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Help with TK user


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Alistair Prospero


Val Char Cost

60 STR -2

23 DEX 39

25 CON 30

10 BODY 0

12 INT 2

23 EGO 26

18 PRE 8

16 COM 3


7/23 PD 5

11/23 ED 6

6 SPD 27

10 REC 6

80 END 15

30 STUN 3


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

12" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 168


Cost Power END


7 Psi-Limbs: Extra Limbs (101), Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2) (7 Active Points) 0


15 Mental Defense (20 points total) 0


6 Detect Mental Defence: Detect A Single Thing 14- (Sight Group) 0



62 Master of Telekinesis: Multipower, 62-point reserve


3u 1) TK Molecular Disruption: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Continuous (+1) (26 Active Points) 0


4u 2) Move and operate things: Telekinesis (5 STR), Fine Manipulation, Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Standard Defenses apply; +1), Target Chooses Defense (-1/4) (39 Active Points) 4


4u 3) Blinded: Sight Group Flash 3d6, Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (37 Active Points) 4


4u 4) Deafened: Hearing Group Flash 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (36 Active Points) 0


4u 5) Numbness: Touch Group Flash 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (36 Active Points) 0


2u 6) Size you up: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4) 3


1u 7) Be Silent!: Darkness to Hearing Group 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (20 Active Points); Only to block speech of single target (-1/2) 0


3u 8) Mental Paralysis: Entangle 2d6, 3 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (62 Active Points); Mental Defense adds to Ego (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) 6


4u 9) Pick locks: Major Transform 1d6 (lock/unlock mechanical locks), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (37 Active Points) 4


1u 10) Touch Group Images 1" radius, Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (15 Active Points) 0


4u 11) We can make you Faster: Aid Flight 3d6, Can Add Maximum Of 37 Points (40 Active Points) 0


4u 12) We can make you Lighter: Aid Leaping 3d6, Can Add Maximum Of 37 Points (40 Active Points) 0



24 Master of Telekinesis: Elemental Control, 48-point powers


25 1) Flight 22", Position Shift (49 Active Points) 5


25 2) Stretching 10", Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) (62 Active Points); No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Limited Body Parts (extra limbs only; -1/4) 6


14 3) +52 STR (52 Active Points); Only with Extra Limbs (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 5


25 4) Difficult to Hit: Force Field (16 PD/12 ED/5 Power Defense), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (49 Active Points) 0


Powers Cost: 241


Cost Skill

3 Criminology 11-

3 Deduction 11-

3 Forensic Medicine 11-

3 Interrogation 13-

2 CK 11-

9 +3 with Telekinetic Powers

Skills Cost: 23


Total Character Cost: 432


Val Disadvantages

5 Social Limitation: Public ID (Occasionally, Minor)

15 Psychological Limitation: Eccentric (Very Common, Moderate)

30 Hunted: ARGENT 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

20 Hunted: Mentalla 14- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Mildly Punish)



Disadvantage Points: 70

Base Points: 0

Experience Required: 362

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Help with TK user


What kind of help do you need, Q? It seems to me that all of these effects can be bought as powers through your invisible limbs and stretching. I mean if it was me, I would just say stretching, extra limbs, multipowers linked to limbs, especially if all your powers have invisible power effects.


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Re: Help with TK user


That would basically just limit the range and lower the cost of the skills right? I am wondering if there might be a better way to simulate these effects. Linking the multipower to the extra limbs is an option but I like how more flexible the MP is ATM. Well, that is if I am understanding you.


Anyway, I am still messing around with the whole idea of a TK user that can perform detail precise operation using Telekinesis. So far I like the direction the powers went but nothing is concrete yet.

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Re: Help with TK user


I don't know. I'm not a good mathmathican. Eyeballing this without worrying about points, having the extra limbs and stretching with invisible power effects is the same as having telekinesis as far as I can see. If it was me building this character, I would have either one or the other because having them both spreads things out too far.



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Re: Help with TK user


The flash attacks are defined that he is pinching the optic nerves or plugging a target ears. Maybe I need some more limitations on those to simulate that better.




I think there's a tendency for people to force a reason for there characters to have flashes. How rare these powers are in comics and movies. Flashes don't pop up that often.


He pinches there optic nerves? I would never let my players have a power with such clumsy logic.


Are you trying to framework the character to save points?

What do you need help with?


Points don't matter...that is to say they are only a way to promote balance and fairness. Point limitations coupled with DC caps active pt caps and base pt caps help provide a framework for players. If I could trust my players not to make crap characters with no concept, I'd have no caps in my game. As it is now I still get players with a mish mash of powers that don't work together and make no sense. It happens because they want to be capable of everything, and pout when they aren't.


Some people on this board believe everything should be wedged into 350pts or less. I think if you or your GM is of this mindset you should narrow the concept down. The TK limbs are a cool idea, however I believe the limitation on STR, only with TK limbs (-1/2) implies (by the rules) that there would be no figured attributes and you would not get a further reduction in points. Re-read the extra limbs power; I think I'm correct but not 100% sure.

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Re: Help with TK user


6 Detect Mental Defence: Detect A Single Thing 14- (Sight Group) 0



3u 1) TK Molecular Disruption: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Continuous (+1) (26 Active Points) 0


As a GM, I'd say no to the penetrating part. It's TK, and I can see some form of instant TK counter-reaction, but I'd stop at the molecular disruption allowing penetrating as a game balance issue. Its one of those 'its lethal for hand to hand opponents to touch me' defenses.


For fun, try a few dice of eb with double knockback as the damage shield. they run up, hit you, whap--get knokced on their buts, prone. and it just looks cool.



4u 3) Blinded: Sight Group Flash 3d6, Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (37 Active Points) 4


Why would mental defense apply to a TK based attack here? TK applied pressure on an optic nerve..well, unless you can see nerve (no n-ray and microscopic vision), it seems some form of hard cover protection of the eyes would safeguard them from the TK eye poke. This could work as form of mind control on involuntary functiosn type effect, but that leaves the master of TK concept a bit.



2u 6) Size you up: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4) 3


Same question as above..whats this to do with telekenesis?


1u 7) Be Silent!: Darkness to Hearing Group 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (20 Active Points); Only to block speech of single target (-1/2) 0


I dont see how mental defense applies here.


3u 8) Mental Paralysis: Entangle 2d6, 3 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (62 Active Points); Mental Defense adds to Ego (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) 6


its a oftne seen mental power, but has nothing to do with Telekensis. A TK based entangle shouldn't be vs EGO. Given the build of your character, just grab them with an extra limb.



4u 9) Pick locks: Major Transform 1d6 (lock/unlock mechanical locks), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (37 Active Points) 4


Unless you plan only to open up luggage locks..the transform wil take some time to do anything substantial. Maybe a slot to go with the extra limbs thats a huge number of bonus skill levels to lockpicking and security systems? maybe even a form of touch sense ranged enhanced sense, with n-ray, for 'feeling' objects inside the lock or tumbers with your TK?


24 Master of Telekinesis: Elemental Control, 48-point powers



14 3) +52 STR (52 Active Points); Only with Extra Limbs (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 5


I'd say no to the characteristic in an EC, and stacking both the no figured and only for extra limbs is too much.. The 'only for extra limbs' is virtully no limitation on the STR anyway, even by itself, due to the number of limbs and invisible nature. with extra limbs and sTr, OI'd suggest reduced, or 0 end on the extra STR.


25 4) Difficult to Hit: Force Field (16 PD/12 ED/5 Power Defense), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (49 Active Points) 0


Power Defense?

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Re: Help with TK user


A lot of the definition is left out so I can understand some of the confusion.

The effect I am trying to simulate is someone with TK that can perform detail and precise techniques. Actually having a large TK str was an after thought that I just kind of throw in.


I was thinking he could use his TK to do small things to great effects, applying pressure to nerves, muscles, and the brain to create a variety of end results.


I agree that its hard to understand why some of the powers are vs mental def but I was thinking that Mental Def could help shield someone vs some of his surgical attacks.


Besides that I am finding all the input is helpful. I just realized some KS with anatomy or something like that would help define the character.

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Re: Help with TK user


It dawned on me.


If there are a hundred-and-one extra limbs and they all have the invisible power effect, why bother building the power literally. Just build the power as telekinesis, invisible power effect (+1/4) , with range limitation, limited range (5', 10', 15', 20' whatever you want ) (-1/4). The fact there are 101 limbs is irrelevant; it's just a descriptor or power effect. If for example somebody were to use Ultra violet lite they may be able to see the actual limbs, or perhaps if they have mental awareness only. Seeing a-hundred-and-one extra limbs isn't going to mean a dam anyway. even if you could see them all, which one is going to attack you? So again this is just a power descriptor, for flavour only. It just proves that's what the power actually is, 101 TK limbs.


As a GM I'd actually force the player to build the power this way to better represent the actual value of the ability. This is also easier to streamline into frameworks.

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Re: Help with TK user


It dawned on me.


If there are a hundred-and-one extra limbs and they all have the invisible power effect, why bother building the power literally. Just build the power as telekinesis, invisible power effect (+1/4) , with range limitation, limited range (5', 10', 15', 20' whatever you want ) (-1/4). The fact there are 101 limbs is irrelevant; it's just a descriptor or power effect. If for example somebody were to use Ultra violet lite they may be able to see the actual limbs, or perhaps if they have mental awareness only. Seeing a-hundred-and-one extra limbs isn't going to mean a dam anyway. even if you could see them all, which one is going to attack you? So again this is just a power descriptor, for flavour only. It just proves that's what the power actually is, 101 TK limbs.


As a GM I'd actually force the player to build the power this way to better represent the actual value of the ability. This is also easier to streamline into frameworks.


One advantage with the extra limbs will allow the character to simulate many persistent effects like carrying many objects at once. ATM I do not know if I am going to have 101 limbs. I exaggerated it to make the point of how much control he can exert at one time.

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Re: Help with TK user


Thanks for all the advice, it was VERY useful and help me realize some of the areas I now feel the character was going away from my original idea. So I dropped the huge strength and the tenticles and started thinking about the effects you possible could generate using a little TK to very small objects.


I like him a lot more now but still tweaking it.



Val Char


23 DEX

25 CON


23 INT

23 EGO

20 PRE

20 COM


7/23 PD

11/23 ED


10 REC

80 END



Total Characteristic Cost: 173



Movement: Running: 6" / 12"

Swimming: 2" / 4"

Leaping: 1" / 2"

Flight: 22" / 22"


Cost Powers END


15 Mental Defense (20 points total) 0



70 Master of Telekinesis: Multipower, 70-point reserve


2u 1) TK Molecular Disruption: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (17 Active Points) 0


7u 2) Move and operate things: Telekinesis (5 STR), Fine Manipulation, Invisible to Fully Invisible Group, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (24" Radius; +1 3/4), Selective (+1/4) (66 Active Points) 0


7u 3) Telekinesis (10 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (70 Active Points) 7


6u 4) Neat freak: Change Environment 8" radius, Varying Effect (clean, do chores and tasks, and so forth) Limited Group (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (60 Active Points) 0


7u 5) TK Bullet: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), +10 Increased STUN Multiplier (+2 1/2) (67 Active Points) 7


7u 6) Optic Nerve Pinch: Sight Group Flash 5d6, Invisible to Fully Invisible Group, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), No Normal Defense (non focus flash def/non organic senses; +1) (69 Active Points) 0


6u 7) Plug Ears: Hearing Group Flash 7d6, Invisible to Fully Invisible Group, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), No Normal Defense (non focus flash def/non organic senses; +1) (58 Active Points) 0


6u 8) Spinal Overload: Touch Group Flash 7d6, Invisible to Fully Invisible Group, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), No Normal Defense (non focus flash def/non organic senses; +1) (58 Active Points) 0


2u 9) Size you up: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -1/4) 3


1u 10) Be Silent!: Darkness to Hearing Group 1" radius, Invisible to Fully Invisible Group, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (14 Active Points); Only to block speech of single target (-1/2) 0


2u 11) Pick locks: Major Transform 1d6 (lock/unlock mechanical locks), Invisible to Fully Invisible Group, SFX Only (+1/4) (19 Active Points) 2


1u 12) Molecular Agitation: Touch Group Images 1" radius, Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (15 Active Points) 0


7u 13) TK Surgery: Healing BODY 6 1/2d6, Can Heal Limbs (70 Active Points) 7



More TK tricks, they never end.


10 1) Something doesn't feel right..: Range with Touch Group 0

18 2) Detect Medical condition A Class Of Things 14- (Touch Group), Concealed (-3 with Detect Medical condition PER Rolls), Discriminatory, Analyze 0

10 3) TK Deflection +3 with DCV (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 1



24 Master of Telekinesis: Elemental Control, 48-point powers


20 1) Flight 22", Position Shift (49 Active Points); no Noncombat movement (-1/4) 5

17 2) TK Defection: Force Field (16 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (49 Active Points); Only vs attacks he is aware of (-1/2) 0




3 Paramedics 14-

3 KS: Anatomy 14-

3 KS: Eastern Medicine 14-

3 KS: Medical Science 14-

3 Interrogation 13-

3 KS: Golden Age Heroes 14-

3 KS: Early 20th Century History 14-

9 +3 with Telekinetics



Total Powers & Skill Cost: 275

Total Cost: 448

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Re: Help with TK user


OK, pure GM mode


2u 1) TK Molecular Disruption: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (17 Active Points) 0

Still would prefer to see the penetrating drop off.


7u 5) TK Bullet: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), +10 Increased STUN Multiplier (+2 1/2) (67 Active Points)


gaming the stun lottery. Save your GM the time of denying this.



2u 9) Size you up: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -1/4) 3


explain this one.



7u 13) TK Surgery: Healing BODY 6 1/2d6, Can Heal Limbs (70 Active Points) 7


thats a lot of healing.

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Re: Help with TK user


Something you might consider is a martial art usable through the Tk power, simulating the level of mastery.


There are martial flash attacks, NND's, chokes, KA's, etc. that have a similar look-and-feel to the multipower you've defined.

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Re: Help with TK user


GM mode engaged,hehe :D


Well the healing I don't really care how high it is so if the GM wants to lower it no biggie. I love the idea that he TK knits wounds and stuff together.


Same with the RKA stun attack, I could drop this attack for something else. I just wanted him to be able to smack bad guys. What about a TK enhanced melee attack?


Maybe I should drop the penetrating attack all together. It depends if the GM doesnt want me eating away at almost any material conceivable.



The telepathy is a sign that he has a little bit of other mind powers but its very weak and is more of an aid to assist what he perceives about a person. So, if a person is a good actor they can fool him and trick the power into not functioning.


Something you might consider is a martial art usable through the Tk power, simulating the level of mastery.


There are martial flash attacks, NND's, chokes, KA's, etc. that have a similar look-and-feel to the multipower you've defined.


That is a good idea, I will look into that.

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Re: Help with TK user


Well here is my 2 cents on the subject.


I like the idea of your character but what tk effects are you trying for.

Most of your powers are bought with the advantage (invisible power effect +1/4 to +1)

It would be more cost affect if you put your advantage on the whole multipower instead of your

indivual slots.

I have to ask what is the idea for this power????? 6u 4) Neat freak:

What do you want to do with it in combat? Would you use it in non combat???? What is it for???

Your flash attacks, (Plug Ears,Optic Nerve Pinch, Spinal Overload) I like the idea of having flash tk attacks but do you really need to have all of those advantages on them???

In general, are you trying to go for the you can't see me so you can't attack me type of character???? Is this a stealth type of character?

The power you have (Pick locks) can be bought with a standard tk with Fine Manipulation. and a skill lockpicking and skill levels with tk...

The power (Move and operate things) what is this???? Why do you need to have it be an area affect power?? Are you trying to move several items at once?

The power (Be silent) you used the advantages you have the Based On EGO Combat Value advantage why?. You have a dex and ego at 23. If you want to use it as a range attack

you must use the advantage ranged. On page 177 in the main book it clearly states this.

What is Affects Porous that you have on one of the tk powers??????

The book The Ultimate Mentalist has specific and detailed advantages that can help you out on tk powers.

It has skills listed for using tk at range, tricks and combat rules for tk users.

The character needs work because more detail on the powers is needed.

You need to write a paragraph for each power and why specifically he needs each advantage on them.

Also you can have more than one multipower in a character. Drop the elemental control and go with a small multipower.

This will save you some points.

Also can this character be more affective at a lower total? Try writting it up as a 250 to 325 point character.

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