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Post-apocalyptic campaign?


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My hard sci-fi campaign involved a war that affected the entire solar system, or at least where colonies were built. Assuming the worst case scenario, where most of the Earth was destroyed, how much would remain? Would there be any place on Earth be relatively untouched? What technology would be available after the shooting ends? Would technolog


I doubt any of the colonies would last long without support from Earth, unless they can somehow produce enough of the essentials to survive (possible but unlikely). Would any survivors opt to return to Earth or try to survive in the colonies?

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Re: Post-apocalyptic campaign?


Hmm. I have been thinking along these lines myself.


Here is what I am thinking....I would make it OUTSIDE the solar system...make it so that the colonies have no idea what happened (later plot hooks) and would be forced to become more self sustaining..they would be forced to explore. If there are other species that are intelligent this may play an interesting twist in their relationship especially if the aliens are lower tech AND know that something is wrong.





My hard sci-fi campaign involved a war that affected the entire solar system, or at least where colonies were built. Assuming the worst case scenario, where most of the Earth was destroyed, how much would remain? Would there be any place on Earth be relatively untouched? What technology would be available after the shooting ends? Would technolog


I doubt any of the colonies would last long without support from Earth, unless they can somehow produce enough of the essentials to survive (possible but unlikely). Would any survivors opt to return to Earth or try to survive in the colonies?

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Re: Post-apocalyptic campaign?


alot is going to depend on what weapons where used

how much over kill was there

most small arms will still work

depending on what type of ammo the weapon uses will give it a life span


colonies by definition if complete should be self sustaining

are they domed cities or space habitats?

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Re: Post-apocalyptic campaign?


I figure small arms still work, but I don't know how many people who know how to make them will still be alive. Ditto other types of technology and medicine. I'm assuming a nuclear war, so the destruction was widespread.


There are different types of colonies: domed cities, subterranean, and space stations. Several of them would have been destroyed during the war. Some of them could provide water and energy, but food supplies may be scarce.


If there were colonies outside the solar system, they may be self-sufficient enough to survive without Earth. They'd still wonder what was going on, though. But maybe a few survivors will make their way over there and fill them in.

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Re: Post-apocalyptic campaign?


They may be self sustaining to a point - but without access to technology they may have problems when complicated things break. There may be redundancies in the systems, but there is a point when even those will fail.


Also replacement of simple equipment may be a problem. All the steel ad iron is in the city in some form. Do they have the means to turn rebar into shovels or stainless steel tables into auto parts?


Medical supplies, such as vaccinations may stop.


What might be even more interesting is what will happen politically within the colony when they realize that there is no more help coming from earth. Perhaps even give them a ship that could be used (perhaps at great cost) to return to earth. But if earth is destroyed, there would be no means to refuel and it would be stranded.



I figure small arms still work, but I don't know how many people who know how to make them will still be alive. Ditto other types of technology and medicine. I'm assuming a nuclear war, so the destruction was widespread.


There are different types of colonies: domed cities, subterranean, and space stations. Several of them would have been destroyed during the war. Some of them could provide water and energy, but food supplies may be scarce.


If there were colonies outside the solar system, they may be self-sufficient enough to survive without Earth. They'd still wonder what was going on, though. But maybe a few survivors will make their way over there and fill them in.

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Re: Post-apocalyptic campaign?


places with no military or great concentrations of enemy citizens will most will be spared(fallout might get them)


so long as a location does not take a near hit and is not downwind for fallout

will survive so long as they can grow food and generate power


same will go for colonies except they will also need to replace worn out parts or repair damage


space flight from earth is probably out of the question

colonies on moons or planets if they can produce fuel might be able to get around

only the largest space stations will be able to generate their own food

so smaller ones will be dismantled for parts




I figure small arms still work, but I don't know how many people who know how to make them will still be alive. Ditto other types of technology and medicine. I'm assuming a nuclear war, so the destruction was widespread.


There are different types of colonies: domed cities, subterranean, and space stations. Several of them would have been destroyed during the war. Some of them could provide water and energy, but food supplies may be scarce.


If there were colonies outside the solar system, they may be self-sufficient enough to survive without Earth. They'd still wonder what was going on, though. But maybe a few survivors will make their way over there and fill them in.

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