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Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World


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Note: While El-Hazard is technically a mix of Star and Pulp Hero, I'm placing this in the Champions section of the boards due to the nature of many of the character's powers. I think Champions GM will get more use out of them.


For the complete set of character sheets and Hero Designer files, go here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsanime/eh/elhazard.html





At it’s heart El-Hazard is a Planetary Romance story, akin in many ways to Edgar Rice Burrough’s takes of Barsoom and John Carter. It’s also a Lost World’s adventure, and very much at home amid other Pulpish stories of the same type. Certainly the world of El-Hazard, with its ancient relics, strange inhabitants, high technology, and various races (including the Phantom Tribe and the Bugrom) is rife with gaming opportunities.


The character sheets presented here were derived from the El-Hazard Role-Playing Game and Resource Book published by Guardians of Order for use with the Tri-Stat System (also known as Big Eyes Small Mouth.). The characteristics and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author. I used my own conversion notes (found here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/besm.html) to do the initial work, then made adjustments based on my own viewings of the El-Hazard OVAs.


A Note on the Priestesses

The three Chief Priestesses of Mount Muldoon presented a bit of a problem in adapting to the HERO System. Much of it has to do with apparent in consistencies with how their various “Lamps” (i.e. the relics they carry that grant them their elemental control powers) actually work. It seems they need to active the Lamps before using their powers, but Shayla-Shayla seems capable of tapping into her fire powers with out it. In the interests of simplicity and playability, I’ve decided to take some liberties with the character design (something I almost never do).


For starters, I’ve decided to use the builds presented in the El-Hazard Role-Playing Game and Resource Book for the Priestesses and their Lamps. This means each of the Priestesses has certain powers in common (even if they never used them in the anime). I’ve also decided the following for how the Lamps work:

1) The Lamps must be activated before use.

2) Activating the Lamp fills the Lamp’s Endurance Reserve.

3) Once the Lamps are activated, the Priestess can then use it to tap into their elemental control powers.

4) All Lamps allow the user to manipulate their associated elements, detect their associated elements, and project their associated elements (i.e. all Lamps have Telekinesis, Detect, and at least one Blast).

5) In keeping with traditional HERO System power levels, most Lamp powers are centered around 60 Active Points. This means that by giving the Lamps an Endurance Reserve of 60, it allows for roughly 10 Phases of fighting before a recharge, which seems to simulate the anime quite well.


I feel this makes the Lamps more like an artifact of the El-Hazard ancients. I also think it separates the Priestesses from the people of Earth, who gained their powers due to being brought over via the dimensional warp, while the Priestesses shouldn’t have innate paranormal abilities, but should depend specifically on the lamps. Game Masters who wish to include the Priestesses in the games could consider additional Lamps. Right now there’s Air, Fire, and Water, which are three of the four elemental forces of the Classical World. The other, of course, would be Earth. For those wishing a more Asian take, you could have the Lamps based off of the Chinese elements (Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, and Wood) or the Japanese elements (Air/Wind, Earth, Fire, Water, and Void).

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
25	STR	15	14-	Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage [2]
24	DEX	28	14-
25	CON	15	14-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
15	EGO	5	12-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

8	OCV	25
8	DCV	25
5	OMCV	6
5	DMCV	6
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

21	PD	8		Total:  21 PD (11 rPD)
21	ED	8		Total:  21 ED (11 rED)
10	REC	6
50	END	6
18	BODY	8
60	STUN	20		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  214

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Flight:	64m/512m
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
400	Mimic Pool:  Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 200 base + 200 
control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed As A 
Zero-Phase Action (+1); Only To Mimic Perviously Experienced Powers 
And Effects (-½)

75	Staff Key:  Multipower, 150-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1)
5f	1)  Standard Energy Bolt:  Blast 15d6, Half Range Modifier (+¼); 
OAF (-1), END 9
5f	2)  High-Intensity Energy Bolt:  Blast 20d6, Half Range Modifier (+¼); 
OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), END 12
7f	3)  Variable Energy Bolt:  Blast 15d6, Variable Advantage (+½ 
Advantages; +1); OAF (-1), END 15
6f	4)  Bolt Of Devastation:  Blast 12d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼), 
Increased Maximum Range (2,400m; +½), MegaScale (1m = 
1 km; +1), Cannot alter scale (-¼); OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full 
Phase, -½), END 15

33	Armored Body:  Resistant Protection (11 PD/11 ED)
74	Taking To The Air:  Flight 64m, x8 Noncombat, END 7
40	Bio-mechanical Body:  LS  (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity 
All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All 
terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe 
in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in 
Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained 
Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep)
274	Internal Battery:  Endurance Reserve  (1000 END, 200 REC); REC:  
Limited Recovery (Staff Key Must Be Used By Third Party; -2), OAF 
(Staff Key; -1), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires 
both hands; key must be inserted into Ifurita's back and wound to 
activate REC; -1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½)
Notes:  Endurance Reserve powers everything Ifurita does.

3	Absolute Range Sense
3	Absolute Time Sense
3	Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)
3	Bump Of Direction
5	Eidetic Memory
3	Lightning Calculator
6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

40	Combat Mastery:  +4 with All Attacks

3	Acrobatics 14-
3	AK: El-Hazard 12-
3	Breakfall 14-
3	KS: History Of El-Hazard 12-
2	Navigation (Air) 12-
2	PS: Warrior 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  1001
Total Cost:  1215

400+	Matching Complications[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Construct/"Demon Goddess" (Very Beautiful, 
White Skin, Plae-Bluish Hair, Bue/Gray Eyes, Keyhole At Base Of 
Spine) (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By 
Commonly-Used Senses)
20	Negative Reputation:  "Ifurita is the strongest and worst demon god, 
and a terrible destroyer, Very Frequently (Extreme)
15	Psychological Complication:  Attracted To/Loves Matoko (Common; 
15	Psychological Complication:  Casual Killer (Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Complication:  Cold And Uncaring/Normally Virtually 
Emotionless (Common; Moderate)
20	Psychological Complication:  Must Serve Holder Of Her Key (Very 
Common; Strong)
815	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  1215[/b]


Background/History: Ifurita is a "Demon God[dess]," an ancient form of El-Hazard war machine. The most powerful (or strongest) demon god, she is capable of laying waste to an entire city in a matter of minutes.


Built some thousands of years ago (she was active when the Eye of God was being built/used), Ifurita is located by Jinnai and Makoto on the Forbidden Island, where she is lying asleep (or in a state of suspended animation). Awoken by Jinnai, Ifurita is told to attack Makoto and his allies. She promptly trashes Shayla-Shayla, but is prevented from doing the same to Makoto by his touching her Key Staff, which allows him to access her mind (albeit briefly). Thrown off by this, Ifurita is momentarily confused, allowing our heroes to escape.


After being used to wreck havoc along the Roshtaria frontier, Ifurita starts to question what happened to her, and seeks out Makoto. She blasts her way through the Royal Castle, flattens the three priestesses, and then confronts Makoto. Once again he is able to access her mind, leaving her uncertain about killing him. The pair meet a third time in the Bugrom fortress where Princess Fatora has been kept. There Makoto is able to fully disable Ifurita's circuits which make her a servant to the holder of the staff, allowing her to be truly free.


Personality/Motivation: Initially, Ifurita doesn't have a personality of her own. She is a cold and emotionless killing machine, who only does what she is told. After encountering Makoto, her internal blocks begin to break down, and she starts to remember what she has done in the past (which is wage war and destroy entire regions). This leads her to question her existence, and a desire to change and/or end it.


As her personality governors deteriorate, Ifurita starts to despise Jinnai, and although she does as he commands, she doesn't exactly obey his orders to the letter. She also feels free to do what she wants on her own, and goes off without telling him where she has been several times.


In the final confrontation of Ifurita, Jinnai, and Makoto, Ifurita's control circuit is fully burned out by Makoto's power, making her free from anyone's control. It is at this point she shows full emotions, and expresses her love for Makoto. Her exact personality at this point is hard to determine, as she is seen only briefly. However, she does seem apologetic about her past actions.


Quotes: "No matter what type of weapon is used against me, I can reproduce it once my body experiences it."

"I exist only to obey the master of the staff."

"If there is an end to life, there is nothing else I wish for."


Powers/Tactics: Ifurita's main power is the ability to analyze and duplicate any power used against her. She can than use that same power at a later date if needed. She cannot create any powers or abilities she has not personally been subjected to. So seeing someone case a fireball (for example) would not let her duplicate the same effect. Throwing a fireball at her would. In combat, Ifurita normally lets attacks manifest and come her way in order to analyze them. It would seem she doesn't have much defenses beyond her armored body, although one can argue she uses her Mimic Pool to create defense powers when needed.


Offensively, Ifurita is terrifying. She strong, powerful, skilled, and can use her staff to generate intense energy bolts. She can vary the effect of these bolts, and can fire either single blasts, or a rapid series of shots. If given a short period to build power, she can launch a Devastation Blast covering an area roughly a kilometer' in diameter, and is capable of reducing an entire city to rubble in a few shots.


Ifurita needs to be wound periodically, like a clock. She has a keyhole at the base of her spine, which accepts the end of her Staff Key. It takes about five turns of the staff to fully "wind" Ifurita, during which harmless electrical displays are generated. According to Jinnai, this winding is good for 10 years, although Ifurita needs a rewind after a very short period in the series. Apparently heavy uses of her powers required her to recharge much sooner than expected (the 1000 END is just a rough guess).


Appearance: Ifurita stands about 5'6" in height, or just a bit shorter than Makoto. She has a shapely, slender build, with incredibly attractive features, long wavy blue-white hair, and gray eyes. Her skin is very pale, virtually white, and contrasts sharply with her long black coat and gloves. The rest of Ifurita's costume is a multicolored bodystocking in gray and green. Ifurita also wears a veil over her hair, and has two more attached to her wrists. The Staff Key is a long ax-shaped object, with two large transparent blue spheres set near the head.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


This version of Ifurita represents her right after she is awoken on the Forbidden Island. She is devastatingly powerful, but may not be fast enough (or tough enough) for some GMs. A SPD of 5-6 may be more suitable. The value of her Mimic pool is variable. The listed power level was meant to allow her to duplicate powers used by a being nearly as powerful as herself.


As written, she lacks a lot of skills. She never displayed that many in the series, so further skills are up the GM (of course). Combat related skills (Acrobatics, Breakfall, Stealth, WFs, and so on) seem to be obvious choices.


(Ifurita created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift 75.8 kg; 1 ½d6 HTH Damage [1]
9	DEX	-2	11-
8	CON	-2	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
9	EGO	-1	11-
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 ½d6

3	OCV	0	
3	DCV	0	
3	OMCV	0	
3	DMCV	0	
2	SPD	0		Phases:  6, 12

2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
16	END	0
9	BODY	-1
17	STUN	-1		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  -4

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
66	Control Bugrom:  Mind Control 12d6 (Alien class of minds), Invisible 
Power Effects (Invisible to Mental Group; +¼), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +½), Area Of Effect (24m Radius; +1); Limited Class Of 
Minds Bugrom Only (-1), No Range (-½)

65	Bugrom Army:  Follower (up o 64 x 175 point Bugrom)
5	Commander of the Bugrom Army:  Fringe Benefit:  General

5	Concealment 13-
2	Forgery (Papers) 12-
3	Interrogation 12-
2	KS: Student Government Law 11-
5	Language:  Bugrom (idiomatic; literate)
Notes:  Can understand, but can't speak, Bugrom.
0	Language:  Japanese (idiomatic; literate)
2	PS: Business Management 11-
5	SS:  Politics 14-
9	Tactics 15-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  170
Total Cost:  165

175+	Matching Complications[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Maniacal Laugh (Easily Concealed; Always 
Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used 
15	Hunted:  Queen Diva Very Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Limited 
Geographical Area; Watching)
10	Physical Complication:  Inept And A Klutz (Infrequently; Slightly 
20	Psychological Complication:  Hates/Hunting Makoto (Common; Total)
25	Psychological Complication:  Megalomania (Very Common; Total)
10	Unluck: 2d6

[b]Total Complications Points:  165[/b]


Background/History: Katsuhiko Jinnai is Shinonome High School's greatest student. Really. Just ask him, he'll tell you. He is a superb athlete, a skilled artist, academically brilliant, and president of the student government. He is also a liar, a cheat, and a scoundrel. Jinnai also suffers from the problem that he's just not as good as Makoto at, well, anything. Thus, he is convinced Makoto is to blame for all of his [Jinnai's] problems, totally ignoring the fact Makoto considers Jinnai a friend and has never done anything to harm Jinnai that he (Makoto) is aware of.


Threatened with losing the office of president of the student council due to fraud, Jinnai decides to eliminate Makoto by kidnapping him (if there is no one there to testify, Jinnai gets to keep his job). Luring Makoto after school with a forged love letter supposedly from Nanami, Jinnai tries to capture Makoto, but fails. Makoto runs off, and eventually is transported to El-Hazard by Ifurita. Jinnai is taken along as well, but ends up in the land of the Bugrom.


Once in the land of the Bugrom, Jinnai is captured by the Bugrom, and quickly discovers he can talk with and command them. Brought to Diva, Queen of the Bugrom, Jinnai is asked if he's the great leader destined to lead the Bugrom to victory. Jinnai responds with a loud "Yeah, that's right!" and promptly sets off to conquer all of El-Hazard for Queen Diva.


Personality/Motivation: Simply put, Jinnai is a legend in his own mind. He thinks he is destined for greatness, and his failures are the result of interference by other people (such as Makoto) in his affairs. He is fairly oblivious to his own failings, and is quick to blame others for his shortcomings. What makes Jinnai dangerous however, is his willingness to do anything, and I mean anything in order to win. He is sneaky, underhanded, and a cheat, and these are his good points.


Put in command of the Bugrom army, Jinnai is an unbridled success. He wins victory after victory, and wins the acclaim of Queen Diva. This only spurns Jinnai on to greater efforts, and he promises to conquer all of El-Hazard for her as proof of his greatness.


Quotes: "Well, this Jinnai is here, so things will go well."

"Victory and conquest, that's my kind of mission!"


Powers/Tactics: Although he's fairly intelligent (he places second to Makoto in either a major test or in overall GPA), Jinnai isn't much of anything else. He's not an athlete (we see him collapse gasping and green after a race that Makoto wins easily), or an artist (his drawings are fairly crude). What he is, however, is a tactical genius. It is uncertain if his tactical skill is due to his life in Japan or his being transported to El-Hazard (one suspects the latter), but make no mistake, Jinnai makes a highly effective commander of the Bugrom army. In addition, he can understand their language clearly, and can even mentally compel them to do as he wishes (although it is doubtful he recognizes this fact -- Jinnai yells at the Bugrom, they do as he desires -- it's that simple).


Appearance: Katsuhiko Jinnai is about the same height as Makoto (5'6"), with short black hair, dark eyes, and a face that reminds one of a weasel (and usually has a sly expression on it). Jinnai tends to grin or smile deviously at all times, and when really pleased will laugh maniacally and at great length. He wears his school uniform (blue trousers, blue blazer, white dress shirt, red tie), everywhere, even into environments where it would be wiser to wear something more suitable. On his jacket he wears several military decorations, including the Mushi-Pale medal and the Kinkan Cross medal.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


Jinnai is probably the character with the least amount of usefulness outside of the El-Hazard setting. However, he is a great example of a totally looney megalomanic, especially if one has watched the actual anime series. He also would make a great goofball supervillain, especially one slapped a suit of low-grade power armor on him, and made the Bugrom his biological constructs (all of a sudden he screams Spider-Man villain...).


(Katsuhiko Jinnai created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
14	DEX	8	12-
13	CON	3	12-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
18	EGO	8	13-
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6

5	OCV	10	
5	DCV	10	
6	OMCV	9	
6	DMCV	9	
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

4+3	PD	2		Total:  4/7 PD (0/3 rPD)
4+3	ED	2		Total:  4/7 ED (0/3 rED)
5	REC	1
30	END	2
12	BODY	2
25	STUN	3		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  92

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Flight:	60m/120m
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
Lamp Of Wind, all slots OIF (-½)
40	1)  Wind Blast I:  Blast 12d6; OIF (-½), END 6
40	2)  Wind Blast II:  Blast 8d6, Double Knockback (+½); OIF (-½), 
54	3)  Vacuum Slash:  RKA 4d6, Area Of Effect (24m Line; +½), 
Increased Maximum Range (4,800m; roughly 5 km; +¾); Extra Time 
(Full Phase, -½), Gestures (Requires both hands; must "project" 
vacuum slash with her arms/hands; -½), OIF (-½), END 13
30	4)  Air Manipulation:  Telekinesis (25 STR), Affects Porous, Area Of 
Effect (2m Radius; +¼); Only Works On Air/Gasses/Smoke (-½), 
OIF (-½), END 6
27	5)  Taking to The Air:  Flight 60m; Restrainable ("wings" attached to 
belt; -½), OIF (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), 
11	6)  Sense Air:  Detect Air/Wind 14- (no Sense Group), Increased Arc 
Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic:  +4; OIF (-½)
19	7)  Lamp Of Air Reserve:  Endurance Reserve  (60 END, 60 REC) 
Reserve:  OIF (-½); REC:  Limited Recovery (only when locked in and 
belt buckle turned; -2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), OIF (-½), 
Gestures (must lock in place and turn belt buckle to activate REC; -¼)

3	Armored Pauldrons:  Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED); Requires A Roll 
(8- roll; Covers Location 9 [shoulders]; -1 ¼), OIF (-½)

24	Contact:  Priestesses of Mount Muldoon (Contact has useful Skills or 
resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization 
Contact (x3) 14-
5	Fringe Benefit:  Chief Priestess of Mount Muldoon

3	+1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

30	+3 with All Attacks

3	Acrobatics 12-
Notes:  Aerobatics Only
3	AK: Mount Muldoon 13-
3	Fast Draw:  Lamp of Wind 12-
3	High Society 12-
3	KS: History Of El Hazard 13-
4	KS: Mount Muldoon Religious Doctrine 14-
3	KS: Peoples of El Hazard 13-
2	Navigation (Air) 13-
5	Power:  Lamp Of Wind Tricks 14-
2	PS: Mount Muldoon Priestess of Air 11-
5	SS:  Theology Of Mount Muldoon 15-
3	Teamwork 12-
1	TF:  Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  327
Total Cost:  418

400+	Matching Complications[/b]
15	Psychological Complication:  Stubborn, Unwilling To Change Her Mind 
Once She's Reached A Decision (Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Takes Things At Her Own Pace, Does Not 
Like To be Hurried, Deliberate About Her Actions (Common; Strong)
10	Rivalry:  Professional (Shayla-Shayla; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a 
Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival 
Aware of Rivalry)
10	Social Complication:  Subject To The Demands Of The Mount Muldoon 
Priesthood (Frequently, Minor)
18	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  418[/b]


Background/History: Afura Mann is one of the three Chief Priestess of Mount Muldoon. The youngest of the three, at age 18, she also seems the most mature.


Personality/Motivation: As stated, Afura comes across as the most mature and responsible of the three Priestesses, lacking Miz’s vanity and Shayla-Shayla’s recklessness. On the other hand, her tendency to think things through means she doesn’t care to be rushed and can be rather adamant about her decisions one she makes them. For example, having decided that she and Shayla-Shayla were late in meeting Miz, Afura basically blows off Matoko and the rest, telling them to ‘come back later’. She also seems to enjoy sniping at Shayla-Shayla (who returns the favor), her one sign of immaturity.


Quotes: "Don't underestimate the chief priestesses of Muldoon."

"We've been fighting together this long, why stop now?"


Powers/Tactics: Afura carries the Lamp of Winds, which is normally kept in a pouch strapped to one arm. When she needs to use it, she takes it out, attaches it to her belt and turns the activation key. This powers up the Lamp and allows Afura to control the local air.


With the Lamp, Afura can fly, using long “wings” that are normally wrapped around her legs. She can also project blasts of air, with her signature attack (the Vacuum Slash of Afura Mann [so named by Shayla-Shayla]) capable of wrecking and sinking a Bugrom water transport. The Lamp also gives her access to a standard suite of powers -- such as being able to manipulate masses of air and detect the flow and nature of local air and wind conditions.


Appearance: Afura is roughly Jinnai’s height, which makes her the middle Priestess height-wise. She’s very attractive, with rich black hair (worn in a ponytail), reddish-brown eyes, and pale blue tattoos on her cheeks. Her costume consists of a pale sea-green body-stocking, dark boots, a dark green top, and what looks like armored pauldrons with an attached cloak.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardian's of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


At 418 points, Afura is the weakest of the three Priestesses. It’s possible she has further wind-based powers, such as a wind-based Resistant Protection. Ifurita hits Afura with a column of air that raises her onto the air, slashes at her body, and then slams her into the wall. I recommend taking a look at the UNTIL Superpowers Database for ideas.


(Afura Mann created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
7	STR	-3	10-	Lift 66 kg; 1d6 HTH Damage [1]
11	DEX	2	11-
8	CON	-2	11-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 12-
17	EGO	7	12-
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6

4	OCV	5	
4	DCV	5	
5	OMCV	6	
5	DMCV	6	
2	SPD	0		Phases:  6, 12

3	PD	1		Total:  3 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
5	REC	1
16	END	0
9	BODY	-1
18	STUN	-1		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  31

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
2	Fringe Benefit:  Member of the Lower Nobility

3	+1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

3	Acrobatics 11-
3	Acting 11-
1	AK: El Hazard 8-
2	AK: Roshtaria 11-
9	Charm 14-
3	High Society 11-
5	KS: History 14-
5	KS: Sexual Techniques 14-
2	Navigation (Land) 12-
2	PS: Courtesan 11-
3	SS:  Politics 12-
7	Stealth 13-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  51
Total Cost:  81

50+	Matching Complications[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Diamond Tattoo on Forehead (Easily Concealed; 
Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15	Psychological Complication:  Attracted To Beautiful And Strong-Willed 
Women (Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Complication:  Fear Of Being Alone/Abandoned 
(Uncommon; Strong)
31	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  81[/b]


Background/History: Alielle is Princess Fatora's lover. A girl of unknown origins (one presumes she's of aristocratic breeding, considering Fatora's personality), Alielle was away from the Royal Castle when Fatora was kidnapped, and returns to Fatora's bed only to find Makoto there instead. After a bit of confusion (well, a lot really), she becomes Makoto and Fujisawa's "tour guide" to El-Hazard, accompanying them on their quest to find the three priestesses of Mount Muldoon.


Personality/Motivation: The line "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" pretty much sums up Alielle. She states that she loves Princess Fatora "seriously" and then promptly hits on Nanami and Shayla-Shayla (especially Shayla-Shayla) virtually nonstop. Alielle is also highly attracted to Makoto, provided he's dressed as Fatora, even knowing that it's a man under those royal robes. However, Alielle does seem to be pretty much a strict lesbian, and shows no interest in any of the men around her.


Aside from her obvious nymphomania, Alielle is quite the carefree sort, and pretty much does as she pleases, regardless of what others may think of her actions. She's young enough, and innocent enough, to get away with quite a bit, and most people treat her merely as a nuisance and not a threat (which is not to say she is one, but that almost no one takes her seriously). However, for all her carefree manner, Alielle seems to have a fear of being alone, or more likely, being left alone. When she looses track of Nanami and Shayla-Shayla at one point she become quite frantic, and chases about the palace looking for them.


Quote: "I love Fatora seriously."

"I'm getting turned on again!"


Powers/Tactics: Although Alielle has no powers per se, she’s fairly intelligent, and quite knowledgeable in a wide range of subjects. She knows the land of Roshtaria and El-Hazard quite well, and also knows a great deal of the history of El-Hazard. Although her physical skills are virtually nil, her mental ones make her a valuable addition to any party of El-Hazard adventurers (provided you can keep her away from any attractive female members of the party).


Appearance: Alielle is a young, attractively proportioned girl,who stands about four feet in height (perhaps a bit more). She has purple hair, rose-pink eyes, and a small pink diamond on her forehead. She tends to dress for the occasion, wearing everything from skimpy night clothes to more practical travel dress.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians Of Order. The characteristics and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


Alielle makes a good NPC for any number of fantasy settings, especially those that are set in or around a royal castle. Her sexual orientation may not be suitable for all campaigns, a problem that can be easily remedied by making her a boy, or her lover a male.


(Alielle created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift 75.8 kg; 1 ½d6 HTH Damage [1]
12	DEX	4	11-
11	CON	1	11-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
23	EGO	13	14-
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6

3	OCV	0	
3	DCV	0	
8	OMCV	15	
8	DMCV	15	
2	SPD	0		Phases:  6, 12

3	PD	1		Total:  3 PD (0 rPD)
3	ED	1		Total:  3 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
22	END	1
11	BODY	1
25	STUN	3		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  60

Movement:[/b]	Running:	14m/28m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	6m/12m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
167	Activate Powers Of Ancient Relics:  Variable Power Pool, 100 base + 
100 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed 
As A Zero-Phase Action (+1); Character Has No Choice Regarding How 
Powers Change (Matoko's VPP can only simulate powers possessed by 
the relic, and only to the power levels possessed by the relic; -½), VPP 
Powers Can Be Changed Only In Specific Circumstances (powers can 
be changed only when Matoko touches a new relic; -½), VPP Requires 
An Ancient Relic To Activate (-¼)

2	Fleet Of Foot:  Running +2m (14m total), END 1
1	Excellent Swimmer:  Swimming +2m (6m total), END 1
20	Anime Hero Luck:  Luck 4d6	0

40	Ura The Guardian Cat:  Follower (200 points)

6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

3	Acting 11-
3	Disguise 13-
2	KS: Politics 11-
0	Language:  Japanese (idiomatic; literate)
2	PS: Artist/Drawing 11-
2	PS: Musician 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  249
Total Cost:  308

300+	Matching Complications[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Looks *Exactly* Like Princess Fatora 
(Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-
Used Senses)
20	Hunted:  Katsuhiko Jinnai Very Frequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish)
20	Physical Complication:  Girl Magnet (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
15	Psychological Complication:  A Nice Guy (Very Common; Moderate)
15	Psychological Complication:  Attracted To/Loves Ifurita (Common; 
15	Social Limitation:  Secret ID (*Not* Princess Fatora) (Frequently; 
8	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  308[/b]


Background/History: Makoto Mizuhara is the central character of the El-Hazard series, as well as the main hero. He starts his adventures in Roshtaria by activating the pillar holding the sleeping Ifurita in the basement of Shinonome High School. When she awakes, Ifurita informs Makoto she's been waiting for him for 10,000 years, and promptly sends him to El-Hazard with instructions to say "hello" to her when he gets there.


Once in this new world, Makoto quickly meets Masamichi Fujisawa, one of his teachers, and together, the two rescue Princess Rune Venus from an invading force of Bugrom. Returning with Rune Venus to Roshtaria, Makoto is told he looks exactly like Princess Fatora, Rune Venus's sister. As she is missing, and morale must be maintained, Makoto is asked to impersonate Fatora for a time. Shocked at the idea, he refuses.


After a night in a prison cell, Makoto changes his mind, and agrees to help Rune Venus. After being dressed as Fatora, Makoto must attend various affairs of state, at which point he agrees to help remove the shield that keeps the Eye of God from being activated. This agreement starts him on a quest to save Roshtaria from Jinnai's Bugrom army and to find the Demon Goddess Ifurita before Jinnai does. He also hopes to return home when it's all over... if he survives.


Personality/Motivation: Simply put, Makoto is a nice guy. He tries to be nice to everyone, and doesn't like to see anyone hurt, or hurt anyone himself. He even tries to reason with Jinnai, even while the latter is trying to kill him. However, Makoto isn't stupid, and can (and will) fight if the situation calls for it.


Although he agrees to assist Rune Venus by dressing as Princess Fatora, he's not happy about it, and chants "I'm a man" once the first day of the masquerade is done. Discovering Alielle in his bed doesn't help matters. However, Makoto has deep reserves of courage, and continues on through thick and thin, facing all obstacles as best he can without surrendering.


Makoto's personality also puts him in the middle of an unusual love triangle. Nanami has a crush on him, but refuses to really acknowledge it. Shayla-Shayla falls in love with Makoto after he rescues her from Ifurita, but is unable to tell Makoto. Makoto falls for Ifurita almost the moment he first sees her, and can think of no one else after the fight on the Forbidden Island. While Nanami and Shayla-Shayla compete with each other to win Makoto's attentions, he ignores them and pines after Ifurita constantly.


Quote: "No way! I'm not going to dress in women's clothing!"


Powers/Tactics: Makoto has the ability to activate an ancient relic of Roshtaria and El-Hazard by touching it. The artifact will spring to life in his hands, working as long as he maintains contact. Naturally, the usefulness of any artifact he picks up depends on what the artifact is, and how complete it is. One object simply made noise and flashed lights, another (a robot) actually started to walk around on its own.


Makoto's Variable Power Pool is used to simulate whatever powers a device has. In some cases, the GM may want to define his Power Pool as some form of TK which moves the object in question. If the relic has an END Reserve, Makoto's power may serve as an Aid and fill the Reserve. Of course, the VPP can also be used to simply simulate the powers the relic posses, useful in the case of a weapon, for example. In Ifurita's case, Makoto was able to control her to some extent, and eventually turn off her control override circuits, rendering her a free person.


Aside from his special talent, Makoto is also quite smart, reasonably athletic, and an artist of some skill.


Appearance: Makoto is of average height for a boy his age, meaning he stands a bit over 5'6". He has thin build, short black hair, dark brown eyes, and is devastatingly handsome. He normally wears his school uniform (blue trousers, blue blazer, white dress shirt, red tie), unless he is disguised as Princess Fatora, in which case he has on royal robes, make-up, and a long wig. Naturally, he rather despises this costume.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians Of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


Makoto's "Power Ancient Relic" ability is meant to simulate his ability to make ancient relics of El-Hazard work in some way, shape, or form. The Active Points of his Variable Power Pool are there only as a rough guide. Game Masters may wish to alter this number if it proves to be too high or too low.


(Makoto Mizuhara created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
18+45	STR	8	13-/22-
			Lift 303.1 kg/155.2 tons; 3 ½d6/12 ½d6 [2/7]
17	DEX	14	12-
18	CON	8	13-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
11	EGO	1	11-
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 ½d6

6	OCV	15
6	DCV	15
4	OMCV	3
4	DMCV	3
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

15+36	PD	13		Total:  15/51 PD (0/27 rPD)
15+36	ED	13		Total:  15/51 ED (0/27 rED)
8+9	REC	4
40	END	4
15	BODY	5
35+22	STUN	8		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  137

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Leaping:	4m/30m/32m/240m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
Fujisawa Power, all slots Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼)	
22	1)  Superhuman Strength:  +27 STR; Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼), END 3
4	2)  Fujisawa Power:  +5 PD; Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼)
4	3)  Fujisawa Power:  +5 ED; Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼)
4	4)  Fujisawa Power:  +5 REC; Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼)
5	5)  Fujisawa Power:  +13 STUN; Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼)
15	6)  Fujisawa Jump!:  Leaping +18m (4m/30m forward, 2m/15m 
upward) (Accurate, x4 Noncombat); Only If Free Of Alcohol (-¼), END 2

Hyper-Fujisawa Power, all slots Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1)
9	1)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  +18 STR; Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1), END 2
8	2)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) for up 
to 63 Active Points of STR; Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1)
2	3)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  +4 PD; Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1)
2	4)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  +4 ED; Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1)
2	5)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  +4 REC; Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1)
2	6)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  +9 STUN; Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1)
36	7)  Hyper-Fujisawa Power:  Resistant Protection (27 PD/27 ED), 
Perceivable (+0); Only If Free Of Alcohol And Nicotine (-1), 
Nonpersistent (-¼)
7	8)  Improved Fujisawa Jump!:  Leaping +8m (4m/30m forward, 2m/
15m upward) (Accurate, x4 Noncombat); Only If Free Of Alcohol And 
Nicotine (-1), END 1

30	Hits Hard!:  HA +5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-To-
Hand Attack (-1/4)

16	Fujisawa Punch!/Fujisawa Kick!:  +2 with HTH Combat

2	AK: Shinonome 11-
5	Climbing 13-
2	KS: Mountaineering 11-
0	Language:  Japanese (idiomatic; literate)
4	Survival (Mountain) 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  182
Total Cost:  318

300+	Matching Complications[/b]
20	DNPC:  His Students (Makoto and Nanami) Very Frequently (Normal; 
Useful Noncombat Position or Skills; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
0	DNPC:  Miz Mishtal Frequently (As powerful as the PC; Useful 
Noncombat Position or Skills)
15	Psychological Complication:  Addicted To Alcohol And Tobacco 
(Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Concerned For/Protective Of HIs Students 
(Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Desires To Set Wrongs Right (Common; 
18	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  318[/b]


Background/History: A teacher at Shinonome High School, Masamichi Fujisawa is pulled to Roshtaria when Ifurita opens the dimensional gate. He quickly encounters Matoko, and then, just as quickly, saves Princess Rune Venus from an attacking horde of Bugrom. Fujisawa then accompanies Matoko on his quest to rescue Princess Fatora, journeying all across Roshtaria. Along the way, he also manages to "rescue" Miz Mishtal from a "monster," with the result that Miz promptly decides Fujisawa is her destined husband. By the end of the series, Fujisawa may even have agreed to this plan.


Personality/Motivation: It would seem Fujisawa is a romantic at heart. He sees the world mostly in black and white terms, and has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. Naturally, he sees himself as a hero in this sort of situation, and greatly desires to be noble, brave, loyal, chivalric, and a good example to others (such as his students). Sometimes, he even lives up to these lofty ideas.


One flaw Fujisawa has is he's somewhat blind to the real world. He considers Jinnai to simply be misguided, and never really recognizes exactly how deranged Jinnai has become. He tries to push his morals and ideas of propriety onto some of the inhabitants of El Hazard, such as telling Shayla-Shayla she is too young to drink. That said, it should also be pointed out Fujisawa means well, and is always at Matoko's side.


Fujisawa's biggest flaw is his addiction to spirits and cigarettes. He likes to drink, and gets quite upset if he's unable to partake at least daily (if not more). He also smokes constantly, and is almost never without a cigarette. When he does run out, he gets desperate enough to smoke the leaves of a Roshitarian plant, with disastrous results.


Quotes: "I hope I get back before I run out of smokes."

"For the people, for the society, we face hardship."

"I'm out of alcohol and cigarettes. Now I'll show you what the Hyper-Fujisawa Power can really do!"


Powers/Tactics: Fujisawa's Roshitarian power is one of strength -- immense strength. If free of alcohol, he can lift several tons with ease, punch a Bugrom to the horizon, and leap nearly as far. If free of both alcohol and nicotine, Fujisawa's strength is almost unimaginable, as he hurls the Super Bugrom out of sight and is protected by a blazing red force field. Unfortunately for Fujisawa, these powers only manifest as long as he stays away from his favorite vices, which is easier said than done.


As a side effect of this power, Fujisawa's punches and kicks are quite powerful, regardless of how strong he is, and he is also fairly tough, even if totally drunk (and thus fairly useless).


Appearance: Masamichi Fujisawa, aged 30, is tall and thin, with short dark brown hair, and a constant carpet of stubble on his chin. While in Roshtaria, he wears a white t-shirt, a blue sweat suit (jacket and pants) with the pant's legs rolled up. On his feet Fujisawa wears simple sandals.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians Of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


(Masamichi Fujisawa created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100.0kg; 2d6
14	DEX	8	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
12	CON	2	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
23	EGO	13	14-	ECV:  8 - 8
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6

5	OCV	10	
5	DCV	10	
8	OMCV	15	
8	DMCV	15	
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	2		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
5	REC	1
30	END	2
12	BODY	2
25	STUN	3	[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  103

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	6m/12m
Tunneling:	12m/24m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
Lamp Of Water, all slots OIF (-½)
48	1)  Water Blast:  Blast 12d6; IIF (-¼), END 6
48	2)  Flexible Water Blast:  Blast 8d6, Indirect (Miz can vary the 
direction in which her water bolts strike; +½); IIF (-¼), END 6
48	3)  Waterball Burst:  Blast 8d6, Autofire (5 shots; +½); IIF (-¼)	6
41	4)  High-Pressure Water Wave:  RKA 3d6+1, Armor Piercing (+¼); 
Inaccurate (½ OCV; -¼), IIF (-¼), END 6
62	5)  Water Fountain:  RKA 2 ½d6, Armor Piercing (+¼), Indirect 
(attack is a shower of "water bullets" that falls from the sky; +¼), 
Area Of Effect (12m Radius; +¾), Autofire (3 shots; +1 ¼); Extra 
Time (Full Phase, -½), No Knockback (-¼), Limited Range 
(50 meters; -¼), IIF (-¼), END 14
35	6)  Water Manipulation:  Telekinesis (25 STR), Affects Porous, Area Of 
Effect (2m Radius; +¼); Only Works On Water (-½), IIF (-¼)	6
33	7)  Wall Of Water:  Barrier 15 PD/15 ED, 0 BODY (up to 8m long, 2m 
tall, and ½m thick), Non-Anchored, Mobile (+¼); Costs Endurance (to 
maintain; -½), No Range (-½), Restricted Shape (ring around 
Miz; -¼), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), IIF (-¼) plus 
LS  (Expanded Breathing (breathe under water)); Linked (Barrier; -½), 	IIF (-¼), END 8
16	8)  Water Drill:  Tunneling 12m through 8 PD material; Limited 
Medium (soil and rock only; -½), IIF (-¼), END 3
26	9)  Sense Water:  Detect Water 14- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, 
Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Penetrative, Range, 
Telescopic:  +4; IIF (-¼)
22	10) Lamp Of Water Reserve:  Endurance Reserve  (60 END, 60 REC) 
Reserve:  IIF (-¼); REC:  Limited Recovery (must kiss ring; -2), Extra 
Time (Full Phase, -½), Gestures (must kiss ring to activate REC; -¼), 
IIF (-¼)

1	Priestess Of Water:  Swimming +2m (6m total)	1

24	Contact:  Priestesses of Mount Muldoon (Contact has useful Skills or 
resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization 
Contact (x3) 14-
5	Fringe Benefit:  Chief Priestess of Mount Moldoon

3	+1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

30	+3 with All Attacks

3	Acting 12-
3	AK: Mount Muldoon 12-
3	Charm 12-
5	High Society 13-
3	KS: Customs And Law of El Hazard 12-
5	KS: History Of El Hazard 14-
5	KS: Mount Muldoon Religious Doctrine 14-
3	KS: Peoples of El Hazard 12-
4	Navigation (Marine) 13-
3	Oratory 12-
3	Persuasion 12-
5	Power:  Lamp Of Water Tricks 15-
3	PS: Mount Muldoon Priestess Of Air 12-
7	SS:  Theology of Mount Muldoon 16-
3	Teamwork 12-
1	TF:  Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  502
Total Cost:  604

400+	Matching Complications[/b]
10	DNPC:  Masamichi Fujisawa Very Frequently (As powerful as the PC)
10	Psychological Complication:  Afraid Of Getting Old/Vain About Her 
Appearance (Common; Moderate)
15	Psychological Complication:  Strongly Desires To Find A Worthy 
Husband (Common; Strong)
10	Social Complication:  Subject To The Demands Of The Mount Muldoon 
Priesthood Frequently, Minor
204	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  604


Background/History: Miz Misthal is one of the three Chief Priestess of Mount Muldoon. The oldest of the three, aged 29, she feels it’s time she found a worthy husband and retires, passing on her duties to a much younger priestess.


Personality/Motivation: As her quote (see below) indicates, Miz is somewhat obsessed with looking young (despite being 29) and finding a husband. She latches on to Fujisawa almost instantly, and is ecstatic to hear he’s a teacher (which means he has a steady government job). In her efforts to land Fujisawa, she shows her self to be a bit manipulative (mainly though melodramatic overacting) often feigning weakness or distress in an effort to get Fujisawa to notice/rescue her.


This manipulative side of Miz means many of her decisions are based on what will help her in the long run. For example, she initially agrees to help Makoto and company so she can be near to Fujisawa. She also uses Ifurita’s attack on the palace to fake injury and trap Fujisawa in a marriage proposal. That said, she’s not a bad person per se, just highly focused and driven.


Quote: "A flower's life is very short, preserving my beauty makes me melancholy."


Powers/Tactics: Miz carries the Lamp of Water, which is a ring she wears on the ring finger of her left hand. When she needs to use it, she kisses the ring, which powers the Lamp and allows Miz to control the moisture in the air.


With the Lamp, Miz can summon and project powerful bolts of water. Most simply batter her foes, but she was able to kill Kiriya with a “High Pressure Water Wave” (according to Ifurita). She also produced a “Water Fountain,” which was a tall column of water that exploded into a shower of ‘water bullets’ capable of wiping out a small concentration of Bugrom. Her other powers include the ability to create a sphere of water that traps air inside, allowing her to travel along an underground river, use water to tunnel through solid earth and stone, sense the flow of water, and manipulate masses of water.


Appearance: The tallest of the three Priestesses, Miz is also the most curvaceous. She’s very attractive, with lavender hair (kept tied up with a spray of ribbons), purplish eyes, and red tattoos on her cheeks. Her costume consists of sleeveless top in dark blue, a pale blue ankle-length skirt, and shorter knee-length skirt in white, and a veil-like affair hung about her waist.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardian's of order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


At 604 points, Miz is the most expensive of the three Priestesses. However, none of the Priestesses have their powers placed in any sort of Framework (such as a Multiipower for their offensive powers). In addition, Miz has no limitations assigned to her ability to manipulate water (mainly it never seems to be an issue). However, since Ifurita did state that Miz’s powers are based on the manipulation of the moisture in the atmosphere, she might have a Limitation on her powers to that regard. On the other hand, she was able to summon masses of water while standing amid the burning wing of the palace.


(Miz Mishtal created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift 75.8 kg; 1 ½d6 HTH Damage [1]
10	DEX	0	11-
10	CON	0	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-/24-
17	EGO	7	12-
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6

3	OCV	0
3	DCV	0
6	OMCV	9
6	DMCV	9
2	SPD	0		Phases:  6, 12

2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
20	END	0
10	BODY	0
20	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  31

Movement:	[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
3	Immune To Phantom Tribe Illusions:  +10 PER with Normal Sight; 
Only To See Through Phantom Tribe Illusions (-2)
4	Sharp Eyed:  +2 PER with Sight Group
5	Good Fortune:  Luck 1d6

3	+1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

3	Interrogation 12-
0	Language:  Japanese (idiomatic; literate)
3	Jack of All Trades
2	1)  PS: Business Management 12-
4	2)  PS: Cooking 14-
1	3)  PS: Student 11-
1	4)  PS: Waitress 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  29
Total Cost:  60

25+	Matching Complications[/b]
15	Psychological Complication:  Compulsive Worker/Money Maker 
(Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Complication:  Crush on Matoko (Common; Moderate)
15	Rivalry:  Romantic (Shayla-Shayla, over Matoko's affections; Rival is 
More Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, 
or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
35	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  60[/b]


Background/History: Nanami is Katsuhiko Jinnai's younger sister and another student at Shinonome High School. She’s very much involved with school activities, and seems to be mostly concerned with ways to make money. For example, she sells Fujisawa a boxed dinner after school, explaining that it’s her main part-time job, and is also paid by the Broadcast Club to investigate her brother's illegal activities.


Dragged to Roshtaria after Ifurita opens the gate for Matoko, Nanami ends up dumped in a desert far from everyone else. She manages to get a job as a waitress at an oasis city, and eventually starts her own business -- selling boxed lunches to the priestesses at their hot spring getaway. There, she meets Matoko and Fujisawa and joins them for their further adventures in Roshtaria.


Personality/Motivation: Generally, Nanami acts like an adult, with a mature attitude about things. However, she can still descend into a far more childish temperament of snide remarks and insults. Her primary concern seems to be money, although she isn't greedy about it. This manifest more as a desire to work, and she apparently holds a number of part-time jobs at her high school.


Although she won't admit it, Nanami has a strong crush on Matoko, which leads her to butt heads with Shayla-Shayla (almost to the point of blows). Nanami also has to deal with the unwanted attentions of Alielle, although unlike Shayla-Shayla, Nanami is more willing to tolerate Alielle's constant attempts at affection.


Quote: "In every world, life is hard."

"I know only the money is going to get me out of this place."


Powers/Tactics: Aside from a head for business, Nanami has no real powers, with the exception of her Roshtaria-granted ability to see through illusions created by the Phantom Tribe. This special sight allows her to see Phantom Tribe illusions for what they really are, a highly useful talent.


Appearance: Nanami is about 5'5" tall, with a slim build. She short, reddish-brown hair, large brown eyes, and is very attractive. While adventuring in Roshtaria, Nanami wears white polo shirt over a black tank top, khaki shorts, and brown loafers.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians Of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


With regards to Nanami's Roshtaria-granted power to see through illusions, in at least one case these illusions acted almost like Mental Illusions and not Images. She was immune to that as well, and might have an enormous amount of Mental Defense (and/or Mental Damage Reduction) to only counteract Mental Illusions of the Phantom Tribe (a -1 to -2 limitation).


(Nanami Jinnai created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
[/b]15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
18	DEX	16	13-
15	CON	5	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
17	EGO	7	12-
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6

6	OCV	15	
6	DCV	15	
6	OMCV	9	
6	DMCV	9	
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

6+15	PD	4		Total:  6/21 PD (0/15 rPD)
6+15	ED	4		Total:  6/21 ED (0/15 rED)
6	REC	2
30	END	2
15	BODY	5
35	STUN	8		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  131

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Leaping:	4m/30m/8m/60m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
Lamp Of Fire, all slots OIF (-½)
77	1)  Fire Blast:  Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Variable 
Advantage (+½ Advantages; +1); OIF (-½), Limited Range (50 
meters; -¼), END 6
23	2)  Flaming Kicks And Punches:  HA +8d6; OIF (-½), Hand-To-Hand 
Attack (-¼), END 4
Notes:  Affects ED
20	3)  Fire Manipulation:  Telekinesis (25 STR), Area Of Effect (2m 
Radius; +¼); Only Works On Fire (-1), OIF (-½), END 5
32	4)  Wall Of Fire:  Barrier 10 ED, 0 BODY (up to 4m long, 1m tall, and 
½m thick), One-Way Transparent (Physical Attacks; +½); OIF (-½) 
plus RKA 1d6, Area Of Effect (Damage Shield; +¼), Constant (+½); 
Linked (Barrier; -½), OIF (-½), No Knockback (-¼), END 6
43	5)  North Capital Technique:  Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED); 
Costs Endurance (-½), OIF (-½), Perceivable (-0) plus Blast 6d6, Area 
Of Effect (1m Surface; +¼), Constant (+½); No Range (-½), 
OIF (-½), No Knockback (-¼), Linked (Resistant Protection; -¼), 
12	6)  Fiery Leap:  Leaping +26m (4m/30m forward, 2m/15m upward) 
(Accurate); OIF (-½), END 2
12	7)  Sense Fire:  Detect Fire 14- (no Sense Group), Increased Arc Of 
Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic:  +4; OIF (-½)
19	8)  Lamp Of Fire Reserve:  Endurance Reserve  (60 END, 60 REC) 
Reserve:  OIF (-1/2); REC:  Limited Recovery (only when when rip-
cord is pulled; -2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), OIF (-1/2), Gestures 
(must pull rip-cord to active REC; -1/4)

2	Intimidating Aura:  +5 PRE; Only To Intimidate (-1), Only When Lamp 
Is Active (-½)

24	Contact:  Priestesses of Mount Muldoon (Contact has useful Skills or 
resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization 
Contact (x3) 14-
5	Fringe Benefit:  Chief Priestess of Mount Muldoon

6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

40	+4 with All Attacks

3	Acrobatics 13-
3	Breakfall 13-
3	Fast Draw:  Lamp of Fire 13-
3	High Society 12-
3	KS: History Of El Hazard 12-
4	KS: Mount Muldoon Religious Doctrine 13-
5	Persuasion 13-
Notes:  Usually based on intimidation or presenting herself as a 
"tough guy."
7	Power:  Lamp Of Fire Tricks 14-
2	PS: Mount Muldoon Priestess of Fire 11-
10	Rapid Attack 
4	SS:  Theology of Mount Muldoon 13-
3	Teamwork 13-
1	TF:  Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  367
Total Cost:  497

400+	Matching Complications[/b]
15	Distinctive Features:  Tends To Manifest Bursts Of Blue Fire When 
Angry Or Irritated (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; 
Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Psychological Complication:  Has A Crush On Makoto (Common; 
15	Psychological Complication:  Hot-Headed (Common; Strong)
5	Rivalry:  Romantic (with Nanami for Makoto's affections; Rival is Less 
Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or 
Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
10	Rivalry:  Professional (with Afura Mann; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a 
Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival 
Aware of Rivalry)
10	Social Complication:  Subject To The Demands Of The Mount Muldoon 
Priesthood Frequently, Minor
97	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  497[/b]


Background/History: Shayla-Shayla is one of the three Chief Priestess of Mount Muldoon. Aged 19, she’s fiery and temperamental, much like the element she commands.


Personality/Motivation: Shayla-Shayla is your classic anime red-head, right down to the tanned skin and passionate expression of her emotions. Hot-headed, she’s prone to acting first and thinking later, and will gleefully tackle any foe head on (including masses of Bugrom and Ifurita). However, she’s not totally a fool, and will listen to tactics and reason (at least until the fight starts) and knows when she’s out-matched (see her first fight with Ifurita).


Although her initial meeting with Makoto was less than stellar (he fell into her breasts, she blew up the hot springs), his willingness to sacrifice himself to protect her from Ifurita results in her falling in love with him. Of course, as Makoto is already smitten with Ifurita, this goes no where (other than to put her at odds with Nanami). Shayla-Shayla also ends up as one of Alielle’s objects of affection, much to her distaste and displeasure. Her usual response to this is to go drinking with Fujiswawa.


Quotes: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Get ready! Hey! Hey!"

"You think you can get away from me, Shayla-Shayla, you must be dreaming."


Powers/Tactics: Shayla-Shayla’s powers, as seen in El-Hazard, is why I abandoned any attempt at simulating how the Lamps appeared in the anime. In brief, at several points Shayla-Shayla exhibited fire powers without having her Lamp on or active. Since I have no idea exactly how the Lamps work, or how Shayla-Shayla’s powers (or any of the three Priestesses powers) work, I decided to create the Lamps in the fashion I’ve presented here, which I think captures the idea of their being relics rather nicely.


Shayla-Shayla carries the Lamp of Fire, which is normally kept in a pouch strapped to one thigh. Whens she needs to use it, she takes it out, attaches it to a bracket on one wrist and then pulls the rip-cord. This powers up the Lamp and allows Shayla-Shayla to manifest and control masses of fire.


When using the Lamp, Shayla-Shayla tends to active the North Capital Technique, which surrounds her body with a flaming aura. She then will leap at her foes, performing apparent Move-Bys and Move-Throughs. She can also project a wide variety of fire bolts (including multiple shot bursts, explosions, and cutting lines), produce flames around her hands (and presumably her feet) to assist her in hand-to-hand combat, create localized walls of fire, manipulate masses of fire, and detect local fires.


Appearance: The shortest of the Priestesses, is roughly Nanami’s height. As stated, she has the classic “anime redhead” look, with tanned skin, green eyes, and a wild mop of long red hair (kept out of her eyes with a headband and tied into a pony tail). Small white tattoos are on her cheeks.


Shayla-Shayla’s costume consists of low black boots, with a short-skirted, short-sleeved dress in various shades of red. She also wears elbow pads and fingerless gloves. Blue gems are set into her clothes in various spots, anchoring her energy flares when she activates her powers. They will also manifest bursts of blue flame when she’s angry or upset.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardian's of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


At 497 points, Shayla-Shayla is pretty middle-of the road with regards to the power level of the Priestesses. She might have more powers, however, such as an Explosive Blast Triggered by landing after a Leap (probably with Personal Immunity). It’s also possible she can generate fire of such intensity it qualifies as a Killing Attack.


(Shayla-Shayla created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
13	STR	3	12-	Lift 151.6 kg; 2 ½d6 HTH Damage [1]
13	DEX	6	12-
13	CON	3	12-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 13-
8	EGO	-2	11-
8	PRE	-2	11-	PRE Attack:  1 ½d6

4	OCV	5	
7	DCV	20	
3	OMCV	0	
3	DMCV	0	
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

20	PD	4		Total:  20 PD (14 rPD)
20	ED	4		Total:  20 ED (14 rED)
6	REC	2
26	END	2
10	BODY	0
30	STUN	5		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  68

Movement:	[/b]Running:	12m/24m 
Flight:	10m/20m
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
8	Claws:  HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 w/STR); Reduced Penetration (-¼), END 1
10	Always Lands On Its Feet:  Physical Damage Reduction, 50%; Only 
Versus Falls (-1)
63	Invulnerable:  Resistant Protection (14 PD/14 ED), Usable 
Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; Ura wraps itself around 
whoever it is guarding; +¼), Recipient must remain close to Grantor, 
Grantor can take back power at any time, Hardened (+¼)
10	Claws:  Clinging (normal STR)
1	Impeccable Balance:  Usable Flight (+¼) for up to 10 Active Points of 
Running; Only Along A Reasonable Horizontal Surface (-½), END 1
5	Light Footed:  Flight 10m; Only When In Contact With Ice, Sand, Or 
Snow (-1), END 1
-2	Short Legs:  Running -2M
10	Stretchable Body:  Shape Shift  (Sight Group), Costs END Only To 
Change Shape (+¼), END 1
Notes:  Ura can assume a flattened rug-like form and wrap around 
whomever it is guarding.
6	Sharp Senses:  +2 PER with all Sense Groups	0

7	Breakfall 14-
7	Concealment 13-
7	Stealth 14-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  133
Total Cost:  200

175+	Matching Complications[/b]
15	Physical Complication:  No Fine Manipulation (Infrequently; Greatly 
10	Physical Complication:  Small, ½ human size and mass, roughly 1 
meter long (+6m Knockback, +5 m Reach) (Infrequently; Slightly 
15	Psychological Complication:  Loyal To Matoko (Common; Strong)
25	Experience Points

[b]Total Complications Points:  200[/b]


Background/History: Ura is a Guardian Cat, a race of feline-appearing creatures native to Roshtaria. Ura used to belong to Princess Fatora, and was given to Matoko to be his guardian while he impersonated Fatora. The two got along quite well, and Ura quickly came to like Matoko and become quite loyal to him, so much so that after Fatora was rescued, Ura refused to leave Matoko.


Personality/Motivation: Ura is quiet and unobtrusive and generally stays out of the way unless Matoko is in danger. At that point, Ura will wrap herself around Matoko, and do her best to make sure Matoko doesn't come to harm.


Quote: "It's a job."


Powers/Tactics: As a Guardian Cat, Ura is virtually invulnerable, with a hide as tough as steel (she withstood a direct hit from Ifurita's Key Staff). She can flatten herself into a rug-like form, and wrap abound a person's torso, protecting them from harm. When serving as protection in this way, Ura can only really cover locations 9-12 (or so), and cannot defend someone from attacks aimed at the head or limbs.


Ura can still use her limbs while wrapped around Matoko (or another person) and will strike out at a foe, either pushing them away or scratching with their sharp claws. She can also climb a sheer wall while wrapped around Matoko, or help absorb the impact from a long fall.


Appearance: Ura looks like a large cat with a light brownish-gray body, a white underbelly and paws, and a thick orange "Mohawk" that runs the length of her spine and tail.


Designer's Notes: This write-up is derived from the El-Hazard resource book from Guardians Of Order. The characteristic and powers were adapted from the resource book and then further modified by the author.


Ura makes for an excellent (if powerful) fantasy sidekick. Her ability to use her Clinging while wrapped around someone might require the purchase of Extra Limbs (so that she can "carry" someone while using her Clinging).


(Ura created by Hiroki Hayashi and Ryoe Tsukimura, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World


I was wondering why, if she only uses her End Bat, why she put 6 points into End?


Broadsword -|--->


Heh... forgot about that. It's a hold over from the 5E version having 50 END due to a 25 CON.

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World


Also note that I simply duplicated her old 5E stats to 6E and didn't even thinking about her need for the extra END. Granted, in an emergency she probably can use her regular END ot power her STR and related abilities.

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Re: Characters from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World


Thanks for posting the stats. I have some good memories of El-Hazard. That and Tenchi was my "gateway drug" to anime. I remember the anime club in college, the fan fiction I wrote, MST3King the Wanderers, the RPG I ran. Good times. Very good times. Actually I think my MST3King of Wanderers should be on Google if anyone is interested. Repped (as soon as I figure out how this works.

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