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Re: Ctrl+V


Murdoch Mysteries: As the CBC run starts, the episode starts off quickly with the Anachronism of the Week, a radio controlled airplane a good 20 years in advance of its time that has crashed in Toronto, leaving two dead bodies behind, one of them being a porcine crash test dummy. Crabtree reminds me of Castle now. After all, he's a sensational novelist who loves to weave fantastic theories at the start of a case. No, Crabtree that is not a pig-shaped alien. It's a pig. The only thing he lacks is the fortune and fame.

To make the debut of the series on CBC they bring back some recurrent characters. The Evil Canadian Spy. The Evil American Spy. (The adjective is perhaps redundant because clearly there will never be a non-evil spy on this series.) And to top things off, there's The Most Suspicious Man In The World. He doesn't always drink beer, but when he does it's Highly Suspicious. Since this is his fourth or fifth go round with Pendrick, and the last time Murdoch ruined the poor fellow by arresting him on charges that were as always, false; Murdoch only briefly suspects him this time. But Brackenreid is of course immediately suspicious of the poor guy despite the total lack of any reason to be.

Some very amateurish blue screen work, incidentally... Also there's a stupid sub plot about Brackenreid considering going off to fight in the Boer War just to be all historical and stuff.




This is still a pretty stupid premise.



The Daily Show/Colbert Report

Wait, what was that about Gerard Depardieu?


The first thing I wondered was whether dead divorce lawyer had represented one of his wives.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Sentry removal is really hard in real life. What you are mostly missing, in addition to the excellent comments on GURPS Martial Arts already posted, is that a combat turn is one second.


No one trains to do sentry removal as a one second thing, moving on the next guard with your next action so you could theoretically silently kill sixty people standing in a line in just one minute.


No, you grapple the sentry from behind, stab him in the neck while holding him and then use a series of actions in the following turns to do some or all of thrusting the knife deeper, twisting it and cutting outwards to sever the arteries. Then you hold the target for at least half a minute, while he bleeds out from his arterial wound.


In GURPS terms, your first turn is a Telegraphic All-Out Attack (Double) using the MA rules for 'All-Out Grapple and Strike'. Grapple the Face* for a +2 (+4-2) and then attack the Neck with a -1 (+4-5). You'll usually Evaluate for a few turns before you attack, but that doesn't improve your odds of hitting under the RAW, though it does increase critical chances in many cases.


The intial grab and stab is easier to do if you have bought this as a Trademark Move, raised it as a Combination or have the applicable Targeted Attacks. You'll do damage equal to an All-Out (Strong) attack with your knife and the face grapple means that the guard can't make as much noise by shouting and screaming as he'd otherwise do.**


Follow up with repeated All-Out (Double) and All-Out (Strong) knife attacks at the Neck and/or Neck Veins/Arteries while retaining your grapple until the guard stops struggling. Then just stand there maintaining the grapple for half a minute while he continues to bleed out, in case he's not really unconscious***.


A lot of sentry removal techniques advocate starting with a strike for the sciatic nerve, the kidneys, subclavial artery or nerves close by in the neck. This will increase the odds that he's Stunned when you start your grapple and stab. This is currently not modelled perfectly in GURPS, but you could use Pressure Points. More realistically, these are hit locations which cause quite a lot of pain if hit and therefore force Knockdown rolls as well as Will rolls to avoid Stun.


If you use advanced bleeding rules, you'll need to make fewer attacks before being reasonably confident that he'll eventually bleed out. In my campaigns, I use houserules that make arteries bleeding even more severe than in MA, for example.


The neck snap method is much more movies and videogames than reality, and as such, to do it in GURPS you would usually need better stats and skills than are available to most normal people. You totally can do it, but you need high ST, good Wrestling skill and the Neck Snap technique raised to the maximum allowed.


Also, keep in mind that Combat Reflexes means either someone who is a natural warrior or an experienced veteran. In either case, he's much harder to surprise or panic than ordinary people. It's definitely not something for an ordinary guard; it marks an elite combatant. If you want video-gamey action where innumerable faceless guards are killed with one quick and easy neck snap after another, you really need to avoid making the guards elite combatants who never get flustered, never hesitate under stress and always go right into combat mode when ambushed.


Even so, someone with Combat Reflexes still doesn't get an Active Defence if he doesn't know about the attack. That's how Active Defences work; you have to be able to detect the threat to defend from it. So you'd get an unopposed attack for your first turn and then the guard would start combat time, beginning partially surprised during his turn.


*Technically, the rules for All-Out Grapple and Strike would have you grapple the Neck to enjoy the damage bonus, but real-world methods usually involve the Face instead and the penalty is equal, so there's no real reason not to allow this.

**It's still not completely silent. Nothing violent is, pretty much. For one thing, the air escaping as you cut his windpipe will allow him to form an inarticulate scream even if you are holding his mouth closed, using the newly opened wound as some kind of obscene second mouth.

***Because he may be faking, or more likely, your diagnostic skills suck when you try to use them while struggling with a human being spraying blood all over you, worrying whether anyone else will hear this infernal noise and all the while actually feeling the last moments of life leave him as his heart strains to get oxygen to the brain through cut arteries.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Brad felt the heat of the alien's shot as it cooked a path through the air past his face, squinting his eyes from the glare but not flinching as he carefully sighted down his weapon...and then squeezed the trigger, sending another burst of fire across the hold towards the robot-looking X-ray, one that would hopefully have more of an impact than the last one had.

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Re: Ctrl+V




ST: 15; DX: 15; HT: 15; IQ: 10 [200]


[ADS] 700 Points

10d Impaling Attack (Armor Divisor 2, +50%; Melee Attack, -15%; Cannot Parry, -5%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%] [120] 10d Corrosive Attack (Aura, +80%; Cyclic, every round for 3 seconds, +300%; Trigger: Damage that would cause bleeding, -20%; Damage inflected equals damage taken (Maximum 10d), -50%; Melee Attack: reach 1, -20%; PM Bio, -10%) [380]; Binding 1 [2]; Clinging [20]; Dark Vision [25]; Doesn't Breath [20]; Enhanced Move [20]; Metabolism Control 10 (Hibernation, -60%; PM Bio, -10%) [15]; Regeneration: 1 per min (Must consume 1 lb of flesh per HP healed, -20%) [40]; Super Jump [10]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Talons [8]; Temperature Tolerance 50 [50]; Universal Digestion [5]; Vacuum Support [5];

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Re: Ctrl+V


The Vulcan nerve pinch is a martial technique developed by the Vulcans.--

Vulcan nerve pinch - Memory Alpha

Vulcan Nerve Pinch* Hard Technique

Default: Judo-8, Sumo Wrestling-8, or Wrestling-8

Prerequisite: Pressure Secrets and Judo, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling; cannot exceed combat skill-2


Related to neuropressure, it involves applying pressure near the base of the neck, at the shoulder, and nearly instantly renders the target unconscious, often so fast that the target is unable to cry out, but not always (TOS: "Day of the Dove").


First, you must successfully grapple the target’s shoulder near the neck. (The specific nerves in the shoulder are -8 to target; but as this is a grapple attack, this penalty is halved to -4 [G:B p. 370]. This penalty to hit is already accounted for in the severe default penalties for this difficult technique and are the reason this technique can only be improved to skill-2.) On their next turn, your opponent may try to break free by winning a Quick Contest of ST [G:B p. 371].


On your next or any following turn, if you still have your foe’s shoulder grappled, make a Pressure Secrets [G:B p. 215] roll. A success means you may choose to render your foe unconscious this turn. Roll a Quick Contest of your ST-5 vs. the higher of your foe’s ST or HT. If your margin of victory exceeds their DR, they fall unconscious for about 15 minutes as per G:B p. 423. You may choose to inflict the usual amount of damage [G:B p. 371] or not. If you tie, they still fall unconscious, but may cry out before doing so.


The Pressure Secrets roll suffer penalties when used on alien species. In noncombat situations, a +5 situation modifier should be applied to the initial roll to hit; if the victim wants to be nerve pinched, +10. As the prerequisites for Pressure Secrets are Trained By A Master and Pressure Points at 16+, this technique is understandably rare, more so among species who find the ST-5 contest difficult to win.


*This technique is getting into cinematic territory. As such, the Trained By A Master advantage is required to improve it above default level.


Default Penalty:

Based on Grapple attack: Judo, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling, -0 [G:MA p. 90]

Hit Location: specific location on the neck, -4 (-8 location, x1/2 for Grapple attack) [G:MA p. 137, 90]

Pressure Secrets Attack: -2 [G:MA p. 87]

Special Benefit: A tie in the Quick Contest is still effective, -1

Special Benefit: Can choose to do damage or not, -1


Another Analysis of the Default Penalty:

The whole point of this technique is to quickly render a foe unconscious via an attack to a rather specific hit location. As such, it differs little from a targeted attack to the face. The face is -5 to target and knockdown-and-stunning rolls are at -5. [G:B p. 552] I want the benefits of the Nerve Pinch to result from a straight Quick Contest. Note that this matches an attack to the face: you have to fail a knockdown and stunning roll by 5 to fall unconscious and there is a -5 penalty to this roll when the face takes damage. The face is -5 to target, not much different than the -4 to target the proper nerves with a grapple. A punch to the face could knock your foe out on the same turn; the nerve pinch has to be set up with a grapple. These differences offset each other. [[G:MA p. 90-91] This analysis leads me to believe the default for the Vulcan Nerve Pinch shouldn’t be much different than a Targeted Attack to the Face: skill-5; cannot exceed-2. Add in the special benefits of the tie and the option to do actual damage or not and you arrive at: skill-7; cannot exceed-2. Considering Judo, Sumo Wrestling, and Wrestling don’t typically allow a practitioner the ability to render a foe unconscious in one second, I’m comfortable with the skill-8 default for the Vulcan Nerve Pinch.



Additional Useful Techniques:

Combination (Vulcan Nerve Pinch/Shoulder Near Neck + Arm ST-5) Hard Technique

Defaults: Vulcan Nerve Pinch-3 + Arm ST-5-3

Prerequisite: Vulcan Nerve Pinch; cannot exceed Vulcan Nerve Pinch + Arm ST-5


This combination allows one to apply the Vulcan Nerve Pinch and potentially render their victim unconscious in one combat round, denying their victim the chance to try and break free. (Your Arm ST suffers a -5 penalty since you’re grappling with only one hand) [G:B p. 370]. The penalties are only -3 because anyone who has this technique would have the Trained by A Master advantage.)


Example: Timek has ST-15, Arm ST+1, Trained By A Master, and Vulcan Never Pinch-10. At -3 for two attacks (with Trained By A Master), his default is Combination (Vulcan Nerve Pinch/Shoulder Near Neck + Arm ST-5)-7+13. He could improve this to 8+14 for 4 points. He could improve this to 10+16 for 6 points.


Alien Species Average Technique

Defaults: varies depending on species

Prerequisite: Vulcan Nerve Pinch; cannot exceed Vulcan Nerve Pinch


This technique allows one to by off the penalty for attempting the Vulcan Nerve Pinch on an alien species. A different technique is required for every species.

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Re: Ctrl+V


This is the house rule I'm currently using, it gives incentive for taking styles.


Style Familiarity is a leveled perk... it gives a +1 to all Average Techniques in that style per level past the first. All hard techniques require a 1 point "training" perk, after which they gain the same benefits as Average techniques. You can improve a technique outside of your style at the normal costs. Finally, every 4 points in your styles primary skills allows you to buy one style perk, training perk (for hard techniques listed in your style) or level of style familiarity...except that the first level of style familiarity counts against your normal limit of perks (1 per 20 CP) rather than the bonus style perks allowed.

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