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Characters from Phineas and Ferb

Chris Goodwin

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


Phineas Flynn

VAL	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
5	STR	-5	10-	HTH Damage 1d6  END [1]
13	DEX	6	12-
10	CON	0	11-
23	INT	13	14-	PER Roll 14-
15	EGO	5	12-
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack: 3d6
3	OCV	0
3	DCV	0
3	OMCV	0
3	DMCV	0
3	SPD	10	Phases:  4, 8, 12
2	PD	0	2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0	2 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
25	END	1
10	BODY	0	
20	STUN	0

Movement	Cost	Meters	Notes
RUNNING	-2	10m/20m	END [1]
SWIMMING	0	4m/8m	END [1]
LEAPING	0	4m	4m forward, 2m upward

Characteristics Total: 33

Cost	Powers
25	Luck 5d6 - END=0

Powers Total: 25

Cost	Skills
7	Analyze:  Gadgets 16-
9	Animal Handler (Aquatic Animals, Elephants, Other Platypi, Other Primates) 14-
7	Bureaucratics 14-
3	Climbing 12-
9	Combat Driving 15-
9	Combat Piloting 15-
8	+1 with HTH Combat
3	Computer Programming 14-
5	Cramming 
1	Demolitions 8-
7	Electronics 16-
3	High Society 12-
13	Inventor 19-
1	AK: The Tri-State Area 8-
2	CK: Danville 11-
3	Mechanics 14-
6	Navigation (Air, Land, Marine, Space, Temporal) 14-
9	Oratory 15-
7	Persuasion 14-
13	Power:  Gadgeteering 19-
3	Jack of All Trades
3	1)  PS: Explorer (4 Active Points) 15-
2	2)  PS: Chef (3 Active Points) 14-
4	3)  PS: Construction Engineer (5 Active Points) 16-
2	4)  PS: Musician (3 Active Points) 14-
2	5)  PS: Television Producer (3 Active Points) 14-
3	Scientist
7	1)  Science Skill:  Spatio-temporal Physics 19- (8 Active Points)
7	2)  Science Skill:  Aerospace Engineering 19- (8 Active Points)
7	3)  Science Skill:  Nanotech Engineering 17- (8 Active Points)
6	4)  Science Skill:  Civil Engineering 18- (7 Active Points)
6	5)  Science Skill:  Electrical Engineering 18- (7 Active Points)
7	6)  Science Skill:  Nautical Engineering 19- (8 Active Points)
11	Systems Operation 18-
3	Teamwork 12-
22	TF:  Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Anthropomorphic Mecha, Bobsleds, Carts & Carriages, Chariots, Dog Sleds, Dogs, Equines, Industrial & Exploratory Spacecraft, Large Motorized Boats, Large Planes, One-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles, Parachuting, Basic, Railed Vehicles, Skateboarding, Skiing (snow), Sleds, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Planes, Submarines, Surfing, Time Machines, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles

Skills Total: 220

Cost	Perks
15	Contact:  The Music Industry (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (15 Active Points) 11-
5	Contact:  Delivery guy (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources) 11-
1	Fringe Benefit:  License to practice a profession (General Contracting)
11	Money:  Filthy Rich
2	Positive Reputation:  one hit wonder (A large group) 8-, +2/+2d6

Perks Total: 34

Cost	Talents
20	Animal Friendship
5	Eidetic Memory
4	Speed Reading (x10)
30	Custom Talent [Notes: +10 Overall (120 Active Points); Only to reduce Extra Time penalties (-2), Only for building things (-1)]

Talents Total: 59

Value	Complications
30	Accidental Change:  When mom comes home Always (Very Common) [Notes: This reflects the fact that the kids' latest invention always seems to disappear just before their mom comes home.]
15	Aren't you a little young to be a...:  Distinctive Features:  Young child (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
20	Hunted:  Candace Very Frequently (As Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Mildly Punish (bust))
5	Physical Complication:  Small for his age (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)
15	Psychological Complication:  Kind, would give a friend the shirt off his back or build them a portal to Mars (Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Complication:  Oblivious at times (Common; Moderate)
5	Rivalry:  Professional (Thaddeus and Thor; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
15	Social Complication:  Secret Identity, as inventor and builder (from parents) Very Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures

Complications Points: 115

Base Points: 371
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 371



Background/History: Born in America in the 1990s, Phineas lives in the town of Danville, in the Tri-State Area. When Phineas was a baby, his mother, Linda, met and fell in love with Ferb's father, a British archaeologist named Lawrence Fletcher, at a Love Händel concert. Eventually the two got married, and Phineas and his sister, Candace, gained a stepfather, as well as a stepbrother named Ferb.


Phineas was raised in a blended family. Phineas and his sister Candace are sometimes confused by their mother for their stepfather's biological children, (for instance, once she told them they have his imagination).


Phineas has regularly visited Little Duffers, the only mini golf place in Danville, since he was very young. Phineas has always been small, but adapts well.


While living on Maple Street, Phineas has made several friends. One, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, who has a huge crush on him, has participated in his and Ferb's summer plans from the beginning.


Once a year, Phineas and his family (occasionally including several of his friends) visit the home of his step-grandparents Clyde and Betty Jo Flynn in Britain, dubbing it "Camp Phineas and Ferb."


Personality/Motivation: Phineas and Ferb's primary motivation is to not be bored during summer vacation.


Phineas is incredibly optimistic. He pushes forward every time he makes a daily plan, in spite of sometimes facing challenges in the process. Phineas tends to see the bright side of life, and when faced with a challenge, Phineas will simply find a way to get through it. Phineas attempts to inspire others with his optimism.


Quote: "Yes, yes I am." Usually when asked if he's too young to be engaging in whatever plan he and Ferb have for that day. Sometimes, "No, no I'm not."


"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"


"Hey, where's Perry?"


"Oh, there you are, Perry!"


Powers/Tactics: Phineas and Ferb's Powers consist of an incredible range of gadgets. On a daily basis the two build something in an attempt to alleviate the day's boredom; their devices have ranged from the world's biggest roller coaster to a pair of rocket ships to a papier mache airplane to a portal to Mars to a desert island luxury mansion (built out of palm trees and vines). Always, just before their mom arrives home from whatever errand she has run during the day, the invention disappears (usually a side effect of Agent P attempting to stop Doofenshmirtz's latest scheme). Phineas usually appears to be the engineer and "idea man" of the duo, while Ferb takes more of the physical labor portion, though in reality it's more of an equal partnership.


Campaign Use: Phineas and Ferb could be used as PCs in a game in which the players play children. Alternately, they could appear as gadgeteers, to build a one-shot device for a particular need. The device will always disappear at the end of the day, though.


Appearance: Phineas is short for his age. He has bright red hair, long on the top and shaved to the skin on the sides and back. His head is shaped somewhat like a pointed letter P. He usually wears an orange-and-yellow striped t-shirt and blue shorts. His height and weight are estimates.


(Phineas Flynn created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. Character sheet created by Chris Goodwin.)

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


Isn't the main difficulty figuring out the size of the Variable Power Pools?


Phineas and Ferb are junior mad scientists with a lot of resources. Given the ease in which they avoid getting caught (despite their sister's best efforts), they also have a lot of Luck.


Dr. Doofenshmirtz has his own company (Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated) and has a ton of mad scientist devices. Too bad he has so many dice of Unluck.


Isabella is the leader of the Fireside Girls, which gives her both followers and her own VPP (the Fireside Girls manual even had instructions on how to make a time machine (though she originally thought Phineas wanted a "tie machine").

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


Isn't the main difficulty figuring out the size of the Variable Power Pools?


I'm thinking that's Plot Device territory. ;)


Phineas and Ferb are junior mad scientists with a lot of resources. Given the ease in which they avoid getting caught (despite their sister's best efforts), they also have a lot of Luck.


I'm giving 'em each 5d6.


Dr. Doofenshmirtz has his own company (Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated) and has a ton of mad scientist devices. Too bad he has so many dice of Unluck.


Yep. Plus, Hunted by Agent P. ;)


Isabella is the leader of the Fireside Girls, which gives her both followers and her own VPP (the Fireside Girls manual even had instructions on how to make a time machine (though she originally thought Phineas wanted a "tie machine").


Heh. Yeah, the Fireside Girls rock.

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


Ferb Fletcher

VAL	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
8	STR	-2	11-	HTH Damage 1 1/2d6  END [1]
15	DEX	10	12-
13	CON	3	12-
25	INT	15	14-	PER Roll 14-
12	EGO	2	11-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack: 4d6
3	OCV	0
3	DCV	0
3	OMCV	0
3	DMCV	0
3	SPD	10	Phases:  4, 8, 12
2	PD	0	2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0	2 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
20	END	0
10	BODY	0	
20	STUN	0

Movement	Cost	Meters	Notes
RUNNING	-1	11m/22m	END [1]
SWIMMING	0	4m/8m	END [1]
LEAPING	0	4m	4m forward, 2m upward

Characteristics Total: 47

Cost	Powers
25	Luck 5d6 - END=0

Powers Total: 25

Cost	Skills
3	Analyze:  Gadgets 14-
5	Acrobatics 13-
9	Animal Handler (Aquatic Animals, Elephants, Other (Platypi), Other (Primates)) 15-
3	Charm 13-
7	Climbing 14-
11	Combat Driving 16-
11	Combat Piloting 16-
8	+1 with HTH Combat
3	Computer Programming 14-
5	Cramming 
2	Demolitions 10-
7	Inventor 16-
1	AK: The Tri-State Area 8-
2	CK: Danville 11-
6	KS: Numerous Musical Instruments 17-
3	Language:  French (fluent conversation; literate)
2	Language:  Dolphin (fluent conversation)
2	Language:  Martian (fluent conversation)
9	Mechanics 17-
3	Mimicry 14-
6	Navigation (Air, Land, Marine, Space, Temporal) 14-
9	Power:  Gadgeteering 17-
3	Jack of All Trades
3	1)  PS: Explorer (4 Active Points) 15-
4	2)  PS: Chef (5 Active Points) 16-
8	3)  PS: Construction Engineer (9 Active Points) 20-
5	4)  PS: Dancing (6 Active Points) 15-
5	5)  PS: Draftsman (6 Active Points) 17-
5	6)  PS: Musician (6 Active Points) 17-
2	7)  PS: Sculptor (3 Active Points) 14-
2	8)  PS: Television Producer (3 Active Points) 14-
3	Scientist
5	1)  Science Skill:  Spatio-temporal Physics 17- (6 Active Points)
5	2)  Science Skill:  Aerospace Engineering 17- (6 Active Points)
6	3)  Science Skill:  Nanotech Engineering 16- (7 Active Points)
4	4)  Science Skill:  Robotics 16- (5 Active Points)
7	5)  Science Skill:  Civil Engineering 19- (8 Active Points)
5	6)  Science Skill:  Electrical Engineering 17- (6 Active Points)
6	7)  Science Skill:  Nautical Engineering 18- (7 Active Points)
3	Systems Operation 14-
3	Teamwork 12-
23	TF:  Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Anthropomorphic Mecha, Bobsleds, Carts & Carriages, Chariots, Dog Sleds, Dogs, Equines, Industrial & Exploratory Spacecraft, Large Motorized Boats, Large Planes, One-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles, Parachuting, Basic, Personal Use Spacecraft, Railed Vehicles, Skateboarding, Skiing (snow), Sleds, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Planes, Submarines, Surfing, Time Machines, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles

Skills Total: 224

Cost	Perks
1	Fringe Benefit:  License to practice a profession (General Contracting)
11	Money:  Filthy Rich
2	Positive Reputation:  one hit wonder (A large group) 8-, +2/+2d6

Perks Total: 14

Cost	Talents
20	Animal Friendship
5	Eidetic Memory
4	Speed Reading (x10)
30	Custom Talent [Notes: +10 Overall (120 Active Points); Only to reduce Extra Time penalties (-2), Only for building things (-1)]
3	Perfect Pitch

Talents Total: 62

Value	Complications
30	Accidental Change:  When mom comes home Always (Very Common) [Notes: This reflects the fact that the kids' latest invention always seems to disappear just before their mom comes home.]
15	Aren't you a little young to be a...:  Distinctive Features:  Child (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
20	Hunted:  Candace Very Frequently (As Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Mildly Punish (bust))
10	Psychological Complication:  Has a crush on Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Uncommon; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Rarely speaks (Very Common; Moderate)
5	Rivalry:  Professional (Thaddeus and Thor; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
15	Social Complication:  Secret Identity, as inventor and builder (from parents) Very Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures

Complications Points: 110

Base Points: 375
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 372


Background/History: Ferb was born in England to Lawrence Fletcher and an unnamed mother. Eventually, Ferb and his father moved to Danville. There, Lawrence met a woman named Linda Flynn and fell in love with her at a Love Händel concert.


Lawrence and Linda got married, and Ferb was joined by a stepbrother and stepsister, Phineas and Candace. Phineas and Ferb developed a very strong bond, making them more than step brothers, but also best friends.


Personality/Motivation: Ferb is a very intelligent boy who rarely speaks. His intelligence and skill are tested every day in his and Phineas' nearly impossible plans, and he always succeeds. Ferb does not show much facial expression and only occasionally smiles or frowns. He is very focused, but he has once been distracted from his goals after seeing Vanessa at Blueprint Heaven. Although very young, Ferb occasionally demonstrates a mindset that is more akin to a young adult than a child. This is demonstrated especially in the case of girls, even going as far as to say that he also takes part in these nearly impossible plans "...for the ladies." However, this doesn't stop Ferb from enjoying more juvenile activities. In addition Ferb enjoys participating in unusual and/or downright eccentric activities or antics; such as doing dolphin style swimming in the sea to going down a water-slide using butter as a lubricant. Ferb also has a huge appetite and even reverts to a primal mindset when he hasn't eaten lunch. Although he rarely talks, Ferb demonstrates a wry wit (Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror, Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together, Let's Take a Quiz) and isn't afraid to speak his mind when it suits him. The only time Ferb talked the whole day was when they became secret agents, ("Ready for the Bettys") whilst the most he spoke was in The Chronicles of Meap and Thaddeus and Thor.


Like his step-brother Phineas, he is persistent in making summer great.


Quote: Ferb is a man of few words. It should be noted that each of these lines constitutes Ferb's entire dialogue for an episode.


"Well, it was definitely better than the gorilla in the cake."


"Sharks have to continue to move forward, or they'll drown."


"And that is why I will never wear suspenders in public."


"You know, in retrospect, I question the inclusion of a self-destruct button in the first place."


"The cartilaginous fibers from the bovine patella structure, that gelatin's extracted from, gives it that fun, bouncy quality."


"Well, it occurs to me that perhaps not all of the modifications I made are technically 'street legal.'"



Powers/Tactics: Phineas and Ferb's Powers consist of an incredible range of gadgets. On a daily basis the two build something in an attempt to alleviate the day's boredom; their devices have ranged from the world's biggest roller coaster to a pair of rocket ships to a papier mache airplane to a portal to Mars to a desert island luxury mansion (built out of palm trees and vines). Always, just before their mom arrives home from whatever errand she has run during the day, the invention disappears (usually a side effect of Agent P attempting to stop Doofenshmirtz's latest scheme). Phineas usually appears to be the engineer and "idea man" of the duo, while Ferb takes more of the physical labor portion, though in reality it's more of an equal partnership.


Given the number and scope of the gadgets Phineas and Ferb have built together, it is difficult or impossible to estimate the total points spent on them. It is suggested that their gadgets be treated as a plot device. If used as player characters, it is suggested that Phineas and Ferb share a base (their home) with a very large gadget Variable Power Pool.


Campaign Use: Phineas and Ferb could be used as PCs in a game in which the players play children. Alternately, they could appear as gadgeteers, to build a one-shot device for a particular need. The device will always disappear at the end of the day, though. Phineas and Ferb could also potentially appear as rivals for a player character gadgeteer.


Appearance: Ferb is, at 5'0" (estimated), somewhat tall for his age, and thin in build. He has an unruly mop of (apparently, naturally) green hair. He typically wears a pale yellow polo shirt and blue jeans pulled up to his armpits. His head is shaped somewhat like a capital letter F, and his eyes are of slightly different sizes. When he speaks, which is not often, he has a British accent.


(Ferb Fletcher created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. Character sheet by Chris Goodwin, with some information taken from the Phineas and Ferb Wiki.)

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


You devil! Get out of my head! I was thinking this weekend of statting them out, and would have done it, too, if I didn't have to stat stuff for my FH game!


I wouldn't give them much of a disad for their stuff disappearing at the end of each episode (the Accidental Change) -- when that happens, they're usually already done having fun with whatever it is, and it saves them the bother of cleanup.


Instead, the stuff disappearing is a complication for Candace! It's probably a Physical Complication ("World Resets Just When She Would Validated" or something) since she can't avoid it except by taking part in it, at which point she's not being validated anyway!


The real challenge is Agent P. Only time I'll ever have seen a Platypus with a Secret ID!

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


You devil! Get out of my head! I was thinking this weekend of statting them out' date=' and would have done it, too, if I didn't have to stat stuff for my FH game![/quote']




I wouldn't give them much of a disad for their stuff disappearing at the end of each episode (the Accidental Change) -- when that happens, they're usually already done having fun with whatever it is, and it saves them the bother of cleanup.


Instead, the stuff disappearing is a complication for Candace! It's probably a Physical Complication ("World Resets Just When She Would Validated" or something) since she can't avoid it except by taking part in it, at which point she's not being validated anyway!


I wanted the quickest and easiest way to do it. You're right, though; it does seem like more of Candace's than theirs.


The real challenge is Agent P. Only time I'll ever have seen a Platypus with a Secret ID!


The real challenge is writing up his hat. :eek:

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


Awesome! The "Accidental Change: When mom comes home" is simply brilliant :thumbup:


Are you planning to write up Doofenschmirtz's evil device-inators?


And just for kicks, my favorite Doofenschmirtz quotes:

  • "It's not the worse date I ever had. There was the one that kept stabbing me with the fork."
  • "I have an intense, burning indifference."
  • "That sounded like screaming children; but it's not my birthday."

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Re: Characters from Phineas and Ferb


Awesome! The "Accidental Change: When mom comes home" is simply brilliant :thumbup:


Are you planning to write up Doofenschmirtz's evil device-inators?


That's a lot of -inators! I think I'll just leave them in the sidelines like I did with P&F's gadgets. Though if someone else wanted to write up a few I wouldn't say no ;)


And just for kicks, my favorite Doofenschmirtz quotes:

  • "It's not the worse date I ever had. There was the one that kept stabbing me with the fork."
  • "I have an intense, burning indifference."
  • "That sounded like screaming children; but it's not my birthday."


Hee hee! Wouldn't you know it, I can't think of a one, but there were some great ones.

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