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The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition

Matt Holck

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Beast (not the blue Beast) is character I have played in many different campaigns


These are the base characteristic for sixth

skills and senses could be added



40 Strength    17    1/2 lim x2 endurance cost 8 end 40-1/2=27-10base=17)
23 Constitution13    
23 Dexterity    17    unified power CV (46-1/4=37-20base=17)
15 Body          5        
13 Intelligence    3    
14 Ego        4    
20 Presence    10    

17- Perception    15
8  OCV        17         unified power dexterity (40-1/4=32-15base=17)
8  DCV        17         unified power dexterity
5    MOCV      6         
5    MDCV      6         

13 Physical Def    41    x1/2 resistant physical damage reduct +30
14 Energy Def    42    x1/2 resistant energy damage reduct +30

4(7) Speed    40    +3 Speed Night Only (-1/2) +20
50  Stun        15    
45  Endurance    7    
30  Recovery    30     Regenerate 30 body a day +4

32 Running      9    -1/2 lim cost 6 end. (32-1/2=21-12base=9)
16 Leaping      2    -1/2 lim cost 3 end. (6-1/2=4-2base=2)
14- Acrobatics    3    
14- Breakfall    3


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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


1] Agility, reflect and initiative allow Beast to be more accurate with attacks and graceful in avoiding attacks

I could add perception to that list.


2] as I understand

When one unified power is drained, all those powers are drained the same amount

If beast lost 10 points of DCV(2 levels), he would loss 10 points of dexterity or 5 dexterity and 10 points of OCV (2 levels)

that would included draining those values below base down to 0

which is why I used the entire points of the characteristic in my calculation and than subtracted the base starting value points.

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


I'd been thinking about that

why wouldn't every everyone just unify the Dex, OCV and DCV

and get back 4 points from dexterity 6 points from base CV?

(poison are often dexterity drains but who would use them if they don't effect CV?)




in another sense, his base strength is linked to his recovery via endurance

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


I'd been thinking about that

why wouldn't every everyone just unify the Dex, OCV and DCV

and get back 4 points from dexterity 6 points from base CV?

(poison are often dexterity drains but who would use them if they don't effect CV?)


in another sense, his base strength is linked to his recovery via endurance


I'd generally see this as a rule for either everyone in game (recreating figured characteristics to some extent) or one I would not allow any character. Linking characteristics in this fashion when they simulate some actual link between the character's abilities, sure. Linking them purely for point savings when Joe Everage lacks the same link? No, I need an explanation for how this character is different from everyone else in having that link.


As to poisons, I suspect we'll see a lot more poisons and similar builds that affect multiple characteristics at the same time. Perhaps I'd consider allowing your approach if you accepted that anything draining more than one of those stats has more than one effect on you. For example, since the Spider Venom drains 2d6 of OCV, DCV, DEX and SPD, you lose 2d6 x 3 from each of OCV, DCV and DEX, since yours are so much more linked than the typical character, and 2d6 from SPD since that ins't Unified.

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


Unified powers are not doubly or triply effected by a drain effecting more than one unified power.


The truth us I was just trying to save points

having a high dexterity is so expensive.

I could easily drop it but I wanted to show an example of how figure characteristics might work in 6th

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


I didn't feel speed was as directly related to dexterity.

Unifying additional characteristics doesn't make the powers already unified any cheaper)


I like a bit a variety


The later "why not?"

Beast has always been a character with heroic recovery (waves at Killer)

6th addition made recovery 1 point a piece

so I was pleased to finally exploit that characteristic.


Beast should take body

so I was doubly happy when I found out he gets to apply the his non-resistant defenses against the stun from kill attacks

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


No' date=' I need an explanation for how this character is different from everyone else in having that link.[/quote']


that reminds me of the issue of how much explanation a character really needs to actually play?


why can't I just play

and develop history, personality and explanations as I go


I might rephrase my words and start a new thread

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


Unified powers are not doubly or triply effected by a drain effecting more than one unified power.


No, they are not. I was suggesting a modifier to the rules arising from the likeliness that many adjustment powers would also link these stats such that Unified Power would still be detrimental in such situations.


The truth us I was just trying to save points

having a high dexterity is so expensive.

I could easily drop it but I wanted to show an example of how figure characteristics might work in 6th


I think DEX is overpriced for what it does, especially in comparison to INT and PRE. It was underpriced in prior editions, but the pendulum has now swung too far the other way.


that reminds me of the issue of how much explanation a character really needs to actually play?


why can't I just play

and develop history, personality and explanations as I go


That's definitely a group by group issue. However, the builds are, to me, intended to simulate aspects of the character. To understand what the build is representing, I like to see the non-mechanical explanation of the ability to assess how well the mechanic chosen suits it. At what point in the character's play would you expect to have a develop history, personality and explanations which will address these issues? Are you OK with the GM developing aspects that you haven't developed? We had a player with a high school student character who defined Dad as being quite wealthy. However, the player didn't detail Dad's business interests and, when asked, didn't wish to do so. So the GM decided Dad's business interests were a bit short of fully legitimate. If the player doesn't develop the character, it seems reasonable for the GM to chip in. If the character ha sno history or background, then it often becomes tough to retrofit the player's later decisions in this regard ("wait, then why didn't that come up in this adventure?")


But again, it's an area each game group needs to assess. There's no right or wrong answer.

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


I could see linking those, in the case that the character's high CV came entirely from his agility. The alternate case would be CV that comes primarily from another source, like training or precognition, and thus would not be affected by being slowed down. Besides, DEX is overpriced anyway, I have no qualms about someone saving a few points there.


However, I'm not sold on the "x2 END for everything that costs END, plus high END" thing. That seems a bit shady, much like having 4+ Extra Limbs and then buying high STR/CV "Only with Extra Arms". In this case, the character will run out of END in 3-4 phases, so it is a limitation, but should it really be many points less than just having a lower END?

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Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition


I could see linking those' date=' in the case that the character's high CV came entirely from his agility. The alternate case would be CV that comes primarily from another source, like training or precognition, and thus would not be affected by being slowed down. Besides, [b']DEX is overpriced anyway[/b], I have no qualms about someone saving a few points there.


Emphasis added. While I concur, I think the solution is to change the price of DEX.


However' date=' I'm not sold on the "x2 END for everything that costs END, plus high END" thing. That seems a bit shady, much like having 4+ Extra Limbs and then buying high STR/CV "Only with Extra Arms". In this case, the character will run out of END in 3-4 phases, so it is a limitation, but should it really be many points less than just having a lower END?[/quote']


This would become disadvantageoous on recovering from being KO'd (since you now have END equal to STUN) and if dealing with an END drain or suppress. Whether that's enough to justify the savings is open to debate. Or, viewed another way, the point savings are a clear mandate to the GM to make these issues come up often enough to justify the points saved. KO him to -15 STUN and he wakes up after PS 12 with 15 END, so he'll get one attack before END usage starts costing STUN. And that's wiith a very high recovery.


With a 7 Speed, he can't last a full turn attacking each phase. That also seems somewhat limiting.

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