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Telekenitic Pulse


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Telekinesis didn't handle this exactly the way I wanted...what insights do you folks have?


The character described it as a brief, raw power "pushing/flaring/surging" of his telekinetic force field outwards until it lost cohesion.


Telekinetic Pulse:

6d6 Energy Blast; Explosion (Loses DC/1"): +½; Double Knockback (×2): +¾; Does No STUN: -¾; Personal Immunity: +¼; No Range: -½ (75)

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When designing a telekinetic it is often usefull to put it in a multipower rather than just raw TK. So you have max strength TK in one slot, fine work TK in another, probably EB for most efficient damage, and a few tricks like the one you describe.


I think your power looks good, everyone will be pushed/punched back from the character. A useful power when mobbed by a pack of Agent Smiths....

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Definitely necessary. You would at least get knocked down by it if you didn't buy Personal Immunity. I would probably ask you to determine where the power originates. The frontal lobe? Oh you are knocked backward, then.


Do you really want the power to do Body? Why Body, but not Stun? If no Body, I would probably give the power something like Only to do Knockback (-2) rather than Does No STUN. I don't know if it merits all of a -2, but it is a pretty hefty disadvantage.

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Gee, actually Hugh...that power is an Ultra slot in his Multipower... and so far it worked expediently against the agents. :) Oh, and shredded his office while he was trying to block an attacking Mind Scan...


Pres, as to why it does BODY damage...

BODY is for the objects impacted by the expanding (pulsed) shield...otherwise if the object is too big to take knockback, or mounted, there is no effect from the blast. The objects in the area should take damage if the DEF allows. It would look very strange if the blast tossed agents around like buckshot, yet failed to break a plate glass window directly behind him.

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If someone does KB only damage to a plate glass window, I would rule the plate glass window would try to do a move-through on the wall in which it is mounted. Voila, instant damage, no BODY damage on the attack necessary.


Think of it this way. What would happen to a hoverbot floating near the character? Would it take damage immediately upon the attack pulsing, or would it only take damage if it flew back and crashed into something?

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Originally posted by Farkling

Gee, actually Hugh...that power is an Ultra slot in his Multipower... and so far it worked expediently against the agents. :) Oh, and shredded his office while he was trying to block an attacking Mind Scan...


Pres, as to why it does BODY damage...

BODY is for the objects impacted by the expanding (pulsed) shield...otherwise if the object is too big to take knockback, or mounted, there is no effect from the blast. The objects in the area should take damage if the DEF allows. It would look very strange if the blast tossed agents around like buckshot, yet failed to break a plate glass window directly behind him.


I guess I would question how it does enough impact damage to shatter glass (or considerably harder materials at close range) but doesn't inflict Stun damage. The impact can break bones, knock out teeth, but not bruise skin?


As it's in a multipower, the object of the limitation must be accurately reflecting the power - it doesn't lower active points, so at best it would save a point or two, not permit a higher powered slot.

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Thanks Doc.


Hugh..the character described it as an impact generating a slap as the shield impacts and a push to carry the object along with it. We figured it should retain the possibility of damaging small things it couldn;t move...after all...foci do not take knockback damage while on a character. And besides...the "takes no STUN lim" while retaining BODY damage is actually "takes minimal STUN" since a character will suffer STUN=BODY...you are just a softie... :) It basically causes BODY damage to people by accident as he lacks full control over it. Besides, 3 BODY isn't much in the way of broken bones...oh...I suppose it would be...hmmm.


The hoverbot is going to have at least 6 PD anyway...so damage is minimal...like something trivial was shaken up inside.


He didn't picture the PULSE doing large damage...just the impact from being carried along with it. Foci or real objects remaining in peoples hands should suffer damage from the violence of the pulse, even if NOT ripped out of their hands.


Tomayto...tomato. He likes it. I like it. And the lims don't really matter...it's in his multipower. WE know what it does...and if he takes it to another game, the GM does not NEED to rule on the "special effect generates impact damage" since the BODY damage is still on the power.


I'm also pretty sure the no STUN limit will be the first to go from his XP expenditures, as he figures out how to gain control of it. *shrugs* it could also have been done with (-1/2) Lockout and (-1/4) "no effect on Telekinetic Shields" if he had wanted the STUN damage on the power.

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Originally posted by Farkling

Hugh..the character described it as an impact generating a slap as the shield impacts and a push to carry the object along with it. We figured it should retain the possibility of damaging small things it couldn;t move...after all...foci do not take knockback damage while on a character. And besides...the "takes no STUN lim" while retaining BODY damage is actually "takes minimal STUN" since a character will suffer STUN=BODY...you are just a softie... :) It basically causes BODY damage to people by accident as he lacks full control over it. Besides, 3 BODY isn't much in the way of broken bones...oh...I suppose it would be...hmmm.


Actually, BOD could be considerable to soft targets, including knockback damage as well.


It depends how you see the power working - if it's a sudden slap, I'd say it does STUN and BOD. If it's more a shove than a slap, I could see it doing neither.


The -3/4 is only worth 2 points since its a MP slot, and another -1/4 for "does no BOD", the most I'd practically give, doesn't change the cost.


You're giving away 2 points, though, ya big marshmallow ;)

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Yep, soft normals will take considerable BODY damage (7, on average). But that's not surprising considering that the attack tosses people 10 meters.


I see the attack as more of a tool against hordes of monsters, agents, and martial artists. For normals, the TK guy might grab them with a weak area effect TK, imprison them in an area effect entangle, or surround them with a force wall.

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