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A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I've always been a fan of Suicide Squad. I like the idea of Doc Sampson as leader too.


I think my roster would look something like this:

  • Doc Sampson - morally ambiguous leader
  • Kraven the Hunter - He helps Doc keep the animals in check.
  • Rhino - I love this guy's "costume"
  • Bullseye - The soulless Deadshot
  • Trapster - Formely known as Paste Pot Pete, the guy to get kicked around and made fun of
  • Electro - I see him as trying the villain trying to turn over a new leaf for his wife and child.
  • Morbius - I mean really, what team doesn't need a vampire?
  • Vermin - Hardly ever see him used and he controls rats that's gotta be useful.

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I'll take a wild guess and say that Deadpool and the Punisher may not fit.

Here's another go:

Doc Samson

Moonstone (maybe as a second in command)

Mr. Hyde

Typhoid Mary

John Jameson (Spiderman cameo? http://marvel.com/universe/Jameson,_John)

Mindworm (it might be interesting to see how Samson deals with a mentalist http://marvel.com/universe/Mindworm)


While they might fit, I think Legion, the Sentry, The Scarlet Witch, and The Green Goblin would be too much to handle and might be better used as foes.


Hmm.....COuple of good folks in that set up and then a few I can't stand, heh. Bears thought though. Still working on my team. I want it to fit something that John Ostrander would write.



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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I can see Punisher pulling a Rorschach... "I'm not locked up in here w/ you. You're locked up in here w/ me."


I'd dust off some of Sleepwalker's villains gallery. (D-list super-villians?)


  • 8-Ball: jet-propelled cue-stick (schticky gadgeteer)
  • Bookworm: conjure & control characters & creatures read from books
  • Lullaby: hypnotic voice
  • Spectra: living rainbow & check-list ray powers


& The Chain Gang...


  • Master Link:super-strength
  • Missing Link: teleporter
  • Uplink: human radio w/ various energy manipulation powers
  • Weak Link: drains living energy

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Hmm.....I like both of the line ups that Nexus and DocSamson put up. Definitly along the right lines and would both make better line ups in the Thunderbolts comic then what's there now in fact (though the Fear Itself storyline Marvel is gearing up for will change a lot of that, heh, I don't expect much of the Thunderbolts to be standing after a THor Class Hammer wielding enhanced JUggernaut gets done with them.)


Credit for Mister E as well for taking the outside track. Interesting direction.


All three very good, I had thought I had settled on mine though but I see bits and pieces of those I'd work in as well. Need to finish looking over my pile of OHOTMU before I make the final cut. After the last few side stories in Civil War (the side stories were really the only thing redeeming about Civil War), I really want The Shroud. One of Marvel's most underused Characters. Trick is the line up though, heh.....another day of thought for my list definitly.



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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Let me see if I can get this to post this time.


My line up would go like this...


Rhino or Hyde. Both would fill the muscle slot of the team and both could be controlled though different means.

Shocker. He's the guy who'd join because it would get him back out to make money faster. Means to an end.

Constrictor. Don't ask me, I just like the character for some reason.

Speed Demon. I think I read somewhere that he was in the Thunderbolts at some point but I still think a speedster on the team would be fun.

Electro. Good call Doc on the guy who really wants to use this chance to make a better life.

Paladin. I looked him up yesterday on wiki to see what he'd been up to and with his government ties I could see him either running it all or being a field leader.


I'd be tempted to use maybe Batroc or Wild Child but with them both being foreigners I don't see how they could be on the team. They should be deported, unless they're respective countries are all "Oh no you can keep the losers!!!"

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Let me see if I can get this to post this time.


My line up would go like this...


Rhino or Hyde. Both would fill the muscle slot of the team and both could be controlled though different means.

Shocker. He's the guy who'd join because it would get him back out to make money faster. Means to an end.

Constrictor. Don't ask me, I just like the character for some reason.

Speed Demon. I think I read somewhere that he was in the Thunderbolts at some point but I still think a speedster on the team would be fun.

Electro. Good call Doc on the guy who really wants to use this chance to make a better life.

Paladin. I looked him up yesterday on wiki to see what he'd been up to and with his government ties I could see him either running it all or being a field leader.


I'd be tempted to use maybe Batroc or Wild Child but with them both being foreigners I don't see how they could be on the team. They should be deported, unless they're respective countries are all "Oh no you can keep the losers!!!"

Good call on Speed Demon!


I actually thought about Paladin, but he's currently in the new Heroes for Hire, and I really like what they're doing with him in that series, and didn't want to mess that up.


The other one I was thinking about was Spymaster (that's my "don't ask me, I just like the character"), but wanted someone else with powers and thought he overlapped with Kraven too much (who I like better) so I went with Morbius instead (not completely happy with that choice but still trying to find a replacement).

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I can see Spymaster being involved. He'd maybe doing something along the lines of what I see The Shocker doing. He's doing the job so he can get back to work but I can also see him trying to get everything he can out of it. Contacts, locations, access to things that he can sell of later. Definitely the one in the group that you should never know what hes really thinking/doing.

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Some good lists out there. I wanted to grab Paladin as well but, Heroes for Hire has him and he's great in that book. My squad is gonna look like this.


Leader: U.S. Agent (Rick Flag with enough Physical power to beat the tar out of a lot of folks, Government orientated.)


Titania (Great Brick under used and was recently passed over by Luke Cage for a Thunderbolt slot....)

Blue Streak (Tech Stuff and Speed, and Agent Stuff heh, May not actually be dead again)

Moses Magnum (Also just might not be dead, heh)

Anaconda (Need to have women on the team, hence, Anaconda and Titania)

The Lizard (Every Team needs a Feral)

The Trapster aka Paste Pot Pete, lota potential there.

Black Lotus for a team martial artist.


Workable and expendable. :D



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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Some good lists out there. I wanted to grab Paladin as well but, Heroes for Hire has him and he's great in that book. My squad is gonna look like this.


Leader: U.S. Agent (Rick Flag with enough Physical power to beat the tar out of a lot of folks, Government orientated.)


Titania (Great Brick under used and was recently passed over by Luke Cage for a Thunderbolt slot....)

Blue Streak (Tech Stuff and Speed, and Agent Stuff heh, May not actually be dead again)

Moses Magnum (Also just might not be dead, heh)

Anaconda (Need to have women on the team, hence, Anaconda and Titania)

The Lizard (Every Team needs a Feral)

The Trapster aka Paste Pot Pete, lota potential there.

Black Lotus for a team martial artist.


Workable and expendable. :D



You're right, you do need females on the team. I think I would replace Morbius with Fantasia, the girl that was on the Supreme Soviets.


If it's gonna be "The Squad", someone has to Die or get an Arm blown off in the first issue. :D Hence, I picked who I picked.


~Rex....says It ain't the Trapster though, that guy is Awesome!

Well you could make the Lizard get his arm blown off, it would just grow back.

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


You're right, you do need females on the team. I think I would replace Morbius with Fantasia, the girl that was on the Supreme Soviets.



Well you could make the Lizard get his arm blown off, it would just grow back.

As long as he still has one as Connors or that would just be wrong... :eg:

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


You know I really like the addition of Titania and Anaconda. I honestly didn't take in to consideration that there were no females on my team. I was under the impression that Anaconda had already gone straight but I could be confused on that. I could see Blue Streak dieing in the first issue because he says something stupid to the Lizard and the Lizard rips his head off for his troubles.

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


You know I really like the addition of Titania and Anaconda. I honestly didn't take in to consideration that there were no females on my team. I was under the impression that Anaconda had already gone straight but I could be confused on that. I could see Blue Streak dieing in the first issue because he says something stupid to the Lizard and the Lizard rips his head off for his troubles.

Cool. if I had to pick two female characters whose boyfriends could add interesting drama, it would be these two.

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


It's all about the Drama when it comes to a Squad type set up. That's what makes it interesting. You also have to have your couple of expendable slots so you can rotate in more B and C Listers, then consider who you want writing and drawing the book as well.


I've been watching the show Break Out Kings on A&E (episodes are on their website). I think, a Squad set up with a team like a few of us picked would make for a great game or even comic book if it went along the lines of that show as well. Lot of potential there.


So yeah, don't let the team be an entire Sausage fest. Granted, Marvel is extreamly weak when it comes to their Female Supers line up, but all their GOOD ones for the most part (exception to maybe 5 characters), are on the Villain side of the team.



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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Leonard Samson, Ethical? Heh, His origin alone kinda runs that into the ground......


That's before we get into the stuff Loeb did to him through the Hulk book over the last year or so, Red Hulk/Modok Conspiracy/Crazy Evil Samson personality etc etc .... About the only thing that came out of that was an interesting tidbit on how every Gama powered Marvel Hero or Badguy has serious Anger and or Other mental issues. Was an interesting hook.


As for the Danger to others. Go for the Suicide Squad Bomb implant/item of apparel.


It's still an interesting subject, though just about everything that the Squad would do is being done by the Secret Avengers, still, if you go for that with an All Badguy rouster led by one loyal Guv'ment handler, then you can, hmm, Rotate the cast occasionally and clean out some of the chaff and tailings in the line up as a whole.




I reject Loeb's reality and substitute my own.

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Who is Anaconda dating?


Anaconda could date anyone she wanted to. Were are talking about a former Steel Working woman named Blanche Snitzski who also used to run Taskmasters Calisthenics program back in the day, heh. I suppose her last serious hook up would be Puff Adder and one can assume that's either still going on or would provide some drama if it weren't.


Then again, she'd be the perfect one to use in a game, saying, she falls for a players character. :D



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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


Her boyfriend is (usually) the Puff Adder. Similar to HawksmoorSD's thoughts about Constrictor, I don't know why but I kind of like Puff Adder. Maybe its because he falls on the short list of Growth Bricks who aren't involved with Pym Particles.



http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix4/puffadderss.htm (bottom pic is cool)

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I like my team a lot, heh. Working on HERO sheets for them right now. I also agree, Puff Adder is a good character, different, under used, and even though I'm a huge (no pun intended) Hank Pym fanboy, It's nice to see a sort of growth character that doesn't use Pym Particles in the Marvel Universe.


Makes for good funny Drama. Hence, why I made sure to get some Women on that list.



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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I was thinking about this at work today. Titania could be a lot of fun to mess with in regards to the book. She's physically the second most powerful female in Marvel comics behind She Hulk and shes a complete basket case. She used to have this fear of Spider Man and can't deal with the fact that shes not the biggest and baddest on the block. She may be one of the most physically powerful people on the team but in a lot of ways she's the weakest there. All this led me to an idea.




Put him on the team. He could literally be the animal on a leash. He's keeps mumbling that hes terrified of what "they" could do to him to but let it slip at some point that he he took out Spidey and watch Titania toe that line like quick. Its only later on that you find out that he's has a legitimate reason to be scared of what "they" have planned. After all... would you want to be a rat man stuck in a cage with the Lizard?

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


I like my team a lot, heh. Working on HERO sheets for them right now. I also agree, Puff Adder is a good character, different, under used, and even though I'm a huge (no pun intended) Hank Pym fanboy, It's nice to see a sort of growth character that doesn't use Pym Particles in the Marvel Universe.


Makes for good funny Drama. Hence, why I made sure to get some Women on that list.



If you are interested, I did quick write-ups for Anaconda and Puff Adder.

I also created 5e write-ups for Titania and the Absorbing Man while I was playing in the Thunderbolts TNG game but I seem to have misplaced them.


[edit] My export template seems to be outdated. I can post the HDCs if anyone wants them

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Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad?


@hawksmoorSD: Heh, Vermin is in my list of Alternate Ferals for the inevitable :Lizard tries to eat someone: splash issue.


@DocSamson: Good write ups there Doc, very close to what I've cribbed up translating over from a few other systems. Took some tweaking to get my Puff Adder to come in at 5 tons though since that's his canon weight at full Puffed Up.....


Still, may just swipe your write ups double check a few OHOTMU thingies and save myself some pencil and paper time. :D


~Rex....says this is a good idea for a Con event, no pun intended. Rep points for the first person that names the Marvel Villain from Kenosha Wisconsin. :D

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