the 1:5 ratio is pretty cheap.


Tony Stark would have OIHID as a more powerful character, with a bazillion suits. And I think at one point he could store a suit in a briefcase (not an Ironman fan so don't quote me) - so he generally has it available.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Yes old, shell head did store a suite in a brief case...but I'm not going for that.


This armor is bulky, and is like climbing into an F-16...sort of like the Ultimate Ironman version of the armor.


I can see what your saying about the OIF & OIHID. I guess it depends on the nature of the armor and the character. For armor that you can't just put on like clothing (the brief case Ironman suit), or telepathicly command to put on (Tony's new Extremis Armor) I'd say that OIHID would work.


But the armor I'd go for with this isn't something he can pack around in a brief case. He'd need a truck or some other sort of delivery system to get it to him. Something like that I would think would be OIF.


But going along the lines of the multiform, I could build up a base & operations team to assist him in getting his armor on. And since it's real, it needs constant maintenance after every battle. Eventually I guess I could work him into attaining a more powerful armor that would be OIHID with variable aspects to it. But I think something like multiform might be an excelent way to show someone just starting on the road of being an armored hero.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


If this thing is huge, I'd make it a Vehicle - Build it that way, then use the 5pt per duplicate, so you can build a Base, and extra suits of Armor.


So if you built a Vehicle/Base for 200 points that would cost you 40. Add an extra 5 points you can have another one (same point total, but different) and an extra 5 points now you have 4 to choose from.


Now maybe I am a bit old school - but I generally utilize Multiform when you have two distinct characters with different skill sets: Bruce Banner/Hulk, Dr. Jeckyl/Mr Hyde, any mystical instant change into demigods, etc...


I also try and stay away from vehicles as power armor, but yours almost seems like a mech to begin with. I wish I can find that link that someone did a while back with their Power Armor as a Vehicle. It was quite impressive.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Technically, powered armor are a form of mecha.


I guess I could give other examples beyond the Ultimate Ironman character.


Bubblegum Crisis. The girls in the series, both the original and the revamp they did, wore powerful armor called hardsuits. Each suit had different capabilities and vastly enhanced their own natural abilities (strength, agility, etc.).


Macross. One of the later series introduced the Cyclone cycle. The rider would wear a suit of armor and then have the cycle convert into a robotic suit of armor.


Bio-booster Armor Guyver. I really like the resent remake they did which follows the manga alot more closely. But this is a powerful armor that is organic in nature...not ot mention alien. While in the bio-boosted form, all aspects of the user are enhanced not to mention possessing incredible combat powers like the mega smasher (a particle laser with a range of several miles). Later on in the series, an upgrade is sort of acquired called the Ggigantis Unit, this encases the bio-boosted form in yet another form. This form is vastly more powerful than the original. Although the guyver form is an "Only in Heroic Identity" thing, the Gigantis unit is more of an item. The down side of the unit is that other Guyvers can summon it as well, it responds to the person who excersies the strongest will over it. (But I'm not going this rout with the idea I had.)


Appleseed. The new computer generated movies show of robotic combat suits that are used by the cities defender's E-SWAT. Their large enough that I would say that they may well be vehciles more than powered armor but could fit into either catagory.



Giant robots do technically constitute being vehicles, But these suits of armor I was thinking of are powered armor like the Ultimate Ironman suit introduced in Ultimate Avengers. Tony commented that one of the reasons he likes to have a high-ball before going on a mission was that if you had to strap an F-16 to your body, you'ld like to get liquired up too. (Or something like that.)


But the Ultimate Ironman was an almost animeish looking usit of power armor. Tony had to be coated in cooling gell, and have techs help him into the armor. I was thinking of a similar approach where he has some techs who operate systems to get the suit on him.


The suits I figured would break down into 4 seperate suits.


The 1st suit is the basic suit with balanced capabilities.

The 2nd suit is a high mobility suit, usuable in any envirnmental conditions like underwater, space, etc. It looses out in combative stats.

The 3rd suit is a heavy assault suit for those stuborn opponents. But it looses out in maneuverability.

The 4th suit...haven't decided yet. I was thinking of an actual Giant Robot sort of thing for those pesking, larger than a bus monsters.


(Actually my GM has said that Godzilla and other such super monsters do exist in his setting. They are however clasified as walking natural disasters. But I'm not looking to make Mecha Godzilla...too close to Power Rangers and the jokes just won't end from there.)


But yea the suits are not the sleak form fitting Ironman suits, but bulky...looking like minuture Gundams I guess you can say.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Bubblegum Crisis - I would state that those suits are more OIHID, as they rarely ever have their suits removed from them. As for getting into the suits you can always say that it takes extra time to activate - whammo

Guyver - this is definitely an OIHID as the suit comes from within the character as it is grown around him. This is one of my favorite types of character concepts, as I have Stat Increases (that can't go into a power framework) all have the OIHID lim and go from there.

Cyclones (and it's Robotech, not Macross - but you could say Genesis Climber MOSPEADA) - I would make this a vehicle with multiform - or have a very odd build of two power Multi-Power - where I switch from one to the other, and various abilities would kick off outside the multipower. I'll have to think a bit more about the later... Possibly even two more multipowers with links attached to them. As I said very ugly build though.


But this is how I classify the different abilities:

OAF - An accessible Focus that is generally hand held or can be easily knocked or ripped off the character. This should happen about every other game or so. Possibly a little less frequently.

OIF - an inaccessible focus - usually consists of utility belts, and body armor of sorts. I'd expect this to be utilized for low powered super hero's for power suits. This should become an issue roughly every five to eight games. The hero gets trapped, and they want to remove their mask, etc...

OIHID - this consists of power-up characters. People who do instant changes, can represent a very light multiform build. Power Armor characters who seem to never have their armor removed, or without their armor.

Multiform - this is when the character has two distinct skill sets.


I am sorry if it looks like I am arguing with you over your build. Overall your GM will need to approve it. I just want to show you that there are other options, and sometimes a better build if need be.


I myself like to use Linked Powers (probably too much). I generally use it on linked to the Armor - this reflects that once the Armor is removed/dispelled/drained that the other powers and abilities do not work.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Here's probably a stupid question, but normally you can't put a power structure into power structure...but what about VPP's? Could you put a multipower representing a weapon into a VPP?


Let say you have a Gadget Pool, and one of the items there in is going to be an energy rifle with different firing settings. Normally this is done with a multipower on its own, but if ithe weapon is supposed to be part of your gadget pool, what then?

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Here's probably a stupid question, but normally you can't put a power structure into power structure...but what about VPP's? Could you put a multipower representing a weapon into a VPP?


Let say you have a Gadget Pool, and one of the items there in is going to be an energy rifle with different firing settings. Normally this is done with a multipower on its own, but if ithe weapon is supposed to be part of your gadget pool, what then?


No - there is such as a thing of a VPP Gadget Pool, and you would reflect the different weapon settings utilizing the VPP instead of a Multipower. You can't have power pools within power pools, but I believe you can link power pools to each other.


IE: Firestar has a Flame Aura and Flight part of a EC. She has bought all her attack powers in a MP. She has the MP link to the EC, and thus if the EC is ever drained, she woudl be unable to use her Attack Powers in the MP.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Here's probably a stupid question' date=' but normally you can't put a power structure into power structure...but what about VPP's? Could you put a multipower representing a weapon into a VPP?[/quote']No, but depending on how you bought the control cost of the VPP, you could switch between each function of the weapon by shifting the VPP. You could also buy a power with a variable advantage or variable limitation to represent a modestly multi-functional weapon in a VPP that you couldn't easily shift in combat.
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