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N-ray vision based hero


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The basic idea is a natural mutant with the ability to perceive every detail of the three dimensional space arround him (his point of view is a point moved apart from him 3 dimentualy, so he sees inside things with the ease that one sees the outer layer). I wanted to base all his powers around this 70-75 active point sense (which would not be linked to sight or any other sense because of the unique way I imagine it working), but I will need some major point breaks since enhanced senses is not allowed normally in power frameworks.


The main ideas/powers I had to flesh out the character were:

  • Find weakness
  • high dcv and some sort of nigh-precognitive dodging for explosions and area effects (basically, by the time you pull the pin out of the grenade, he's already memorized the serial number, exact volume and composition of the explosive, and rate of the fuse... so he will try to avoid it)
  • some sort of weapon that he can use with deadly percision
  • posible missle deflect
  • many knowledge skills (he walked into a library once, x100+ rapid n-ray perception makes you learn a thing or two)
  • always on limitation for n-ray perception (tag line: "I cannot close my eyes to the world's evil") (might not seem worth a disadvantage, but if the gm thinks my character is too powerful, he can easily cut me down)
  • various defenses especially mental defenses (maybe a mental damage shield because my mind is processing more than any human mind can imagine)

I'm not even sure where to start. Most of the powers aren't allowed in power frameworks and throwing so many points into a sense is quite a drain. I can't even take oihid or focus limitations because the main theme of the character is 'seeing' everything at all times whether he likes it or not. Its a 200pnt, 150disad, with 75 maximum active points on a power. Any tips on cost-effective ways to make such a character?

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Re: N-ray vision based hero




* You don't need Find Weakness. The 'finding a weakness' effect can be the effect of whatever attack you pick. Let's assume a 10d6 EB. The reason it does 10d6 is because you hit the weak point of your target.

* High DCV depends on your campaign but I'm going to assume an average of DCV 8. Buy +2 DCV levels for your high DCV. The pre-cog for explosions may be something you can buy at a later time; the rational being your power is continuing to refine itself and now helps with explosions, etc.

* Buy 3d6 RKA with the limitation, objects of opportunity.

* Missile Deflection isn't too costly so go ahead and buy

* Okay, maybe I missed something but the 'many knowledge skills' seems out of character; it doesn't fit in with the 'perceive every detail' power you first mentioned. Also, don't confuse being able to perceive everything with being able to understand and retain the information he saw (unless he's a genius but that's more points towards your INT...)

* I can see how the N-Ray 'not being to turn it off' would be a disadvantage but it could become too much of a disadvantage. How could he interact with normal life if everything was perceived thru N-Ray?


So far, I don't see this being very expensive points-wise. The EB I suggested and the RKA can be in a Multipower and that'll save you points.


The defences can be bought last, if you have points left.


Don't try to buy everything up-front as you may implode from all the points spent.

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Re: N-ray vision based hero


Since his powers manifested before he was born, he is quite used to them and has lots of rapid perception to process all the data. Also he is forced to absorb the info he can percieve to the limit his mind can which means reading any writen information nearby (magnification helps). He is acustumed to sights that would scar normal people (think of growing up and being forced to watch what everyone in a half a block is doing at all times). His inteligence would have to be near-superhuman to interpret the world and when you read a book in a few seconds by standing nearby, you learn a thing or two.


I had already thought of increasing attack damage because of his senses. I even toyed with making a multi-power of stun-only eb, normal eb, rka, and other attacks based on the percision of his senses.


I think some sort of anti-explosion/area attack is vital because of the frequency my gm uses such attacks. I was trying to do a short-range teleport with trigger, but I don't think that I can make it go off after the attack is declared, but before it goes off. I think I can set the trigger to whenever I use a 'dive for cover' action. I would have to abort an action, but that would only be fair.


In many ways this character would be like a speedster. all his powers are based on quick reflexes because of his detailed knowledge of the world.

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Re: N-ray vision based hero


I've played a martial artist who was a master of "Ghost eye" style. Lot's o' simularitys...


I don't think a framework is nessisary, you can build a effective dude without it...


What the main way of attacking going to be? Ranged? Hth? Gizmos?


the just buy some skills, powers and have at it...Find weak is very cool, but it can just be a sfx...12D6? With a Until blaster pistol? "It's not the Size...it's how you use it!"

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Re: N-ray vision based hero


I did intend to have Eidetic memory, mid-high int, and high rapid perception. Since he had this ability all his life, he would have to develop a powerful memory to keep the world straight. I've been thinking about little gimmicks he could do like discovering the other heros normal IDs by seeing through their masks and into their wallets (driver's license even has their birthday if they keep that on them.)

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