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Android Selves

Logan D. Hurricanes

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I know this is one that has been batted back and forth a lot, but I can't find those discussions so... let's start again, shall we? Maybe get some new ideas while we're at it.


The effect is pretty simple: Character A dwells in Ivory Tower Z, but he is able to travel outside by means of projecting his consciousness into Android B. I've seen/considered several methods for creating this:


  • Duplication (Cannot recombine; only one dupe active at a time)
  • Multiform (Leaves body behind)
  • Summon (Create a new android body, then mind link, etc)
  • Clairsentience (Unlimited range, OAF: Android)

There are Pros & Cons for each method, of course. Waddya think?

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Re: Android Selves


I know this is one that has been batted back and forth a lot, but I can't find those discussions so... let's start again, shall we? Maybe get some new ideas while we're at it.


The effect is pretty simple: Character A dwells in Ivory Tower Z, but he is able to travel outside by means of projecting his consciousness into Android B. I've seen/considered several methods for creating this:


  • Duplication (Cannot recombine; only one dupe active at a time)
  • Multiform (Leaves body behind)
  • Summon (Create a new android body, then mind link, etc)
  • Clairsentience (Unlimited range, OAF: Android)

There are Pros & Cons for each method, of course. Waddya think?

Follower is an option too.


I would decide which to use based on a few questions:


1. Is the Android under character control or GM control (NPC)? This obviously doesn't matter if the character is an NPC.

- GM controlled: Follower, Summon

- Character controlled: Multiform, Duplication, Clairsentience


2. Can the Android take actions separately from the character? If the character never leaves the tower, this only matters if part of the story will take place there.

- Only one can act at a time: Multiform, Clairsentience (Linked Telekinesis is necessary to perform actions)

- Simultaneous actions: Follower, Duplication, Summon


3. Will the Android be involved in Combat?

- No: Clairsentience (If there is no combat, Clairsentience with transmit for speaking will be sufficient. If there is combat, a one power Focus is a bad choice because it will be broken in one shot that does BODY.)

- Yes: Follower, Multiform, Duplication, Summon


If you have answers to the above based on your concept and there are still multiple choices, we can come up with more questions.

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Re: Android Selves


If the tower, and thus the "actual" character, is not a participant in most games, this could simply be SFX. The Android is the real character and the guy in the tower is, at most, a DNPC.


Building the Android as a Totally Different Duplicate of the guy in the Ivory Tower could also work, but now one needs to spend all those points left over for the guy in the ivory tower.

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Re: Android Selves


I know this is one that has been batted back and forth a lot, but I can't find those discussions so... let's start again, shall we? Maybe get some new ideas while we're at it.


The effect is pretty simple: Character A dwells in Ivory Tower Z, but he is able to travel outside by means of projecting his consciousness into Android B. I've seen/considered several methods for creating this:


  • Duplication (Cannot recombine; only one dupe active at a time)
  • Multiform (Leaves body behind)
  • Summon (Create a new android body, then mind link, etc)
  • Clairsentience (Unlimited range, OAF: Android)

There are Pros & Cons for each method, of course. Waddya think?


I have always been a fan of Multiform with "leaves body behind." It gives you full control of a whole new form while leaving the option for your body to be negatively affected (stolen, destroyed). Also if you want your body to still be able to do a limited number of things and not just be a lifeless shell, then link the multiform to a summon. You change into the new form, then your body is summoned and can act. The new you goes off adventuring while the old you sweeps the floor and takes naps. The summon you create could be low points if all it can do is the most mundane things, then make it slavishly loyal to yourself.


But that is my take on it.


La Rose

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Re: Android Selves


I have a character that does this sort of thing...


The way I look at it, if the two characters can act simultaneously it's a type of Altered Duplication.


If the character can only have one active physical form at a time, I'd use Multiform, with many of the same limitations one usually applies to Astral Projection type Duplication.


Summon, even at the Slavishly Loyal level, will probably run into some technical limitations that would need to be house ruled away.


Clairsentience would work fine if the Android was only a spy. But you will need to build a LOT of other powers to allow the Android to interact with the world around him. Clairsentience works a lot better for an actual astral projection type build, which usually can't affect the real world.

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Re: Android Selves


Another factor is how easily the android can be replaced if it's destroyed, and whether that destruction would have any negative effect on the person in the tower.


Easily Replaced: Summon

Limited Number of Replacements: Duplication, Followers

Replaceable, but the person in the tower is incapacitated while doing so: Multiform, with Ressurection.

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Re: Android Selves


Hypothetically, you could build the Android as a vehicle. Buy limited megascale TK and clairsentience to represent the ability to 'pilot' the android remotely. This actually has several benefits:


1). You can buy several androids, and still be limited to using only one at a time.


2). Each individual android is fairly replaceable.


2). It would leave open the possibility of a villain with similar technological abilities taking over your android! Competing for control over your creation? Awesome!


Maybe something like this:


Become The Android

See Through His Eyes: Clairsentience (Sight, Touch, Smell/Taste And Hearing Groups), Discriminatory, Targeting, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1 m (+1/4) (195 Active Points); Only To Perceive Through The Senses Of An Android (-3/4)


Operate Android: Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1 m (+1/4) (75 Active Points); Only To Operate Androids Remotely (-3/4), Linked (See Through His Eyes; -1/2)


Total Cost: 144 points


You'd get a massive cost break on the androids themselves because they'd be built as vehicles, so I think it's only fair to pay a lot for the ability to operate them remotely. Plus, I think it's really cool to have the ability to operate to operate ANY android built as a vehicle, even if you didn't build it yourself (a rival's androids, perhaps?).


Anyway, just an idea.



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