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Justice League of America 350


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Re: Justice League of America 350




Cost Char Val

20 STR 30

24 DEX 18

40 CON 30

10 BODY 15

3 INT 13

2 EGO 11

10 PRE 20

4 COM 18

4 PD 10

4 ED 10

12 SPD 4

6 REC 15

0 END 60

15 STUN 60

Total Characteristics Cost: 154 Points


Cost Skills

2 AK: Metropolis 11-

3 Conversation 13-

1 FB: Press Pass

2 KS: Krypton 11-

2 PS: Daily Planet Reporter 11-

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Skills Cost: 13 Points


Cost Powers

36 Armor +20 rPD +10 rED, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

50 Multipower (62 Points) Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

5 u) DEX +5, SPD +5

5 u) EB 10d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat Vision/Cold Breath] (+1/4)

5 u) Healing: Regeneration 6 BODY/Turn

5 u) Missile Deflection: All Ranged Attacks +5, Ranged (+1)

3 u) STR +40, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2)

5 u) Tunnelling 10", DEF 10, 1/2 END (+1/2)

18 EC (Yellow Sun Energy)-22 Points, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

15 1) Flight 15", Variable Advantages (+1/2), [Megascale, Usable Underwater, or 1/2 END Only (-1/4)]

13 2) STR +30, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2)

14 ES: N-Ray Sight [X-Ray Vision/Not Though Lead], PER +1, Telescopic Hearing +2, Telescopic Sight +2, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

9 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

Total Powers Cost: 183


Total Cost: 350 Points


200+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Lois Lane (Useful Normal) 8-

10 DNPC: Jimmy Olsen (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

5 DNPC: Power Girl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Supergirl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Superwoman (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Justice League of America Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Lex Luthor (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Superman Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

5 PhyL: Undergoes Strange Physiological Changes for 24 Hours after exposure to a new piece of Red Kryptonite (Infrequently/Slightly)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: In Love with Lois Lane (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Wages A Never Ending Battle for Truth, Justice, and The America Way (Common/Strong)

5 SocL: Secret Identity [Kal-El/Clark Kent] (Infrequently/Minor)

20 Suscept: Kryptonite, 3d6 STUN/Turn (Uncommon)

10 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 350 Points

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Re: Justice League of America 350




Cost Char Val

10 STR 20

30 DEX 20

20 CON 20

4 BODY 12

8 INT 18

8 EGO 14

10 PRE 20

4 COM 18

4 PD 8

2 ED 6

10 SPD 4

0 REC 8

0 END 40

0 STUN 32

Total Characteristics Cost: 110


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 AK[iNT]: Gotham City 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bugging 13-

6 Combat Luck

3 Concealment 13-

3 Contortionist 13-

5 Cramming

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Fast Draw 13-

3 High Society 13-

3 Interrogation 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

8 Martial Arts: Batman Fighting Style [DC+2]

5 1) Defensive Strike

3 2) Legsweep

4 3) Martial Block

4 4) Martial Disarm

4 5) Martial Dodge

4 6) Martial Escape

4 7) Martial Strike

3 8) Martial Throw

5 9) Offensive Strike

15 Money: Filthy Rich

3 Paramedic 13-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Sleight of Hand 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Tactics 13-

Total Skills Cost: 140 Points


Cost Powers

20 Armor +10 rPD +10 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

40 Multipower (60 Points) OIF: Utility Belt (-1/2)

2 u) Darkness to Normal Sight AE 5"r, [8c/Last 1 Turn] (-0), OAF: Smoke Bombs (-1)

2 u) EB 8d6, [16c] (-0), OAF: Standard Batarangs (-1)

2 u) EB 8d6, Variable Special Effects [Any] (+1/2), [16c] (-0), OAF: Special Weapons (-1)

2 u) EB 6d6, NND [LS: Self Contained] (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Sleep Gas (-1)

2 u) EB 6d6, Variable Advantages [Any +1/2] (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Special Batarangs (-1)

2 u) Entangle 6d6, DEF 6, [16c] (-0), OAF: Bolas (-1)

2 u) Flash to Sight 6d6, AE 3"r (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Flash Grenades (-1)

1 u) Gliding 20", OIF: Cape (-1/2)

1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, OIF: Swing Line (-1/2)

8 ES: High Range Radio Perception, OIF: Cowl (-1/2)

3 ES: Nightvision, OIF: Cowl (-1/2)

3 ES: UV Sight, OIF: Cowl (-1/2)

3 Flash Defense for Sight 5 Points, OIF: Cowl (-1/2)

5 LS: Self Contained, OAF: Mask (-1)

2 Running +1"

Total Powers Cost: 100 Points


Total Cost: 350 Points


200+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Alfred Pennyworth (Useful Normal) 8-

5 DNPC: Batgirl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Batwoman (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Catwoman (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Huntress (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: James Gordon (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

5 DNPC: Nightwing (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Robin (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Batman Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: The Joker (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Justice League of America Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: Dedicated to Justice (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Protective of The Innocent (Common/Strong)

5 SocL: Secret Identity [bruce Wayne] (Infrequently/Minor)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 350 Points

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Re: Justice League of America 350


Regarding Superman.


Good point, Hyperman. I changed the Armor to 20 rPD 10 rED to give him better physical resistant defenses. He is also the strongest person on the planet [sTR 100 for 3 END!] and will smash anyone quickly.

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Re: Justice League of America 350


So, this is 5th edition?


5 DNPC: Power Girl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Supergirl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Superwoman (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-


I'll admit I haven't followed the comic closely in a while, but aren't these all pretty much just different versions of the same person? I wouldn't really count her/them as DNPCs anyway since he teams up with them much more than he has to bail her out of trouble.



Looks pretty good though, just a few quibbles.

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Re: Justice League of America 350




To me, Power Girl is Karen Starr, Supergirl is Kara Kent (White Costume), and Superwoman is Linda Danvers (Blue Costume).


I changed Superman "superspeed" Multipower slot from SPD +6 to DEX +5 SPD +5. Same cost and for the loss of 1 SPD you gain a OCV/DCV 8.


I've always thought that Superman could in theory use all his powers at the same time, but he is limited by how quickly he can think.

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Re: Justice League of America 350


Wonder Woman


Cost Char Val

40 STR 50

39 DEX 23

30 CON 25

4 BODY 12

8 INT 18

16 EGO 18

10 PRE 20

5 COM 20

12 PD 22

7 ED 12

17 SPD 5

0 REC 15

0 END 50

0 STUN 50

Total Characteristics Cost: 188 Points


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 14-

2 AK: Washington, D.C. 11-

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Bureaucratics 13-

6 Combat Luck

8 CSL: Combat +1

10 Defense Maneuver IV

3 FB: Federal Police Powers

2 KS: Themyscira 11-

Martial Arts: Wonder Woman Fighting Style

4 1) Martial Block

3 2) Martial Grab

4 3) Martial Strike

2 PS: Amazon Princess 11-

2 PS: Department of Metahuman Affairs Agent 11-

3 Tactics 13-

Total Skills Cost: 58 Points


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Armor (-1/2)

30 Multipower (30 Points)

1 u) EB 6d6, OAF: Tiara (-1)

2 u) Flight 10" [Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or 1/2 END Only (-1/4), IIF[bulky]: Invisible Plane (-3/4)]

3 u) Healing: Regeneration 3 BODY/Turn

2 u) Mind Link: Any Willing Mind, No LOS Needed with Artemis, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, and Hippolyte.

2 u) STR +20, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2)

9 LS: Immortal, Intense Cold, Intense Heat

12 EC (Magic Lasso)-25 Points, OAF: Magic Lasso (-1)

8 1) Mind Control 10d6, No Range (-1/2), Must Grab (-1/2)

10 2) Stretching 10", Always Direct (-1/4), No Noncombat (-1/4)

15 Missile Deflection: All Ranged Attacks +5, Restrainable (-1/2), OIF: Bracelets (-1/2)

Total Powers Cost: 104 Points


Total Cost: 350 Points


200+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Etta Candy (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

10 DNPC: Steve Trevor (Unaware Useful Normal) 8-

5 DNPC: Wonder Girl 1 [Donna Troy] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Wonder Girl 2 [Cassie Sandsmark] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Wonder Woman 2 [Queen Hippolyte] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Wonder Woman 3 [Artemis] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 Enraged: Bracelets Removed (Uncommon) 8-, Recover 14-

10 Hunted: Ares (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Justice League of America Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Wonder Woman Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

5 PhyL: STR 20 When Bracelets are Chained Together by a Man (Infrequently/Slightly)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Honorable (Common/Strong)

5 SocL: Secret Identity [Princess Diana of Themyscira/Diana Prince] (Infrequently/Minor)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 350 Points

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Justice League of America 350


Wonder Woman


30 Multipower (30 Points)

2 u) Flight 10" [Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or 1/2 END Only (-1/4), IIF[bulky]: Invisible Plane (-3/4)]



That's a very clever way of doing her Invisible Plane... but if it's a Bulky focus in her multipower, wouldn't she suffer the Bulky penalty even when she wasn't using that slot? I don't think the rules allow for regularly leaving your foci somewhere else.

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Re: Justice League of America 350


These are great. Nice to see some 5th ed. goodness. My players would revolt if I switched editions. They were (and still are) quite resistant to 5th ed.

My campaign is very low powered when it comes to standard Hero Games products, but I still find the characters to be very competent and difficult to defeat (which is fine, they are superheroes, after all).

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