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6E - Teleport Usable as an Attack... defense vs. is not explained, it seems...

Kraven Kor

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So the thought occurred to my players to use the magic-based hero's teleportation power to undo some of my NPC nasties that have the annoying tendency to phase into solid objects to avoid defeat.


We read up on it, just to see how to do it, and came to a conundrum.


It appears that you make an attack roll and that power defense applies... but I can't make heads or tails of it and now can't even find the entry we were reading last night.


So how does Teleport (Usable as an Attack) work? What is the defense? How does power defense apply when you don't roll dice of damage?


I don't even think they are really going to go forward with this but it presented a rules question I could not answer and now I must know! ;)


And to be specific: They were devising a plan to use a Mind Scan to locate the Demons, target them through the mind scan to use the teleport, and teleport them high into the air so they are exposed to direct sunlight (which kills them.)

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Re: 6E - Teleport Usable as an Attack... defense vs. is not explained, it seems...


Ooh! I have this one.


When you make a Usable as Attack power you declare the appropriate defence. This is very much like an NND, where the result is strictly binary.


If you declare Usable as Attack, Defense is Singing Showtunes, the character would make an attack roll. If it hit, power defense would be irrelevant. It would only matter if the target was singing showtunes. If they are silent, the power takes full effect. If they are singing "Music of the Night", the power would have no effect.


For just a touch more granularity, say that defense is succesful EGO roll, or something to that effect. As GM, you can say that making or failing the roll by a certain margin results in partial effect.


But, anyway, the effect is like an NND.


EDIT: If you really like Power Defense for this application, you might consider equating Active Points to levels of Power Defense. I would probably Require that:

a) Power must take an additional . . . +1/2 advantage. Yes, that feels about right. After all, it's already essentially an NND, so doing the subtraction . . .

B) 1 point of Power Defense cancels out 2 active points. I base this one the principle that 5 points of power defense would largely render a 1d6 drain useless, and that costs 10 active points.

c) The Player has to create and supply a table for the reference of the player and his GM, which table correlates levels of his UaA Teleportation power with active points and required Power Defense.

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Re: 6E - Teleport Usable as an Attack... defense vs. is not explained, it seems...


If they do decide to go forward with that, I'm going to make it a contested EGO roll against any creature who has any type of teleportation, desolidification, defense, or "magic" abilities. Against "normal people", should it be used on one, they are just boned (as the Demons do, in fact, frequently abduct people in just such a fashion.)


Power Defense will effectively add to their EGO - so 20 Power Defense + 15 EGO = 35 EGO, and thus a 16- roll.

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