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Re: Ctrl+V




Hero: Sunstar (Roberto Storm)


Powers: Power to control fire, flight, shoot bolts of fire. He also has a mystical flame that works much like Hellfire, by attacking the soul instead of the body. He turns green when he uses that ability. It still scares him so he does not use it much.


Father: Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)


Mother: Beatriz da Costa (Fire)


The wheels of the Ferrari 458 Spider screeched around the corners of Gotham City at a speed very few had seen in a long time. The shiny red car drawing as many gawkers as did the speed itself. This was not a car you normally saw in Gotham City. And neither was the driver.


Roberto Storm had to get out of New York. The expectations were smothering him. He couldn't stand the constant pressure that came with being an offspring of one of the First Team of Super Heroes. All he ever did was disappoint them. Uncle Reed and Aunt Sue... even his dad, known as a show-off and braggart, wished that Roberto would be more responsible. How could an eighteen year old live up to that?


Especially after the cousins were such brown nosers. If Roberto had to stay around Franklin for one more minute...


Of course, it didn't help that his cousin was one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How could he compete with that?


No, he knew his future was not in New York City. Gotham City... now there was a place that could appreciate him. Somewhere that was not choking with heroes. Somewhere Roberto Storm could fly free and become the man he was meant to be. Out of the shadow...


The cry for help came over the softness of the engine... she really purrs like a kitten, Roberto thought... the sight of the construction worker dangling form the beam over the city street brought a crooked smile to the youngster's face. This looks like a job for...


The worker lost his grip and began to plummet through the air, hurtling toward a certain death. Thoughts of his recently born daughter and his beloved wife consumed him. He prayed that they could make it without him.


The squeal of the tires targeted the Ferrari into a path, and Roberto fiddled with the controls. He had done this very exercise once with his father. He had told his dad that this was a ridiculous situation and that it would never truly happen. Damn, Dad was right again... he thought.


With the Ferrari rocketing down a stretch of road, Roberto stood on the seat and leaped into the air. The burst of fire engulfing the lad, revealing the unstable molecule costume beneath his now charred clothes. Here was Roberto.


Like a missile through the sky, the fiery streak flew directly at the falling worker. The catch was easy. The trick was to make sure the flame did not scorch the man. It took some concentration, but Roberto told himself that even if there were a burn or two, that would be better than the flattening crash into the concrete.


With the worker in his arm, Roberto flew toward the runaway Ferrari. Roberto gave a loud scream of joy. This was living! Cutting his flame at the perfect moment, Roberto dropped the worker into the passenger seat and himself behind the wheel, once again regaining control of the auto. Peeling to a halt, Roberto turned to his new passenger.


"Ha... I never thought that would actually work!" he said.


The man breathed quickly, trying to handle the rush of adrenalin coursing through his body. He looked at the boy who had saved him.


"Tha...thank you," he said.


"You are welcome, sir. Somewhere I can drop you?" Roberto said. "Oops... didn't mean that. Too early?"


"Who are you?" the man said.


"I'm Sunstar," Roberto said. "Tell your friends."


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++


Max and Milo watched the Ferrari speed off.


"Nice car," said Milo.


"This one has ties to the foursome from New York. This can't be good either," said Max.


"What have you been telling me? The Boss know what he is doing. Take your own advice, bro," said Milo.


"It was a nice car," said Max.


"How can a kid like that afford a car like that? I have to drive a Yugo!" Milo said. "Maybe crime doesn't pay."


"Parents..." Max said.


"So...who is next?" asked Milo.


"You don't want to know..." Max said.

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Re: Ctrl+V




(Libby Wazzo)


Powers: Desolidifcation, skilled thief






The alarm rang through the bank, surprising all of the patrons. The alarm never rang in the middle of the day. Nobody would be brazen enough to rob the Gotham Bank in the broad daylight.


And no one in the bank had noticed anyone even remotely suspicious in the lobby. It must have been a flaw in the defenses, the bank manager had thought.


The alarm had been triggered inside one of Gotham's wealthiest businessman's personal vault. Howard Jameson was a billionaire. And he came by it in an easy way... he inherited it. The fat cat was the picture of excess and he was just the type of client to which this bank catered. Because of whose account it was, the bank manager made the trip to make sure things were okay himself.


But things were not okay.


Leaning against the wall inside the vault, the sexy female had several bags of cash slung over her shoulder.


"About time you got here... jeez, I would expect more of a response. And where are the guards. Remind me not to keep my money in this place," she said.


"Stop right there," the manager said, lunging at the woman, passing right through her form. She laughed at he hit the floor.


"I mean..." she said, "I went to all of the trouble of triggering your alarm, and I don't even warrant one old guard with an itchy trigger finger? Gotham certainly is not the way I remember. At one point there would have been a psycho in spandex stopping me. I mean... where is the challenge. Oh well... bye bye."


The woman slipped into the ground. The bank manager stared with a tremor. They've been robbed!


An hour later, with her hair slicked back and a pair of expensive sunglasses and dressed in a dark power suit, Libby Wazzo walked into one of Gotham's homeless shelters. She moved over to the head of the shelter.


"I would like to make a donation to your worthy organization," she said, and then she wrote a BIG check.


Later that day, Libby opened her expensive hotel suite and walked in. It was only the best for her. She may have given most of the haul away to the poor, but Libby Wazzo had lived a life where she wanted for nothing. And she was used to it. She slithered from her outfit, leaving her undergarments.


"How's my little Robin Hood?" Libby turned to the voice. Roberto Storm stepped out of the bedroom, wrapped in a towel. She moved over to him, throwing her arms around hi neck. The pair shared an intimate kiss.


"I need a shower," she said. "You know, I think coming to Gotham was a mistake. There was no challenge at all. At least I was able to put some of Jameson's money to good work for once, but ... I mean...not even a guard."


"Ah... I'm sorry, sweetie," said Roberto. "Don't worry, things will pick up."


"We should have stayed in New York. That was a challenge. I mean... there were super heroes and super villains everywhere. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting one."


"Don't mention cats in Gotham," Roberto said.


"I'm serious," she said. "This city has been neutered."


"Libby, you know why I had to get out of New York. I needed a fresh start. The family pressure was just too much."


"I wouldn't know about that," she said, moving toward the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower."


As the water rolled down Libby's back, she washed the day's adventure from her hair. She loved Roberto. She didn't want to leave New York, but she came along with him anyway. She hoped he was right and the city wouldn't be the total waste of time it started as.


The explosion outside the building shook the apartment. Roberto stuck his head in the shower.


"Something is going outside love, we need to check it out," Roberto said, the flames already creeping across his body.


"I'll be right behind you," she said. going intangible...letting the water drop through her to the floor.


To Be Continued

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