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Regarding Computers


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So i have come up with a character who has lost all his outer limbs and has replaced them with mechanical ones that are all controlled by a computer. He is super smart and is starting to unlock some sections of his brain that most people dont have access to and he is slowly gaining psychic powers.


Assuming that said computer has all the nessisary weapon trainings and whatever to use the onboard weapons of the arms/legs, would it be legal for me to, for example, use mind scan and TK on the persons ego/dex and then move and fire rockets on the computers dex?


I cant seem to find anything in the rules against it but it seems like a realy cheap way of getting multiple turns per phase. Is there anything that i might have missed or is what im doing theoretically legal?


P.S. I only have 4th edition rules so that might be a factor

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Re: Regarding Computers


The short answer is sure, you can let a computer control your character's locomotion and fighting ability. You won't exactly get to act on the computer's phases, however, as it's an independent entity. It will be able to carry out its programming on its phases, but you'll need a way to communicate with the computer (I'd suggest Mind Link, as it's quite embarrassing to have to shout at your legs to move while in combat), and you will most likely have to spend extra phases of your character to program complex tasks. And of course, if you bought it as a basic computer, you'll need a program for pretty much every major action. You can get around this with an AI, but then if the AI disagrees with the character's course of action, it won't necessarily do what the character asks.


What I'd do as a GM is run your computer/AI for you. It's not really your character, but is more of a follower. You'd tell me what the action(s) you would like it to perform, and I'd figure out if it actually succeeds, based upon the phrasing of the order, the complexity of the computer, and the programs/skills that the computer has. A devious GM would, of course, delight in having the computer execute the literal order, as computers are wont to do.


Or you could build your character so that the special effect is that he was able to add a special cybernetic control module and mechanical limbs to replace the ones that he lost. You'd be able to control movement and weapons fire, though you wouldn't be able to have the multiple attack actions in a Phase (but you really didn't have them with the computer, either).



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Re: Regarding Computers


If you are going to do that the character should pay for the limbs/computer as though they were a Follower or like someone with Duplication.


Funny you should mention the duplications, thats actually how i bought all the weapons/transportation abilities that the limbs have.

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Re: Regarding Computers


You won't exactly get to act on the computer's phases' date=' however, as it's an independent entity.[/quote']


I knew that was something that would happen if i bought it as a computer/AI. Personally, i went with the AI because i thought it could be like a night rider thing and i thought that was cool enough to spend a few points on an ego ;)


It will be able to carry out its programming on its phases, but you'll need a way to communicate with the computer (I'd suggest Mind Link, as it's quite embarrassing to have to shout at your legs to move while in combat), and you will most likely have to spend extra phases of your character to program complex tasks.


Mind link was also one of the next skills i was going to buy after play starts. I would have bought it first but then he would have 0 resistant defences, so i went with a full concentration FF to show how he is just starting to unlock his psychic potential.


And of course, if you bought it as a basic computer, you'll need a program for pretty much every major action. You can get around this with an AI, but then if the AI disagrees with the character's course of action, it won't necessarily do what the character asks.


It has a fairly high Int, and i have a computer programing skill with a roll of, if i remember correctly around 20ish, so that probobly wont be a problem with my GM unless i tell it to juggle chainsaws as it also tames a lion lol


Thanks for all the replys with usefull information. I also game the WoD and whenever i posted a question or whatever on the White wolf forums i was almost always awnsered with something along the lines of "DIE NOOB DIE!!! :bmk: "

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