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Newbie Strength Question


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I am new to Hero System and what I have read so far I am very much impressed. I do have a very simple question for you.


Does STR (Strength) add to weapon damage?


I have been playing around with creating some bad-guys for my players to fight (when I get a campaign off the ground) and I had the idea of a super-powered bad-guy mutant with great strength who wields a Warhammer (names? Warhammer or just Hammer - but I digress)


If this bad-guy had 30 STR and thus 6D6 HTH damage - if he wielded a Warhammer which does 1D6+1 DMG would the total damage be 7D6+1 or something else?


I have been reading and reading the book and I honestly can't find any answere one way or the other...


Any help?




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Re: Newbie Strength Question


Simple answer is: Yes, 99.999% of the time


OK, long and mildly complicated question


The way it adds is dependent on how the hammer is built.


In Hero equipment is built with powers, everything is built with a power, however most of the time you do not need a write up for the equipment, as you know what it can do, but you have to remember that at it's core it is still built with a power


Having said that you need to look at what power was used to build a warhammer


Most likely it is one of two


Hand Attack (HA), or Killing Attack: Melee (HKA)


Hand attack functions as a limited form of Strength, so it would add strait to your strength damage (HA +4d6, OAF)


Now HKA is a bit different, as you need to convert it to Damage classes then to killing damage, a killing attack as the name implies is more deadly than a HA, the body of the damage only being protected by resistant defences


A Damage class can be found by dividing the points spent by 5 (For Str you count the 10 points you get for free)


so using your figures above, a 1d6+1 Warhammer would be 4 Damage Classes, and a strength of 30 would be 6, so 10 Damage Classes, or a 3d6+1.


Now in heroic games (where equipment is free) you would probably have a limitation on the builds called Str MIN, which would reduce the amount of STR you are allowed to apply


Also it is not uncommon (and even recomended in some settings) to limit the number of DC you can add to a weapon to twice the DC of the weapon. This was the rule before 6th edition, and is still an offered option in the main rules.

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