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Re: Ctrl+V


Name: Morgan (Morigan)

Race: Human Interface Doll (Bio-engineered sex toy)


Attributes [101]

ST 11 [10]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 10

HT 12 [20]


HP 14 [6]

Will 13 [15]

Per 12 [10]

FP 13


Basic Lift 24

Damage 1d-1/1d+1


Basic Speed 6.5

Basic Move 6


Ground Move 6

Water Move 1


Social Background

TL: 11 [0]

Cultural Familiarities: New Roman Empire

Languages: New Latin (very similar to english)


Advantages [171]

Appearance (Very Handsome) (Off-the-Shelf Looks) [8]

Charisma (2) [10]

Fit [5]

Flexibility (Double-Jointed) [15]

Hard to Kill (3) [6]

Hard to Subdue (3) [6]

Hermaphromorph (Transsexual Form also) [6]

High Pain Threshold [10]

High TL (2) [10]

Regeneration (Slow: 1HP/12Hr) [10]

Regrowth [40]

Sensitive Touch [10]

Sexmorph [6]

Smooth Operator (2) [30]

Sterile [0]

Voice [10]


Disadvantages [-55]

Nightmares (12 or less) [-5]

Unusual Biochemistry [-5]

Short Lifespan (-3) [-30]

Skinny [-5]

Squeamish (12 or less) [-10]

Workaholic [-5]


Skills [83]

Acrobatics DX/H - DX+1 13 [8]

Acting IQ/A - IQ+3 13 [4]

includes: +2 from 'Smooth Operator'

Beam Weapons/TL11 (Pistol) DX/E - DX+0 13 [1]

Bioengineering/TL11 (Tissue Engineering) IQ/H - IQ-2 8 [1]

Biology/TL11 (Earthlike) IQ/VH - IQ-3 7 [1]

Carousing HT/E - HT+3 16 [2]

includes: +2 from 'Smooth Operator'

Climbing DX/A - DX+4 16 [1]

includes: +5 from 'Flexibility'

Computer Operation/TL11 IQ/E - IQ+2 12 [4]

Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ+4 14 [4]

includes: +2 from 'Smooth Operator', +2 from 'Voice'

Disguise/TL11 (Human) IQ/A - IQ+2 12 [14]

includes: -2 from 'Skinny'

Erotic Art (Human) DX/A - DX+6 18 [4]

includes: +5 from 'Flexibility'

Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ+5 15 [4]

includes: +2 from 'Smooth Operator', +2 from 'Voice'

Gesture IQ/E - IQ+3 13 [8]

Judo DX/H - DX+0 13 [4]

Makeup/TL11 IQ/E - IQ+4 14 [12]

Public Speaking IQ/A - IQ+5 15 [2]

includes: +1 from 'Charisma', +2 from 'Smooth Operator', +2 from 'Voice'

Running HT/A - HT+0 12 [2]

Scrounging Per/E - Per+1 15 [2]

Sewing/TL11 DX/E - DX+2 14 [4]

Sex Appeal (Human) HT/A - HT+9 21 [1]

includes: +6 from 'Appearance', +2 from 'Smooth Operator', +2 from 'Voice'


Stats [101] Ads [176] Disads [-60] Quirks [0] Skills [83] = Total [300]


Hand Weapons


Ranged Weapons


Armor & Possessions



B cell x 4



Disguise Kit - Expensive - +1 Makeup +1 Disguise

Duffel Bag

Flashlight, Mini

Handcuffs (Fuzzy, but real)

Holdout Rainbow Laser

Leather Jacket - Expensive + Stylish (2)

Leather Pants - Expensive + Stylish (2)

Jewlery - $10k assorted jewelry (half hidden in duffel bag, half backpack)

Petbot TL11 - Organic Skin

Silk Vest - Expensive + Stylish (2)

Sleeping Bag, Insulated

Sneaker - Expensive + Stylish (2)

Sunglasses - Expensive + Stylish (2)

Thermos Bottle

Tiny Computer

Women Clothing (wardrobe) - Expensive + Stylish (2)

Wristwatch - Expensive + Stylish (2)

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Re: Ctrl+V


She stood in a room full of herself, all of her looking around a featureless white room, mild confusion in her eyes. Her mouth opens to speak, but then closes, and her mouth closes as well. Why was she here? Where was here? Why was everyone her? With a start, she looks down. How did she know what she looked like, that the others looked like her? All of her were... beautiful. She knew that word. Desireable. But all of her were... her. Then she spoke, and all of her listened.


"Who... am I? Am... I, you?"


As the words echo through the room, all of her start for a moment. This was the first thing they had ever heard, besides their own breathing. Then, on one side of the room, a door slides open, and a robed figure steps inside.


"Good, good, you finally accessed your individuality. Time to move on. Step lively girls, thats good."


Shooed along like a dog, all of her... no... all of them, begin to walk gracefully towards the door, their nude bodies flexing muscles that had never consciously moved before. One of them... ripples, and the body seems to reform itself, the breasts withdrawing into a flat chest, while a new organ growing below. The robed person looks over and quirks an eyebrow for a moment, before muttering "There is always the one who figures it out early... troublemakers." The sentence makes no sense to her as she passes in front of the figure... but then, she pauses. This person seems to know something! Curiously, she asks a question. "Who am I?"


The robed person, who did not look like the other hers, looks into her face and smiles gently. "You are nobody until you have a master. Keep walking."




Time passes as she and the other hers sit in a room, occasionally being fed a paste from a slot in the wall, and watered from a fountain, as a voice tells them all to eat and drink. Sometimes liquid falls from the ceiling, cleaning off the oils and other matter on her hair and skin. A small room sits off to the side for the elimination of a scentless waste when her body feels full.


She waits. They wait. And wait. Occasionally the voice tells them to try something, to move certain muscles, to feel certain things. It tells them to do things to eachother and themselves that feels good, but sends a shock down if they do it without permission. Each of them discovers how to change to the other form, and again they are told to try things with eachother, getting shocked if they do it wrong. The hurts always went away quickly, but still they were enough for obedience.


Eventually, a door opens, and the robed figure walks back in. "You, come here" she says, finger pointing at her. "I have an order for a Swift model, finally... don't know why you went out of style so quickly." She moves to the robed woman quickly, doing as she is told. The voice above has insisted on immediate obedience to any orders.


The robed woman turns and walks out, a simple "Follow me" issued, causing her to pace along into a hallway she had not been to before. Looking side to side, transparent doors stand at the entrance of other rooms exactly like the one she had just left, each with a crowd of identical looking women inside, all different from her. The door to her room closed behind her feet, and the walk continued.


"You have been bought. Your new owner is BioLord Tellius Varius, Citizen of Far Rome. I will escort you to him, and once I introduce him as your master, you will obey only him. No other. Not myself, not the voice. Only him. Do you understand?"


A quiet voice, her own, speaks a reply. "Yes. I understand."


They turn a corner, and a door stands in front of the robed woman, who presses a hand against a metal panel, which beeps, and the door slides to the side. They step into a larger room, with a desk on one end, a number of chairs set around the sides, and a man, of a large build, unlike the shapes she and the others could take, stands in the middle, dressed in sober greens.


"This is BioLord Tellius Varius, your new master." The womans face turns to Tellius, and nods. "Our transaction is complete. I do hope you enjoy her. These models are guaranteed nine years of life, plus what months are left of their decant year. Multiple gender modes, and regeneration... slow regeneration, but it will restore even limbs within a few months. Please visit us again when we have new stock, a new design is released every six months!"


Tellius laughs gently, and his eyes roam over her body, as he stands there. "Standard warranty, correct? Failure from non-injury within two years is a replacement with a model of equivalent value?"


"Of course, the standard warranty applies. For a customer who has given us so much service, your next purchase will even get a free upgrade to the next tier."


"Excellent, excellent, just why I like to keep shopping here. Enjoy yourself now, that commission you just made may even buy you one of these toys."


The woman gives a flat, professional smile, as Tellius turns around and walks towards the door. "Alright doll, follow me, we are going to your new home, so I can test you thoroughly..."


The air is cold outside, but she follows. Disobedience meant pain. She didn't like pain.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Bentham didn't believe in rights at all - "nonsense

on stilts" - and Burke believed in the "divine right" of kings.

In short, they disagreed and that meant they weren't True Scotsmen. For those keeping score at home the fallacies being offered are:


1. Assuming the Answer

2. Appeal to Authority

3. No True Scotsman

4. Ad Hominem

5. Ad Ignorantium


Of course, that doesn't mean the proposition isn't true. To assume that based on the failure of the other party to offer a valid arguement is also a fallacy.



Please describe precisely how you would have argued with Jefferson when

he wrote that it is a self-evident truth that we are endowed with

certain rights that precede any establishment of government; that

government is instituted to secure those rights.

Actually he said "we hold" that these things are a self-evident truth All that means is "We are going to take these propositions for granted and not question whether they are true". Calling something "self-evident" is only really true when the proposition is something circular like "If 1+1=2 then 2=1+1" or "This is a sentence".


"It's obvious" is not and never will be a compelling argument. Jefferson wasn't arguing in favour of those propositions, however. He was using them as an axiom for his real argument, which is that revolution can be justified for anyone who accepts them. However for anyone who does not have a pseudo-religious faith in the founders of the American government, "Jefferson said it" isn't enough to establish that it is true.

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Re: Ctrl+V


You've got an Ithaca thirty-seven twelve gauge sawed-off shotgun with a five pound slide. By the time it takes you to pump it one time, I'll have three bullets in your chest, maybe one in your head and I'll be on my way back to the station eatin' donuts and doing paperwork. Now I love donuts, but I hate the paperwork.

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