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Blast with Fade


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Re: Blast with Fade


That's possible, I could be underpricing it. I had forgotten about the Continuous bit, so that would put the base to ... eh, +1 1/2. I dunno. That almost seems OVER priced. But yes, Sean has the right of it, I expunged all the in between and said "POOF, Advantage that does it all and makes sense." I think at 1 1/2 it covers everything, with a 'cost break' for both:


-- The inability to adjust it; Continuous you can keep using it until you run out of END, here it's set in place


-- The massive price jump in Active is going to (at minimum) double the END cost, so I'm not concerned with that, and


-- It loses its effect over time; its set in place, and if you want it to go longer, you have to pay for that.


I'll agree with Beast that +3/4 my be underpriced, but I don't know if 1 1/2 isn't overpriced for what you're really doing.

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Re: Blast with Fade


this kind of attack is not one that is going to take anybody out in 1 or 2 phases

it is one that is going to be that thorn in the side that keeps the target off balance or on the defensive

it is most likely going to need either NND or penatration to make it worth wild to even attempt

and maybe area effect on top of that


you could either go with a costs end to turn on or pay the end per die and decrease it on each following die(this will mean you should figure our beforehand how long you want to last




EB 3d6, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4)

Uncontrolled (+1/2)

Penetrating (+1/2)

Continuous (+1)

Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1)

(64 Active Points)

Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (decreases 1 die per phase; -1/4)


and you need to define how to defeat it(uncontrolled)


272 ■ Character Creation: Power Modifiers (FREd)



Power Modifiers


Value: + ½ Advantage; the Power must already be


A Constant Power with this Advantage can maintain

itself without conscious thought from its user.

Th e base power must be Constant (either inherently,

or because Continuous was purchased for it).

To set up an Uncontrolled power, the character

must activate and use the power as normal

(including succeeding with an Attack Roll, if

necessary). Once successful, the character feeds

as much END as he desires into the power to

create a pool of END to fuel it. Th e Uncontrolled

power runs for as long as there’s END to power it.

However, any power bought with this Advantage

must have a reasonably common and obvious set

of circumstances that will turn it off or negate it.

(An Uncontrolled HTH attack should have “target

moves out of HTH Combat range” as the condition

[or one of the conditions] that causes the

Uncontrolled effect to cease.)


so if this is say fire then moving out of it or even failing a dive for cover(if you dove far enough) means it would only last 1 phase unless you defined it as those in the area at the time of casting are affected then you could define the negator as stop drop and roll


I have a character who uses what I call soulfire(napalm for the soul)

it sticks only to those that where in the area of effect at the time it was cast and to negate it you have to stop and consentrate to put it out

1 phase at dcv 0

and it has continuous,uncontrolled,AVLD(power def),1/2 end.area hexes x4

and is ment more as something for agents and minor villians to deal with and leave me alone or fall to it's power over time

and it is only 2 dice



That's possible, I could be underpricing it. I had forgotten about the Continuous bit, so that would put the base to ... eh, +1 1/2. I dunno. That almost seems OVER priced. But yes, Sean has the right of it, I expunged all the in between and said "POOF, Advantage that does it all and makes sense." I think at 1 1/2 it covers everything, with a 'cost break' for both:


-- The inability to adjust it; Continuous you can keep using it until you run out of END, here it's set in place


-- The massive price jump in Active is going to (at minimum) double the END cost, so I'm not concerned with that, and


-- It loses its effect over time; its set in place, and if you want it to go longer, you have to pay for that.


I'll agree with Beast that +3/4 my be underpriced, but I don't know if 1 1/2 isn't overpriced for what you're really doing.

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Re: Blast with Fade


That's possible, I could be underpricing it. I had forgotten about the Continuous bit, so that would put the base to ... eh, +1 1/2. I dunno. That almost seems OVER priced. But yes, Sean has the right of it, I expunged all the in between and said "POOF, Advantage that does it all and makes sense." I think at 1 1/2 it covers everything, with a 'cost break' for both:


-- The inability to adjust it; Continuous you can keep using it until you run out of END, here it's set in place


-- The massive price jump in Active is going to (at minimum) double the END cost, so I'm not concerned with that, and


-- It loses its effect over time; its set in place, and if you want it to go longer, you have to pay for that.


I'll agree with Beast that +3/4 my be underpriced, but I don't know if 1 1/2 isn't overpriced for what you're really doing.


In practice the price doesn't matter too much if anyone is keeping an eye on active costs at all. A 90 active point power with AoE and +1 in additional advantages can muster 30 points of attack, of 3d6 KA, for example, whereas a 90 point power with AoE and +2 1/2 in additional advantages can only muster 1d6+1 KA. It makes a difference, sure, but not that much.


Given that, once it starts fading the actual damage potential drops off massively (as damage rolls rapidly approach the DEF cut off), I'd suggest that the power is probably over priced at +2 1/2 in terms of utility, even if that does then allow you some additional limitations (like fading away -1/2, or whatever).


If I allowed a 'custom advantage' I'd suggest that it would be priced in the +1 to +1 1/2 range to reflect actual utility.

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