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So....if you do the city elf origin, does Leliana's prior encounter with the warden's mother ever come out?  Does it impact Leli's romanceability with your warden?  Or does this only come out in Leliana's song?


There's no reason why it should.  Mom never told Leliana the name of her child and never knew Leliana's name or what was going on with her.  

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Zanzibar Land Main Battle Tank

A main force tank which holds heavy tank legions in the Zanzibar Land tactical force army; 50 are ready at any time.

An MBT developed for the U.S. Army through collaboration of Chrysler, General Water, and Omni Corporation in the early '90s.

Form architecture planning took the best concepts from Abrams, T-72, T80, Leopard2, Type 99 of Japan Defense Force and others. Goliath is, as its name implies, a "huge" heavily-armed tank, but is equipped with a 2000hp engine and maintains high maneuverability even at its top speed of 75km/h.

Main gun can fire 30 rounds per minute through an "Auto-reload and Supply System". It can utilize thermal images, so you can adjust the bend of the barrel to correct artillery.

But, even by today's standards, with digital computers, passive nocturnal sight options and other high-tech implementations, it's the tank of the future.

Crew: 4

Overall Length: 8.050 m

Overall Height: 2.980 m

Overall Width: 3.960 m

135mm smooth bore tank gun as main armament

2000hp gas-turbine engine - SAT2000 Gas Turbine (a product of Omni Co.)

Max. Speed: 75 km/h

Fully-loaded Weight: 54.5 tons

Armor: Ceramic hybrid armor, layers of anti-shell nets and a Chobham plate

Stores 100 135mm gunshells

Equipped with an artillery control mechanism, YG radar distance-locater, thermal & air-pressure and wind direction sensors, and a high-digital computer.

With a muzzle brake which neutralizes backfire from gunshots.

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×1.5 cancels -0 to casual observation or -1 to concerted observation, or gives +0 Acc.
×2 cancels -1 to casual observation or -2 to concerted observation, or gives +1 Acc.
×3 cancels -1 to casual observation or -3 to concerted observation, or gives +1 Acc.
×5 cancels -2 to casual observation or -4 to concerted observation, or gives +2 Acc.
×7 cancels -2 to casual observation or -5 to concerted observation, or gives +2 Acc.
×10 cancels -3 to casual observation or -6 to concerted observation, or gives +3 Acc.
×15 cancels -3 to casual observation or -7 to concerted observation, or gives +3 Acc.
×20 cancels -4 to casual observation or -8 to concerted observation, or gives +4 Acc.
×30 cancels -4 to casual observation or -9 to concerted observation, or gives +4 Acc.
×50 cancels -5 to casual observation or -10 to concerted observation, or gives +5 Acc.
×70 cancels -5 to casual observation or -11 to concerted observation, or gives +5 Acc.
×100 cancels -6 to casual observation or -12 to concerted observation, or gives +6 Acc.




The only other logical suggestion I can think of would be to use the Speed/Range Table for the progression, rather than doubling. That would make 1.5x a +1, 2x a +2, 3x +3, etc. Here's a comparison chart:

        margin: 0px;
        padding: 6px;
        border: 1px inset;
        width: 640px;
        height: 194px;
        text-align: left;
        overflow: auto">Bonus x2 Progression Speed/Range Progression
+1 x2 x1.5
+2 x4 x2
+3 x8 x3
+4 x16 x5
+5 x32 x7
+6 x64 x10
+7 x128 x15
+8 x256 x20
+9 x512 x30
+10 x1024 x50

Using the Speed/Range progression would be basically the same as saying you divide the range by the magnification to find the effective range. In some ways, it's not a bad idea - but it leads to some really *big* bonuses for rather small magnifications. It also meshes really well with the way range modifiers work normally, but probably too much so - even with an extremely high-magnification scope it's still more difficult to hit something 100 yards away than it is to hit something ten yards away.

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What I learned from watching foreign TV


A few words in Swedish, Danish, and Italian, as well as some local customs.

Police ranks in Italy, Sweden, and the UK. Australian police ranks are similar to those in the UK.

Historical personnages such as Yoshitsune, Kondo Isami, Antoine de Sartine, Madame Pompadour, Cesare Mori, Giovanni Falcone, and Paolo Borsellino.

Louis XV died from smallpox.

There was a war between Sweden and Russia which ended around 1790.

Iceland still uses patronymic surnames.

In Denmark, the police state the time they make an arrest. They also take blood samples to test a suspect's DNA.

There was a major crime ring in post-war Denmark, which was uncovered by newspaper reporters.

A bridge connects Copenhagen and Malmo. 

Gotland is surrounded by the sea. Visby is a town in Gotland.

Walpurgis Night is celebrated in Sweden.

In Italy, the Mafia murdered policemen and judges even as late as the 1990s.

Gubbio is a Medieval town that holds an annual "race" between teams carrying statues of saints. The results are always the same.

France has investigating judges. Italy used to have them as well.

Criminal trials in Germany can involve multiple judges.

Several languages may be spoken in European shows, especially with an international cast. English is often spoken in Scandinavia when dealing with foreigners.

Homosexuals are persecuted in Uganda. Some people in the government are pushing for the death penalty for being gay. (Edit: The law, passed in 2013, has dropped the death penalty for life in prison.)

Duck is eaten at Christmas in Scandinavia and Iceland.

In case of emergency, dial 999 in the UK and 112 in continental Europe.

"Being put to the question" meant being interrogated via torture in pre-Revolutionary France.

In Germany, the defendant's family has the right not to testify against them.

Burial at sea is illegal in Brittany.

Unlike the USA, France (and Italy) has a statute of limitations on murder.

In Italy, paying a ransom to kidnappers is illegal.

The penalty for murder in the UK was hanging until 1965.

Homosexuality and attempted suicide were illegal in the UK during WWII.

France does not have a Witness Protection Program.

Nuns take on a new name upon entering a convent.

Swedish and Danish cops can take advanced training courses in the USA once every 3 years.

FRA = Försvarets radioanstal (National Defence Radio Establishment) - Signals intelligence bureau in Sweden

LKA = Landeskriminalamt - German state police

BND = Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service) - German intelligence agency

French prosecutors can assign magistrates to a certain case.

SAPO = Swedish security police

OP5 = Swedish military intelligence

"Koelle Alaaf!" is the standard greeting at the Cologne Carnival.

Children in Germany carry lanterns and go house to house for candy on St. Martin's Day.

Italian is widely spoken in Slovenia.

Kosher food satisfies Halal requirements, although the reverse is not true.

Italian judges use bells instead of gavels.

Cyanide smells like sour marzipan or bitter almonds.

French Communists during World War II didn't form a resistance movement until Germany invaded the USSR.

Austrian Catholics pay a church tax.

Takeda Shingen once had to defend himself from Uesugi Kenshin with a fan in one of their battles.

The Shinsengumi defeated a group of political dissidents during the Ikeda-ya Affair.

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An E crit chart on a Housekeeping roll, definitely serious:

Housekeeping/Kitchen Critical Table

01-05: -3 hits.

06-10: -6 hits. Stunned by chemical smell for one round.

11-15: Drop heavy pot on foot, stunned and unable to act next round.

16-20: Slip and fall, -6 hits. -10 on next task roll.

21-35: Strike head on cabinet while standing. -6 hits. Lose initiative next round.

36-45: Smash fingers in oven door. -12 hits. Lose initiative next round.

51-55: Lift wrong. -15 hits. Lose initiative and unable to parry next round.

56-60: Pantry shelf empties onto you. -15 hits. Stunned and at -15 next 2 rounds.

61-65: Inhale flour dust. -10 hits. Stunned and at -10 next round.

66: Catastrophic cleaver accident severs spine. -15 hits. Die instantly.

67-70: Scalding coffee to groin. If male lose ability propagate species. If female severe pain.

71-75: Refrigerator falls on you while cleaning it breaking your hip. -15 hits. -75 to all further actions. Stunned 3 rounds.

76-80: Slip and press elbow onto stove burner. -9 hits. Arm is useless. Stunned and unable to parry 2 rounds.

81-85: Drink industrial solvent by mistake. -30 hits. Drop and die of organ damage in 3 seconds.

86-90: Slip while cleaning fork and impale it into chest. Cannot breathe and inactive for 12 rounds. Then expire. Tragic, but comedic.

91-95: Fall off ladder onto head while changing lightbulb. -25 hits. Down for 6 rounds then die. Sad.

96-99: Heavy cookware falls on head from top shelf. +30 hits. Die immediately. Add +20 to next roll. You have a half round left to act.

100: Food explodes in face, +35 hits. roll d100: 01-30: Both eyes destroyed, 31-60 one eye destroyed, 61-100 neither eye destroyed. Severe burns, stunned 6 rounds, cannot see for 4 further rounds, then dies of nerve damage.

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