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Tomorrow, they would depart for the Windspear Hills. V and J had vanished into the forest for a bit of foraging; the Harper was insistent that the market could not provide everything they needed. Meanwhile, K had accompanied N as she replenished her stores of mystical sundries among the assorted merchants. Only he and A remained in the elevated clearing overlooking the town.


He busied himself with weapon maintenance, electing to sit on the largest rock (a smooth yet sloping seat). The hand-and-a-half was first. Ever so slowly, he worked the whetstone, in hopes of providing the Avariel with enough peace; still garbed in her mage's robe, she sat cross-legged on a blanket, spellbook tilted on a bag. Fingers exceptionally delicate glided beneath the arcane script. Occasionally, she would divert her gaze from the parchment to glance his way, but he happened to be thoroughly absorbed in examining the edge resting flat on his lap.


However, he eventually stopped to take in the scenery, equally admiring the greenery and scanning for threats. At this moment, A happened to finish committing another enchantment to memory; her head tilted away, azure eyes meeting those of the human. Momentarily stunned, he afforded her a light smile and firmly returned to work before the possibility of conversation could distract either of them from their tasks.


Internally, however...


"The gods delight in irony", he thought. Despite the ordeal several years past that deprived her of her heritage and ultimately left her grounded, she had - in the hair's breadth they had become acquainted - unknowingly taken his heart to unparalleled heights. Had she noticed? How could a mind so acute and senses almost preternaturally keen fail to discern the change? Still, if she was aware of him, she betrayed no sign of understanding.

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That a child can read or be read The Lord of The Rings without encountering anything traditionally considered "unsuitable" for children does not mean The Lord Of The Rings is for children. Now, if your definition of "maturity" in writing means sex, violence, cruelty, despair and a general grim darkness to things...then your definition of "mature" is "Rated M for Mature", not actual adulthood - and as such, ironically, marks its defining qualities as being titillation for teenagers, not a literary work for adults.


So perhaps you're right in saying that they're intended for different readers: if this is your definition of adult fiction, then indeed, Tolkien is for adults, Martin is for spotty teenagers to hunch over with grisly glee and go "Ooh, that's so edgy and dark! I'm so mature for reading this!"


The idea that Tolkien's work lacks darkness is born of youthful ignorance; the story is full of proper, old-fashioned horror. But, because it's written for adults, it doesn't strive to be as on-the-nose and overt as a Scooby Doo episode. Rather, it assumes that the reader is well aware of the petty and visceral atrocities of mortal man...and, instead of rolling around in a shallow layer of muck, digs deeper.

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Allegory & Metaphor: When X-Men Meet Tabletop
This week we wanted to take a moment to explore the discussions happening around the X-Men, comic books in general, and how that translates to superhero RPGs.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #XMen #XMen97
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On 3/21/2024 at 9:56 AM, tkdguy said:

People who think Tolkien's works lack darkness have never read this tale (no spoilers in this link): https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Narn_i_Chîn_Húrin_(tale)


At this point in my life, I find little benefit in extoling the darkness of a given work. Now, if someone clearly inquires about the nature of an offering or obviously indicates that they are showing interest in the possibility of dark(er) themes, I will certainly speak up truthfully. Other than that, I latch onto those works crafted in layers...those works where you - the smart, bookish individual - can read between the lines and draw logical conclusions which may reveal adult themes. In the arena of collaborative make-believe, take The Forgotten Realms, for instance: although there are humorous elements presented throughout the main box sets/setting books, Ed Greenwood doesn't shy away from peppering in mentions of bloody conflicts which have shaped Faerun's history (some of which occurred between ancestors of the "present day" good guys), but he never relies on a shock factor. Even though my TTRPG stomping ground of choice is not as manifestly grim as, say, Dark Sun or Ravenloft, I always feel comfortable peeling away the layers to explore those weightier subjects, because his brainchild respects my intellect and maturity.

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Powering Through 9: Carbon Dioxide Generation
It's been a crazy week in the House of Dok, so we wanted to take things easy and revisit Power Through for some random power wackiness. So what did we land on? Human fire extinguisher.
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Re: Generation X - A Metahumans Rising Adventure
Happy World is the hottest new arcade in the city, with cheap games, surprisingly good food. Is it too good to be true? What could be danger in a new arcade?
#M#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Adventure #Eisenreich #Nazi
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