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Sense to use the power: limitation or campaign rule?

Dr Divago

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Hi all again (and again and again... :) )

"the short question":

in this ME-based campaign idea i stated you need a special sense to use a (biotic) psionic power

the question is: i need to put it like a limitation in all powers, or just state is a campaign rule?


explanation (aka "the long question")

biotics can manipulate dark matter and energies; so to use their powers they need to "feel" the bioenergetic field of their victims (or how target's bioenergetic filed interact with other being's bioenergetic field... you got the idea?)

so to use the power, they need to "perceive" the victim with this special sense

Biotic Sense: Detect bioenergetic fields (mental); sense
real cost: 7

some aliens got this sense; other species (like humans) need to use some equipment to give them the "sense"

biotic sense is not target, so they need to use sight (or other targeting sense they use) to target. biotic sense is just a "prerequisite" to target: you can't target someone you can't "biotic perceive" (this is really important 'cause there are a tech power, who's actually a "darkness to biotic sense" used to create area where you can't use biotic attack power BUT you can use defensive/self power)


so again, the question is:

i need to put the limitation "need to perceive with biotic sense (-¼)" to all powers, or just state is a campaign rule so no "limitation"?

(this could also be a LoS advantage, plus Normal Range limitation, where LoS is not "line of sight" but "line of sense-with-your-biotic-sense"... mmmhhhh)

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Re: Sense to use the power: limitation or campaign rule?


If it applies to everyone then I would just make it a campaign rule not worry about the limitation. Keep it simple.
ok ty :)


btw at the moment i'm guessing there are some power will not need the "sense"; ie a Shockwave (EB with Explosion, No Range, Personal Immunity) does not need to sense a target 'cause technically are "not target" (you cast the power on yourself)

so maybe i need to use the limitation to keep track of wich power needs the sense and wich does not need... :\

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Re: Sense to use the power: limitation or campaign rule?


ME based? Is my name Mass Effect?

it's a setting based on Mass Effect videogame


something are different (even 'cause ME1 and ME2 are different) like weapon clips and how shields work, but settings would be the same (and also the feeling of it...)

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Re: Sense to use the power: limitation or campaign rule?


I would consider giving a -¼ limitation for biotic powers if they don't work when the biotic sense is Flashed or in a Darkness field, because that seems reasonable. But keeping it simple certainly has appeal too, so just making it part of the campaign ground rules could be a good idea. The deciding factor for me would be one of character balance. If only NPC's have biotic senses and powers, then just make it a ground rule to make it easy on the GM. But if PC's are using these powers, they are going to want some the limitation to make their powers on an equal cost basis with PC's who don't have biotic powers. Unless, as GM, you want these powers to be costly to make them less common or weaker compared to other powers.

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Re: Sense to use the power: limitation or campaign rule?


The issue is if you "keep it simple" by making it a campaign ground rule that a sense is required, than you need to purchace an Advantage for No Range AoE/Cone/Explosion type powers (which I believe the OP mentioned he will be making). I think using a Limitation is more accurate and will be less hassle in the long run.

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