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Not really dirty tricks, but intelligent play.


Turtles, turtle feed and shuffleboard cues.


When exploring a dungeon that may have magical traps activated by living creatures, it's easy to get some small turtles, wax up the bottom of their shell and slide them along the passage way. When it is a dirt passage, or you can't slide them very well, you toss out food for them to follow. Unfortunately, the druid gets pissed off about this.

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I believe the two most popular foods on the planet are bread and rice. Of course, the fact that McDonalds has buns does not mean bread is evil. Similarly, patriotism in a film is not a bad thing, whether it's local or foreign. In The Postman, it wasn't even American patriotism, for the flag didn't represent a country that was anything like we knew it. (Or even an actual united country, for the majority of the film.)

The patriotism you're railing against isn't a part of The Postman, or even typical of most films. Independence Day was mentioned in this topic a few times because, unlike the vast majority of American films, it's a specifically patriotic film. Pointing to it in a discussion of American films is like pointing to Osama bin Laden in a discussion of Islam. Both stand out as remarkable exceptions that just can't be associated with the norm.

Naturally, along the borders of states you won't find too many differences, but this is true of most European nations. It's also becoming more true as the EU gains power. Of course, try driving between Nevada and Utah and you'll find quite a difference. My girlfriend's Mormon family -- btw, though I'm an atheist I'd strongly recommend The Work and the Glory trilogy -- doesn't much care for the pleasures of Vegas. ;-)

I believe you're also over-analyzing the "greatest country" concept. My dad was the greatest father, my mother the greatest mother, I grew up in the greatest home, I have some of the greatest friends, and my girlfriend, well, she's the greatest, hands down. I think ours is the greatest nation, and I suspect most can appreciate both the sentimentality and tongue-in-cheek value of that.

You listed some great films, and I haven't seen a few of those. Of those I've seen, most were produced per the very standards you spoke out against, involving the typical heavy hitters of their respective nations, produced for mass appeal. And most were excellent. My favorite of those listed is probably Run Lola Run.

Since you did list most of my favorite foreign films, I feel duty bound to list a few others that are great. Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away are must sees. 9th Company and Stalingrad (1993). For more of Franka Potente, Creep is okay, but it has a sort of "American horror film" feel to it. And I'd highly recommend Swimming Pool for a less blunt, but still edgy erotic film. Edges of the Lord kicks butt, and even while it was produced for America, it never quite made its way here in any significant way.

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1. He was a teenager with insecurity issues.
2. In that particular instance, he was worried about Wolvie being gunshy after getting the crap kicked out of him, so he ‘bullied’ him to shake him out of the stupor.
Also, Wolverine is a constant dick to Cyke so…
3 & 4. None of his early rebound relationships lasted, because he was still mourning Jean.
5. This was written as part of his happy ending exit from the series. He lost Jean, but he found ‘her’ again in someone else.
6,7,& 8. Were natural consequences when the Marvel brass decided NOT to have him exit the series after everything had already been put in place.
9. Marrying the love of his life is bad somehow?
10. Cyclops was aggressively seduced in a time a great insecurity and marital strife. Jean was completely down to screw Logan but he pushed her away. In the end, both needed to workout their problems, but instead both sought comfort in the arms of other people.
11. Jean psychically nudged Scott to start a relationship in earnest with Emma after she forsaw an apocalyptic future where he didn’t.
12. The point of X-force was a clandestine hit squad. Nothing says stealth like giant red eyebeams…
13. She was possessed and wanted to destroy humanity with fire. Not to mention he was possessed too.
14. The Phoenix killed Xavier.
15. Cyclops was a little suicidal during that time period.


In conclusion, Cyclops is an awesome and highly interesting character with self-esteem issues and the burden of carrying out Xavier’s dream while balancing harsh realities of a world that actively seeks to commit genocide against mutants. Oh, and he WAS totally right

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True Predators

Even the most intimidating and dangerous of animals do not come into the world programmed to kill humans, nor are they taught to hunt us. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself in true predator country:

  • Avoid detection: Humans tend to be loud, bumbling creatures in the wild. If you’re in true predator terrain, move as stealthily as possible. To avoid giving the predator an opportunity, try not to attract any attention to yourself.
  • Make as much noise as possible: You’re going to hate me for this contradiction! Noise can scare animals away. This alternative is likely better attempted when you’re with a group of people, as there’s safety in numbers. These completely opposite methods indicate just how difficult it is to predict what an animal will do, or how you should behave, during an encounter.
  • Create obstacles: When you’re stationary for any length of time, try to use natural materials to create a buffer between you and the animal. This is particularly important for your shelter. In Africa, I built a corral from acacia thorns around my shelter. It wouldn’t have stopped a lion that was intent on getting me, but it would have deterred one long enough to buy me time to plan my escape.
  • Plan an escape route: Even with protection, sometimes the best route to safety is an escape route. In Africa, even with a fence of thorn bushes for protection, I made sure my shelter was built against a tree in case the pride of lions wandering the area decided to pay a visit. I hung a rope from the tree into my shelter so that I had the option of climbing the tree to get out of range.

African lions, polar bears, tigers, sharks and saltwater crocodiles – they’re all big and can kill us with little effort. It may seem that you have little chance against a 500- to 2,000-pound (227- to 907-kg) animal, but remember that perhaps more than any other wild creatures, true predators (just like accidental predators) cannot afford to get injured. Unlike benign creatures such as rabbits, which can sustain an injury but continue to forage for food, if a predator is seriously hurt, its ability to hunt – and therefore to eat – is impaired. For instance, a wolf that suffers a broken jaw from a tangle with a moose is as good as dead. Animals such as these will often retreat rather than fight.


But, if a true predator attacks you, your only chance may be to fight back. If you end up in a body of saltwater during a survival situation, don’t create a lot of turbulence by thrashing about, as sharks are attracted to this type of behavior. While filming a TV special on sharks in the Caribbean, I was treading water with a number of lemon sharks beneath me and two tiger sharks close by (accidental and true predators). We posed the question whether it was better to swim as fast as possible to the boat or lie still and let the boat come to get me. When I made my move by swimming quickly and splashing a lot, a huge shark darted straight for me, excited by my movements.


Never enter the water if you are bleeding, as a shark can detect even the smallest amount of blood in the water. Finally, do not throw entrails or garbage into the water, as this too may attract sharks. Look behind any cruise ship that throws its food refuse overboard and you will see hundreds of sharks.


If you do encounter a shark, your only option is to defend yourself. A shark’s most sensitive place is its nose; direct your blows there. Remember that sharks like to attack from behind, so try to face the shark at all times. Keep your back against a coral reef or wreckage, if there is any. Go back-to-back with your dive buddy and put any object you have – your underwater video camera, for example – between yourself and the shark. Oh, and get out of the water!

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