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Re: Ctrl+V




Jacob is swimming at his friends house. The sun beats down on him and his friends with all of it's July 4th fury. Games of Marco Polo, wrestling and racing around the pool are interrupted only by grabbing something to eat or drink. Jacob sitting at the bottom of the pool with 2 other boys trying to find out who can hold their breath longest. Looking up towards the surface he can see birds flying overhead, their bodies distorted from the rippling water. He feels the water move and looks down to see who was making a break for the surface when the pool goes dark, like a large cloud going across the sky. Instead of his friends there is a girl standing there, pale with dark hair but he can't see her eyes. Then she talks, no air bubbles coming out of her mouth and he can hear her perfectly. "You should have listened, mister. You hurt me. Now, I’ve hurt you." she says and the words reverberate in his head. Without realizing it Jacob had expelled the air in his lungs and now the need to breathe took control of his body for he was still gaping at this girl and he pushed off the bottom of the pool straining to reach the surface.


"guuahhhhh" Jacob gasps as he takes a deep breath. He looks around, Brandon and Jennifer standing near, and continues to take deep rasping breaths. That is until the pain kicks in which paralyzes him for a moment. Another breath and Jacob slumps back again. Jacob looks at Brandon, "Sum hing for pain, bu don knock me me .. me uncon."

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Re: Ctrl+V


It was an ordinary day in Chicago, on the evening of the 21st of September. Summer had disappeared like a bad mirage, and now the trees were bursting with red and orange, and soon the leaves would fall away and the eternal cycle would begin all over again. The wind was gradually picking up, and in a few weeks time it would whip off the lake and the cold would settle in on the city like arthritis on bones.


Just outside the city, a single Chicago Police car was moving east on the Reagan Memorial Tollway. Inside the car were Officer Thomas Everett and his partner and long-time friend, Officer Joseph Harris. Tom was sat back in his seat, his hands on the wheel, his eyes scanning the Tollway intently as the breeze coming through the open window ruffled his hair. Sat next to him, Joe Harris was cleaning a shotgun with a cloth.


"Unit 242, dispatch." The radio crackled.


"Dispatch, this is Unit 242, go ahead." Tom replied.


"Unit 142, we've got a 552 on the Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway, just outside the city. Render assistance at the scene and determine the extent of the damage. Fire and ambulance crews are en route, over."


"Uh, copy that dispatch, we're rolling now. Out."


Tom put the mic back in its cradle and looked at Joe.


"What do you think that's all about?" He asked.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The irony is that, in this country, using a pig farm to dispose of bodies would actually attract more attention to what you were doing. Reason: the standard feed over here is feed nuts - basically nutritional pellets that bear precious little relation to actual food. To feed a pig on swill (kitchen scraps etc) you need a license, plus a particular kind of feed container that heats the swill and destroys any of the bugs in it. This means regular inspections... and you really don't want the guy from DEFRA finding an arm in your feed silo.

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