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Re: Ctrl+V


henever I run tactical combat with PC's leading squads I use the following rules:


Whenever a squad takes a casualty the squad must roll against "Morale" (effectively their Soldier skill with modifiers for Fearlessness etc.), if they fail the roll the squad will become "Suppressed". When the squad is Suppressed they will have a penalty of -2 on any skills and on Movement and Dodge. If they pass the skill roll they can act as normal without any penalties.


Had they squad taken 25% in casualties, they would have to roll against Morale-1. Had they taken 50% casualties the roll would have been Morale-2 and at 75% casualties it would've been at Morale-4. These modifiers only applies if the casualties comes from one attack.


On the squads turn; the Squad Leader may roll against Leadership to remove the Suppressed status of the squad. Should he fail this roll the squad is still suppressed and suffers all the penalties that comes with it. Should the squad take further casualties; the squad must roll against Morale again (with any modifiers), if the squad fails this roll; they will become "Pinned Down". When a squad is Pinned Down they can do nothing but cower under the enemy fire. The Squad Leader may roll against his Leadership skill again to remove the "Pinned Down" status; should he succeed with the roll the squad will go back to being "Suppressed".


If the squad would take even further casualties when being "Pinned Down" and fail their Morale roll; the squad is concidered to be "Retreating". As always; the squad leader may try to rally his squad and if he succeeds the squad will go back to being "Pinned Down". If the squad is "Retreating" and takes more casualties (and fails the Morale roll); they are concidered to be "Routed" and are no longer part of the fight (but PC squad leaders may attempt to rally the squad).


Any squad that is either "Suppressed" or "Pinned Down" are also treated as lying on the ground; giving the enemy a further -2 to hit the squad.


Also I treat LMG's, MMG's, HMG's, any explosive weapon (cannons, grenades, mortars etc) and sniper fire as "Pinning Fire". This means that if a squad takes any casualties from these kind of weapons; they must roll against Morale as usual but if they fail they are treated as being "Pinned Down" directly instead of becoming "Suppressed".


I've also got rules for vehicles, cover, tactics, explosive weapons etc.

Here's a small "flow" chart for Morale:


Squad Suffers Casualties:

Squad rolls against Morale; Success: go to A, Failure: go to B.

A: Squad may act as normal.

B: Squad is treated as being "Suppressed". They have a penalty of -2 to any skill rolls, defence rolls and movement.

Squad leader may attempt roll against Leadership; if he succeeds the squad does not become "Suppressed".


Squad Suffers Further Casualties:

Squad rolls against Morale; Failure: if the squad failed its earlier Morale roll go to A, Success: if the squad made its earlier Morale roll go to B.

A: The squad now becomes "Pinned Down"; the squad may not do anything during their turn (except defence rolls which still are at -2).

B: The squad does not become "Pinned Down" but are still "Suppressed".

Squad leader may attempt roll against Leadership; if he succeeds the squad becomes "Suppressed".


Squad Suffers Even More Casualties:

Squad rolls against Morale; Failure: if the squad failed its earlier Morale roll go to A, Success: if the squad made its earlier Morale roll go to B.

A: The squad is now "Retreating"; meaning that they may do nothing else but run away from the enemy (defence rolls are not allowed).

B: The squad is still "Pinned Down".

Squad leader may attempt roll against Leadership; if he succeeds the squad becomes "Pinned Down".


Squad Suffers Even More Casualties again:

Squad rolls against Morale; Failure: if the squad failed its earlier Morale roll go to A, Success: if the squad made its earlier Morale roll go to B.

A: The squad is now "Routed"; meaning that they may do nothing, they are running as fast and as far away from combat as possible. In game terms; the squad is taken out of action.

B: The squad is still "Retreating".

Only PC squad leaders may attempt roll against Leadership; if he succeeds the squad is concidered to be "Retreating".




Also thought I should add some rules for vehicles. Any vehicle is treated as a squad, when a vehicle takes any penetrating damage (or any component damage); they must roll against Morale (as for infantry). This works the same way as for infantry; a couple of non-lethal penetrating hits on a vehicle may force the crew to get "stunned" (suppressed) or even bail-out. Simply put; each penetrating hit is treated as a casualty. Optionally you can treat any failed Morale roll for a penetrating hit as a "bail-out"; but I prefer using "Routed" or "Retreating" as a bail-out.


If a vehicle is hit by a non-penetrating hit; the vehicle is treated as being "Buttoned-Up", this means that the crew has a -2 on Perception rolls.

Also I use the rules for penetrating damage vs. crewmen in GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns.

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