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Disadvantages...lists anyone?


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So I've been looking around hoping to compile a list for myself of disadvantages for my characters for quick and easy referance instead of sitting there with my 5th Ed. Hero System book, and trying to come up with ones all on my own.


I pretty much own only the 5th Ed. book, so I can't look at other books that may have examples for me to use, which is why I'm here.



I'm hoping some of you out there will help a guy out and post various disadvantages I could use. They can be character type specific, or just generic.


Hopefully others will find this useful as well.

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Re: Disadvantages...lists anyone?


I've found that giving players a list to choose from results in much more "cookie cutter" disadvantages, and less "unique" or "realistic" characters.


For NPC's, I can see using a list (I don't have one), but for PC's I make them build their own.


Just my $0.25 (adjusted for inflation)

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Re: Disadvantages...lists anyone?


Well first, the list is for my own referance...I'm not the GM. I often get a little flustered when trying to come up with disadvantages and keep rehashing the same ones over and over again.


I am looking for the full thing...if possible. I generally stear clear of Age and Dependence though.


Here is how I write them up on my sheets:

[10]>>>Psychological Limitation: Easily Distracted) The PC has difficulty paying attention and tends to either loose interest in conversations and starts day-dreaming, or finds something else to do to hold their attention. Common, Moderate.


A list things like this kind of what I'm hoping for. This way I can pick and choose what is fitting for the character if I don't already have something in mind. And of course the points for it can be adjusted easily enough depending upon how seveer I (or the GM) would want it to be, or less so.

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