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Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


:blows out cheeks:


Dunno, never thought of anything like it.


Perhaps PS: Body Lanuage as a comp roll to PS: Dance.


If a martial artist tried it I'd allow a MA Power Skill to do it. I can see Jackie Chan attempting something like that.


Other power possibilities would include precognition and telepathy. Can you be more specific?


edit: you might need to buy extra speed and movement in a VPP to keep up if they were really shifting.

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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


They're not missing any senses, I just figured it'd be easier to have a power say 'you can do this' instead of rolling dice.


You know, the old cartoon mirror trick, or something. The idea being it's a way to follow without actually leaving (or attacking) the partner. Maybe you could compare it to one of Spiderman's Venom (the suit's) attacks. They'd obviously not be able to move farther than their inches, or fly or teleport.


I'd figured someone else would've thought it up and had an idea.


I want this to:

Move on their move (sorta automatically)

Match their movements exactly

No additional movements (until the power is deactivated)


...I thought the latter would be an SFX.



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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


They're not missing any senses, I just figured it'd be easier to have a power say 'you can do this' instead of rolling dice.


You know, the old cartoon mirror trick, or something. The idea being it's a way to follow without actually leaving (or attacking) the partner. Maybe you could compare it to one of Spiderman's Venom (the suit's) attacks. They'd obviously not be able to move farther than their inches, or fly or teleport.


I'd figured someone else would've thought it up and had an idea.


I want this to:

Move on their move (sorta automatically)

Match their movements exactly

No additional movements (until the power is deactivated)


...I thought the latter would be an SFX.




This is almost a reverse Mind Control.


Boy-o-boy, I can't figure how to do that. But it sounds like that's the row you want to go down.

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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


How would you even do it with cramming? There's no prep-time involved. Most people aren't using skills when they're walking around or moving.


Reverse mind-control? O-o




You could maybe use a Limited Rapid modifier under Enhanced Senses to cut down on the time requirement?!


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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


Buy a naked power modifier, 'triggered' that you can tack onto your movement modes. Buy it with lockout so that you can not use those movement modes while mirroring, except for mirroring.


Then it depends what effect you want his to have. If it is just a way of following someone, leave it there. If it, for instance, makes it more difficult for you to be hit by that opponent because you move when they do, buy extra DCV, onlt against them.

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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


It's a cartoon thing. I probably shouldn't have mentioned touch.


For a permitted (nonattack) version, about buying a VPP with the 'usable by others' mod with the SFX 'Only for granting their powers UBO' to borrow (mimic their movement powers?


I'm still unclear on what sort of skill roll it is to match someone's dance steps, though it's a good point that you'd need to buy the same DCV to match their DCV.



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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


Well, still not sure of the mechanical effect you are seeking...




to match someone else's moves i would use a PERFORM skill, or dance or acrobatics whichever the gm prefers.

I would then buy "bonuses to this skill roll" at 2 cp per +1 with SFX "mind touched to sync movements" and possibly a lim if it is willing only or if it is not vs those with MenDef etc.


For example, i once had a mentalist with bonuses rto dcv with SFX "reading mind to see when/where to dodge" and even more that were limited to dodge maneuver itself, all with a -1/4 small lim for "wont get thru mental def"


the "mind touch" is just the sfx. the gain is the skill bonuses.


now, if you also want to acquire their movement powers, thats a mimic pool. it can help dupe their speed cv etc.

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Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


I want a character to be able to match movements with another character they're touching - move on their move, etc, like dancing - How would you go about doing this?




If you're talking about Chi sao (Sticking Hands), then I'd include Clinging (limited), along with DCV levels


Presuming this isn't meant to be a Combat thing (and thus Speed is of reduced importance), I might go with just a high Teamwork Skill. After all, you are "coordinating" with your dance partner when you dance.

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